Thursday, 30 April 2020
Human beings know that "Life on this earth is temporary". Accepting this bitter truth seems to be hard sometimes when our loved ones leave us. Death is the inseparable part of human existence. We can learn everything in life - like gratitude, kindness and love but it's very hard to learn and accept separation. It's even more harder to accept the separation of our loved ones. We tend to accept them only when we grow old. As, time passes we are used to the aspect of separation. At, certain point in life it'll never hurt us. Reaching that state is very hard but accepting the reality of life is necessary.
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Quote of the Day
The world around us always reminds us
that we are the small speck of dust in this whole world.
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
An Organized Life
A planned, structured and scheduled life is always better than an unplanned living. Our plans may not come true sometimes but that doesn't mean that our life is wasted. Organizing is the biggest task in whatever work we do. So, to organize our own life is the greatest task assigned to each and every individual. When you organize your life in a proper way all the good things will happen in your life. Even if the bad one occurs it'll finally turn into an good one.
To have a good life plan a proper routine, work upto your potential. Not doing things which you are able to do is the deadly sin one can ever commit. Never constrain your potential and push yourself harder for the best results.
To lead a life of fulfillment we should do our works with all sort of dedication. No more excuses, only hardwork and passion wins.
Monday, 27 April 2020
Be the best version of yourself by working on a daily basis to make your life better. Aim to your highest potential, never stop at anypoint and keep moving forward. In future, when someone hears or reads your life story they should feel that you had a attitude of positivity and the spirit of never giving up tendency on the things you did in your lifetime.
-Swathi Kannan
Sunday, 26 April 2020
Quote of the Day
Letting go of the things you love the
most in this world will break your heart into pieces.
Saturday, 25 April 2020
Frienship - A Gift
Henry David Thoreau tells that "The language of friendship is not words, but meanings". Friendships are the rare and best relationship in this world. We may easily call someone as our friend but we won't mean that all because now-a-days we consider friend as a common term to address the people we know. But, the real friends are the one's who is happy for your success and feel bad when you face difficult situations in life. The true friend will care for us like our family members. We may have this kind of people in our life who'll care for us but they will be with us during certain phase of life. They'll be with us during our schooling or college days or even in the work place. This kind of frienship will keep on changing but their will be one friend who you can call as your own. They will be their for you during all the phases of life. They'll speak only the truth and it may hurt us sometimes but they are the true well-wishers who really care for us.
This kind of friendships are rare but if you have such a friend in your life then you are truly a blessed ones.
This kind of friendships are rare but if you have such a friend in your life then you are truly a blessed ones.
Friday, 24 April 2020
Love is What we all Live For
Intelligence and love are two different things. We can never merge them both. Thus, intelligence is all about knowledge but on the other hand love is full of extreme emotions. Knowledge is the collection of data whereas emotions are overflowing feelings. Mixing of intelligence and knowledge with the emotions and feelings of love is an impossible one.
A person may develop his knowledge by reading, learning and by attending lectures but love can only be felt not learned. Their is no criteria to teach and learn love. Love is a package of happiness, smile, sadness and empathy. As, we grow up in life we turn to be a knowledgeable ones. We get degrees, we possess a good job. We joyfully lead our life in a luxurious way. All this cannot be compensated with the one single feeling of love.
To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in life. We can earn and gain things even after losing them but love can never be attained once we lose the person we love. Deep down inside our hearts we'll be the person whom we are before five or ten years ago. Our age does not define the way we feel. Love and Feeling remains same even after ages. Human beings are the creatures of love so we look for love around us.
Love and be happy for the loved ones you have in your life. Never lose them. Hold and cling on to them because they are the treasures of our life.
Thursday, 23 April 2020
World Book Day
Books have the power to transform the life of an individual. Reading makes us wise. We can learn good habits, positive attitude and knowledge by reading books. If, you talk to a non-reader about books and reading they won't understand anything because they haven't lead the life of a reader. Reading improves our confidence, concentration power and it helps us to shape our Character. The more positive a person becames only because of his reading and books.
Books and reading makes an individual into an successful human. Only, human beings are gifted with this happiest pleasure of living. So, read till you have eyes. Never stop your reading habit because it is the way and a key to unlock all the wisdom of Human Kind.
Happy World Book Day!!!
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Life and Cricket
The most loved game of cricket teaches us many life lessons. To play the sport a team needs 11 players. In the same way a person needs people around him to support and love him. In Cricket, an individual player should be in form so that he'll be selected in the playing eleven. In, the same way each and every individual should upgrade themselves to be the part of the world.
People could cheer at the cricketers when they win a match for our country but people will criticise them when they lose a match but the true fans of cricket will always remain their forever. In, Life the people around us will love and hate us according to our worth and success we achieve but our family and few true friends will be with us in all the situation.
