Tuesday 31 December 2019

New Year's Eve

Last Day of this Month & Final day of this Year. It indicates that "However the start may be we all are keen to celebrate the end which is considered to be more special". We are excited to welcome the new year but today "New Year's Eve" holds some special enlightenment and joy. We are making plans to celebrate our new year and we'll be deeply thinking about our new year resolutions. 2019 is always special to everyone because it's an end of an decade and we are going to witness so much joy in the next decade.
Decade comes to and end. No more 2010 to 2019. we are stepping into 2020.

Monday 30 December 2019

A Special Tomorrow

When we are in the end of the year we always love to look back. We feel happy as well as sad by rethinking about the past days. We all forget that we are still in the same year and we have not yet moved to the next year or thrown back to the previous months of this year. So, celebrate the last month and last day of this year because God will bless us with so many tomorrow's but we cannot be in 2019's tomorrow ever after. Enjoy the day of love and be happy.
Tomorrow a special day which holds some special gifts within itself .

Quote of the Day

Leaving a Thing which you love the most in the world is more painful than anything 

Friday 27 December 2019

Indian Cricket of this Decade

Cricket is not just a word it's a emotion which makes people to laugh and at the same time to shed tears. In, India cricket has became a religion. we call sachin as the god of cricket, Dhoni as the best captain (Captain Cool) and great finisher, Virat as the most aggressive player who can do anything and everything to the team. While, thinking about cricket we remember the legends of the game. we remember them because they have contributed their life playing an wonderful sport that all Indians love to watch. when, India wins a match we celebrate as if we have played the match and won the game. on, the other case when we lose a match we get disappointed. In, this decade the Indian cricket has been transformed to a different level through the growth of social media. We see the players as our own brothers who plays a sport to make our country proud. In, world their will be some changes when every decade passes but this decade ( a period of over 10 years from 2010 to 2019) has a massive change in itself. The craze for cricket has gone a long way that putting forth in words is quite difficult. The most happiest cricketing moments of this decade are winning a World Cup in 2011 and  ICC Champions trophy. The most heart breaking moment was Sachin's retirement, Dhoni's retirement from test cricket and leaving the captainship and finally losing the world cup in 2015 and 2019.
The graph of growth is high as well as low at times but we enjoy the game of cricket and accept the failures.
Thus, Cricket in this decade teaches that we can be both successful and not successful but at the end the name of the players will be in the scoreboards as well as in our hearts. The evergreen memory of cricket will stay with each and everyone in India. Thus, the Score board will keep moving and it is just one of those things to cherish.

Beauty of Today

In, life we love so many things which we think that cannot be separated from us. But, at certain point in life we have to leave that and move one. We cannot be in the same place all the time. Though, we may be special and talented in the field which we have choosen as our career but time will teach us that we should leave our place quietly for the next generation to step up. Those, feelings will be heart breaking and hard but it’s the fate of human life. We study in school for 14 years but finally we have a farewell and say good-bye to our school days. Later, we enter our college- the most happiest phase of everyone’s life. We learn the life lesson and soon we depart from our college. Then, we work and work and work towards the passion which no one else can see but only us. Later after 35 to 40 years we get retirement from our work. But, life moves on with the most precious memories which we have left behind us. That’s the time in life that we realize that we are the blessed ones to come across the most  happiest and the painful journey.
So, now enjoy the phase of life in which you are. It may have it’s own test and challenges but it holds a true beauty in itself that no one notices. Find the beauty and live it to it’s core.

Thursday 26 December 2019


A person can be technically sound and be an intellect but his intelligence won’t help or guide him to save his relationship with other humans. Love is beyond intelligence. One should always be kind hearted towards the people in the family. Human relationships are more important than any other thing in this world. When, money is lost we can earn it one day or the other but if a good relationship gets spoiled we cannot fix it again. In, some case we can fix some relationships but it cannot be perfect as before. Ego kills a human more than a poison. Adjusting with one another will lead us to happiness and harmony. Life on this earth is for 70 to 80 years and no one comes with us till the end. So, be polite and humble with your loved ones.

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Tuesday 24 December 2019

True Potential

 There comes a time in life when you realise that "What you are now is not your true potential".You feel that you have strength and capability to do more  but at times you limit yourself without performing upto your limits.Then,work fast as you can never step back move on with heads held high everything will come at you at proper time the only thing is you have to work as much as you can and never stop at any point in time for any reason. we may have a solid reason or we may not have a reason but nothing should stop us from working hard.

Monday 23 December 2019


In, life along with success comes failure. Sometimes, we win and sometimes we learn. To, taste the true happiness of success one should have tasted the bitterness of the failure. Without knowing what is bad and what hurts us we cannot make our judgement that “what is good”. We may be either successful or not-successful but we have to move with the process and acquire the skills which is required for us to move on with life. A life without ambition is considered to be unworthy. We have to enjoy all the highs and lows but at the end of the day we get frustrated without any reason. So, don’t allow yourself to experience that extend of life. Constantly work on the things which you love to pursue. The world may mock at your unseen dreams but you should have confidence on yourself when everyone fails to believe in you.

Sunday 22 December 2019

Work till the End

Work and Fight till the end. We should never lose hope at any Point in time because we may not know "what plans that destiny have for us". The only thing is we should be on the field to face things and to take the victory ahead. Loosing hope is same like loosing a person you love the most in this world for some silly reasons. Belief, hope and patience gives you things which you cannot even imagine in your dreams. If, you have those capability and capacity the world will surely celebrate you one day. Being successful during all the phase of life is quite difficult but holding hope and energy makes you a greatest person than the successful one. 
World always falls in love with those stubborn hearts who never gives up till the end. 

Saturday 21 December 2019


The word "Search" holds a deeper meaning. Life on earth can also be called as Search. We humans always search for something which is beyond or behind us. From, birth to death we move on with the search. At times, we search for happiness, companions and love. Sometimes, we'll get those things which we search for but the time will be off. That thing may seem unworthy during certain period. A needy stuff at a time of need will serve it's  purpose. 
Never stop searching because we learn more when we start to search. 

Friday 20 December 2019


“Art is the reflection of Life”. The artistic things around us melts and make us think more about the life. Music, dance, paintings are few artistic works which makes the humans to love life. Music gives energy to the soul. We eventually fall in love with the melodies. Dance gives us a positive spirit and energy. Then, paintings gives pleasure to our eyes. Art can construct and destroy a human. Life without art is meaningless in this world.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Enjoy and Move on with the Journey

"Every fiction is inspired by a non-fiction”. Throughout, the world the stories which were written contains even a small amount of truth and motif in it. Even, the fairy tales are also inspired by any of the living characters around us. Here, we can take our life’s as an example. We humans live in a fairy world. We don’t know what is going to happen next . we may have certain plan but that doesn’t mean that life will move on according to your plan. It’ll make something brief and few things in a maximized form. We live in the world of wonders. sometimes, disasters  attack us but the end is different from what we think. Enjoy the journey ,the travel more than the destination. Once, you reach the end you can only look back but cannot relive. Deep down the person whom we are is our Memories of how we lived our life.
The average lifespan of human is about 60 to 70 years. This time period is solid enough to reach ultimate heights. Thus, “too much of anything will bore us”. A crisp and limited lifespan can give you immense happiness if you really happy to live and adore it.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Quote of the Day

Being Peace with oneself is best than finding peace with others.

Life of Humans

Human life is divided into four phases : infanthood, childhood, adulthood and manhood. During, our infant stage we cannot understand anything but we observe others and start to grow. During, next stage we search for our company to play and laugh with us. We smile, cry, fight but at the same time we’ll have our innocence with us. During, adulthood we start questioning other, doubting, fighting and hate. We start to have mood swings. We’ll feel the pain that we cannot put forth in words. Later, during manhood we’ll start doing all the things which we did during our infanthood, childhood and adulthood. We cannot find clarity in things and often we get confused with what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes we seem to be peaceful and the next moments starts our confusions.
At, the end we all are humans. Our character defines us. So, learning in all the phases of life is more important .Reacting as if matured doesn’t solve our problems. The real happiness and maturity will be their if we focus only on the things which will lift us up in life.