Cricket can make a individual popular only when they contribute themselves to the sport and win games. So, to became a successful and celebrated individual we should work and contribute ourselves to the things we do in our life. Atlast, whatever it may be - One can be a greatest batsman like Sachin Tendulkar or can be a successful Captain like MS Dhoni or be a best bowler like Bumrah. They all should leave the game oneday and should retire themselves from playing cricket. They may like playing the sport but time and tide waits for none. Their age will be up to hold the Cricket bats strongly. Their time will be over to play their loved sport. Thus, human life is also same like this. We can love this life but at certain point our soul should depart from this World.
All this indicates that nothing is permanent in this Vast Universe. Better Rejoice today because life is precious.
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Special Bonding
Father's are always close to their daughter's and the daughter's are always close their Father's. Words won't pay justice to explain their love and bonding. Everyone around them know how their love and care for each other is beautiful and pure but the father and his daughter will never express their love in mere words.
By looking at the eyes of his daughter the father will understand what she thinks and feels. By seeing the facial expression of her Father the daughter will understand him. The most unspoken bond which holds Millions of beautiful emotions.
By seeing her Father his daughter get immense strength. She considers herself as the most blessed creature in the universe when her Father was by her side. Father's will understand the means of true love only when they have a daughter.
A lovely bond of happiness, love and laughter. Daughters are the replica of their Father in the appearance, mind and even by character and heart. Unique bond of love and eternal happiness. A Father is a man who'll love his daughter than anything in this Universe.
Monday, 20 April 2020
Two Incredible Humans
Parents are living
gods. They should be treasured and celebrated. All other relationships can be
replaced easily. We can find a better uncle than our Mother’s brother and we
can also find a better aunt than our Father’s sister but Father and Mother can
never be replaced with anyone in our life. We even cannot compare them with
others because they are beyond uniqueness. They are the souls who always care
for us more then they care for themselves. They think about us more than we
think about ourselves. They sacrifice all their life to see us achieve great
heights in our life.
Parents are the ones
who want their children to be good humans rather than achieving greatness
without good qualities. They are the preachers, teachers, care takers and they play
their roles even beyond that. They protect with their arms around us and
celebrate us in their shoulders. If, Love has some other synonym it could have
been Father and Mother.
The incredible humans
that most of us are gifted with is our parents. So, care for them beyond they care
for us.
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Quote of the Day
Life on earth as a human being is just a blessing which cannot be put forth in words
Friday, 17 April 2020
250th Day Special - Human Beings
Human beings are the most special creatures on the planet Earth because all other living beings lack some of the qualities which human being alone possess. The other beings lack the analysing capacity and they fail to judge which is good nor bad. Human beings are Superior creature among all others. Humans have the control over all other living beings in the Earth.
Think of our life as a cat. We will be small and have to run to search for food all the time or else think of you as a Elephant. We will be huge in size. It will be hard to sit and stand. We cannot do anykind of exercise to lose Weight.
All other creatures have some kind of problem to lead their daily life but human beings are blessed. We have parents to take care of us. We have grandparents and relatives to nurture us. We never think of all this good things we have in our life rather we Complaint about all the flaws we have.
God designed human with all kinds of emotions because god trains them for the beautiful life that he/she have gifted with but not to mourn with those emotions. So, feel good for being born as a human. Accept the flaws, focus on good things and be positive all the time.
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Quote of the Day
"A person can be knowledgeable and intelligent but their will always be a Idiot in his life who will irritate him to an Core"
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Mutual Bondings
Human beings are social animals. We need certain bonds to lead our life. We have different relationship with each and everyone around us. We do and practise this to live in a healthy environment but only few relationships will be close to our hearts. It might be a relationship with a father and his daughter, with a Student and his professor and so many other ones. This kind of relationships are rare but losts for a lifetime. We celebrate their happiness as ours and we mourn more than them for their sadness. The most important among all this is the relationship will be mutual. They both will care for each other.
The unspoken bond of relationship will make us melt with love, care and affection.
Monday, 13 April 2020
Magical Relationship
Children's are parents treasures. Parents can even go to the edge of the world to do anything for their children. The happiness of the parents when they hold their baby for the first time can never be described in words. The tiny minion Creatures carry lots of love and happiness with them to gift that to their parents. A mutual bond made out of love lasts till the final breathe. A love to be treasured and enjoyed. Something's in this world is free of cost till date but it is more value than all expensive things and they call it LOVE.
Love can never be described nor be destroyed. It is a magical feeling which gives meaning to life.
Celebrated Individuals
Our presence should be celebrated and our absence should be noticed but we should remain calm & composed. Possessing this quality is very difficult. It is hard to practise that kind of Patience. If, we possess that quality we will became a celebrated Individuals. Our presence and absence will have a effect on others around us. Do your work and put all your potential into it but at the same time be calculated. Play a mind game and never care about what others will speak of you. Be true and honest with yourself. Smile at things which is out of your control. Celebrate your self and Cherish your Individuality.
Believe and be Thankful.
Sunday, 12 April 2020
Quote of the Day
Love is like a air and smell which can never be seperated nor be seen but to feel it we should inhale them.