Saturday 14 December 2019


Life gets better with time but innocence gets tougher with time. In, the steady phase of life we slowly start to lose our innocence. As, we grow old we get serious over the things around us. The journey teaches us to be calm and composed but it takes away our own cheerful self. We can be perfect, hard working, successful and respected but all this qualities won't match with the joy of innocence once we had in our life .
Once you find that you have lost your innocence that's the time you have emerged as a full-fledged adult. 


Their is a famous quote which says "A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words ". Silence is a beautiful weapon which creates and destroys everything around us.. 
Be silent and grab it's essence 

Friday 13 December 2019

Quote of the Day

At, certain age we run behind our loved ones but at some point when we get tired the whole world will start running behind us.

Thursday 12 December 2019

What is Success? & Who is Successful?

We have certain criteria to measure someone's success. When, one is rich and has a big house which is fully furnished and has a car, a pretty husband or wife, Cute Children and some social status. Those people are termed to be successful ones in the eyes of our Society. 
On the other hand, the real success lies in one's happiness and peace. That cannot be seen by others but it can be felt only by our core being.One will get that happiness when he constantly work on the things which he love to pursue.A life long learner is the person who is successful till the end. Life will have it's own ups and downs but that doesn't meant that we'll fall and never be raised again rather it's an indicator that life is beautiful in all it's phase. Enjoy and be successful to yourself. 

Wednesday 11 December 2019


In, Life we look back and look forward but we can live only in the present. We can dwell on our past but we cannot step even a one feet backward. We can move forward but it too takes sometime to reach that place. So, live in the present and love your today. Don't regret anything which you have in your life. We never realize the value of today by thinking about the flaws of today. 
Stop worrying and start living. 

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Thanks Giving

Give thanks unto the Creator. We ask blessings from god and he grants us the abundance of blessings but we sometimes fail to thank god. Giving thanks unto the creator is the most important aspect of human life. God is our source of everything. He gives us things which we long for. As, humans we should constantly thank god for whatever he is giving us. Thank, Thank and Thank until the end of your life. 

Monday 9 December 2019

Flow of Life

Life goes on with it's own flow. We think that we are the ones who make choices in our life. In, reality life chooses us to live as per it's plan. Most of the incidents that happen in our life is unexpected ones. We have to accept and move on with the flow. 

Sunday 8 December 2019

Lifelong Learners

Human beings are life long learners. We learn everyday and we follow different methodologies. After, Crossing our 20's the real learning of life starts. Before that we learn from others and we follow our parents and society and consider them as our teachers. After, 20's we have to take upper hand and perform the role of teaching others. Thus, our budding next generation will watch over us and they'll try to imitate us. In,this case we should be proper and perfect enough to be a person whom the future generation can trust over. We should be positive, hard working and focused. Life is like playing Cricket. Our growth should be constant and succeeding. If, not they'll be out the team.In,the same way life will throw us away when we slow down. So, keep learing and keep working. World falls in love with stubborn Heart who don't ever think of leaving their dreams. 

Saturday 7 December 2019

Quote of the Day

Happiness is not the state of mind it is an essential quality that every human should possess 

Friday 6 December 2019

Quote of the Day

Smile as much as you can because happy heart is where god resides 

A Confused State

A human can Survive even during deadly disease but it's hard for one to live with the confused state of mind. "A problem well stated is half solved". Sometimes, in life we'll be in a confused state and their won't be any particular problem so we won't reach any proper solution. 
During, that rough phase remember that you are special and everything will change in the course of time.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Love vs Like

Do things which makes you happy. For, doing that we should first find "What makes us happy". The thing which we love may be a Art, Science or anyother unique field. Sometimes, we get confused with things which we love and like. Do, things which you love doing .By doing the thing you like at some point in time we may lose interest in doing that. So, have a passionate love towards something which you cannot stop doing. 
Pursue that with all your heart and mind. 

Monday 2 December 2019

Quote of the Day

Uniqueness is an essential Quality for a human to lead the life of fittest 

Sunday 1 December 2019


Most of us start to realize a value of thing only when we feel like loosing that thing or after lossing. As, we feel the same during the last month of the year. We may never realize the value of an year until the month of December. As, we step into this month we'll start looking back at the things we loved and Cherished . December is the month of thanksgiving to god for all the blessings we have received all through this year. 
Be thanks unto the Creator.. 


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...