Friday, 10 April 2020
It is very easy to learn a bad habit or quality but it is very hard to leave that. Humans have the tendency of adopting bad things easily but on the other hand returning back to the goodness is little bit tough not impossible. To get back to goodness we should unite our heart and mind but this union is not an easy task. We should constantly repeat in our hearts to focus on positive things. We should train our mind to do good things. If you practice your mind and heart with this qualities then they will give you indications when you are turning to bad things and they'll lead you in a right path.
Humans have the mind of committing mistakes but correcting that is the part of heart and soul. To lead a life of happiness and success we should be good humans at first. Focus on good and leave the unwanted ones because it will never get us anywhere. Learn to be good at heart and thankful in mind. Look for all Positive Energy.
Thursday, 9 April 2020
Bad is Bad
We judge and evaluate ourself by comparing our qualities with others. When we do something wrong we feel guilty for our mistake but when we came to know that the other people around us also does the same we tend to feel lethargic. We never worry about the mistake that we have committed. This quality is extremely bad. We should not commit that sin. We should take only the good qualities from others and should leave the bad unwanted ones. When others do some mistakes it does not mean that we should follow them rather we should be good minded soul which exhibits only good energy to the universe.
Think good, do good, be good and reap goodness. World wants goodness. No human is either good nor bad so take good and leave bad. Be the better version of yourself by being You.
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Stable-Minded Personalities
Each and every human in this universe have somepoint in life in which they all stuck. It may occur during lows and at highs which means they'll be broken when they don't have anything but during other case they'll be broken into pieces even when they have everything in their life. The does not occur to the stable minded personalities but to have stable mind we should be positive and have hope, Faith. All this three qualities will make us as a person who'll thinks out of the box. We are created in this universe as humans to have a good life but it is upto us to make it a fruitful one. So, Enjoy as much as possible but at the same time make it meaningful and Worth living and loving for.
Monday, 6 April 2020
Love - Not Just a Word
word ‘Love’ has the power to melt so may hearts. Love was written in words,
expressed in emotions an captured to a greater extend in movies but beyond all
this we can understand and experience love only by feeling it. Many famous
writers and directors have written and picturised the feelings and emotions of
love. Even by reading and seeing them our hear will stuck and fall for it but the real love is even beyond that. Words cannot express it’s feeling. Love can
only be felt and cherished in our hearts. We can also say that love is purely a
personal feel.
feel it not through words but through unspoken actions.
Beginning of the Year and End of an Year
Human beings have the tendency of accepting things only
when they are used to it. We always search for longtime relationships and
career paths. Our focus will be on the duration and closeness. In, the same way
we can divide a year into two equal half from January to June and July to
December. During, first six months of an year from January to June we see
things around us to be new and unexplored. We may feel new to that year. We won’t
consider that period as our own and we won’t attach or feel more. But, the
second half of the year from July to December. We tend to love those days. We
fall for them. We explore the hidden beauty. We learn, laugh, enjoy and most
importantly we make some happy memories which is to be remembered forever. We do all
this in the second half because we
heartfully start loving the year and feel comfortable.
Second half is more close to our hearts than the
first one. To acknowledge that we should just feel that.
Sunday, 5 April 2020
Each and every human knows that nature is the gift of god but humans doesn't know that the gift is meant for them. Usually, we preserve the gifts which was given my our special person. In, the same way we should take care of nature because it's the gift given to us by our creator (the person whom we trust and believe) so take sometime to look at it's beauty. Imagine your life without Sky, Clouds, Sun, Moon, Rainbow, Mountains and Trees. We could not even able to imagine that life. So, preserve and don't pollute. Those are the assets that we are going to leave for our next generation.
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Everything around us seems to be permanent but it is a temporary one and it too will change. We all are afraid of change because it will turn our life upside down. So, hope that the change should be positive and good. Have strong belief that everything occurs for good. Positivity is the key to face Change in Life.
Friday, 3 April 2020
Thursday, 2 April 2020
Love the Place you Live
The world around us is too big. We can explore the whole world but we belong to someone at someplace. We call that as our own. Especially, our home is where our heart is and that's the place we belong to. So, we should love the place we live. Only through our love the place will be glorified with immense blessings. It will became our happily evet after place to live. As, time passes we change our character and qualities but the place we live tends to be same with eternal happiness. Feel it as you are in your home now. Feel happy for the blessing that surrounds you. Love your home because you belong to it.
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Beauty of Relationship
Humans are social animals. We need some kind of
connectivity and love to lead our life. Our life will be incomplete without our
family, friends and relatives. Even during our busy schedules we find time and
spend those time with them. We consider them as our priority. In, which ever
corner of the world we may be our heart will always long to see our loved and
near ones. That’s the beauty of relationship. We share some unique bond with
each and every person. To some we share our secrets, to some we share our
feelings and to others we share our problems. We have so many individuals in
our life who can combine and make our life better. We live for them and they
love us. Humans are the most blessed creatures in the universe to hold the
essence of love.
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