Friday 31 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 31

Name of the Book: Wake Up Life is Calling

Author: Preeti Shenoy

      When we face hard and tough times in life we assume that we cannot bounce back from that rough phase. The truth is that “we became even more stronger when we face something no so good in life”. The strength of beings strong and facing the reality of life depends upon our mental strength and ability. When, we are mentally weak and affected we cannot be stable in life and that will eventually lead to all wrong decisions. So, be strong mentally even during the dark days of life.

      The book “Wake Up Life is Calling” by Preeti Shenoy is the sequel to book “Life is What You Make it”. The sequel is about how Ankita, who bounces back from her dark phase of life. She becames even more stronger and she accepts the reality of life. This book will make us believe that “positivity is the key for all happiness”.

      Do read this book to became more stronger, positive and to develop your wisdom towards life. 

Thursday 30 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 30

Name of the Books: Everyone Has A Story & Everyone Has A Story – 2

Author: Savi Sharma

       The people around us will have different dreams and aspiration in their life. We might connect with few of their goals and we might not able with relate with many people’s passion. It is an indicator which indicates that human beings are different in their own ways and perspectives. Each one of us is unique and special. Nothing is superior and nothing is inferior but everything is equal.

      The book Everyone Has A Story and its sequel Everyone Has A Story – 2 by Savi Sharma is about the story of four individuals – Vivaan, Meera, Kabir and Nisha. Each one of them is different in their own way. They all have different dreams in life but all this does not separate them rather their dreams have united them. This books will make you realize the importance of your presence in your loved ones life. Everyone born here on this earth is an separate individual but we need the love and support of our fellow individuals to lead a happy life.

       Do read this books to know about how human relationships help a person in building up his career and life. We are never left alone in this world rather we are gifted with many loving people around us to care for us and to love us. The one who realizes this fact leads a happy life and who fails to understand the human bonding suffers in life.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 29

Name of the Book: Revolution 2020

Author: Chetan Bhagat

      As, we all know “Life is not the bed of roses” but it is hard for us to accept this fact. We always love to have a life like a fairytale in which everything will be perfect. Our real life is so different from our imaginary world. Sometimes, we imagine something good but a bad situation might occur. On few occasions we might think of some worst happenings but it could end up happening as a good one and this is the way how life works. Unpredictable and beautiful in its own way, the people who fail to understand this fact suffers in their life lot more than other individuals around them.

      The book “Revolution 2020” by Chetan Bhagat is about the story of three friends Gopal, Raghav and Aarti. This book will teach us about “how people are different in their own way”. Sometimes, we look up to someone and consider them as the happiest person who lives in this earth. We never know about the inner layers of their life but we dream of becoming that person.

       Do read this book to know about the different characteristics of humans, their behavior, attitude, likes and dislikes. Everyone’s life is not the same but we can choose to do right things in life which will lead us to a happy living.

Monday 27 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 28

Name of the Book: Promise Me A Million Times

Author: Keshav Aneel

       Books and reading will always transform an individual into a better human for life. Reading is one of the best quality which will make you fall in love with your life. A reader will have a different perspective towards life than all the others around him. A reader loves his life and lives his life to its fullest and he’ll be crazy about everything around him. Even the smallest things present in the universe will excite a reader to its core. This is how a reader lives and enjoys his life. Few books will teach an individual about things which are beyond expectation and imagination. One among that beautiful book which is loved by everyone who picks it in their hands for reading is the book “Promise Me A Million Times” written by Keshav Aneel.

       It is a contemporary romantic fiction which has stolen the hearts of the readers. Starting from the bond between Edwin (Ed) and Charlie, beautiful images of the imaginary place called Etiole, the love between Charlie and Aster. This book is the best one beyond all our imaginations. The plot, the characters and the scenes are the well carved ones which adds special beauty to this blissful piece of art.

       The book is about love, friendship, dreams, trust and beyond all this the book is about life. Do read this book if you are searching for a best book to read, read this book if you are going to start your journey of being a reader, at whatever phase of life you are it doesn’t matter do read this book to capture the happiness, beauty, peace and pain of life.


Positivity Through Books: Day- 27

Name of the Book: Strangers to Ourselves

Author: Shashi Deshpande

      Human emotions are so powerful than anything in this world. Emotions have the power to create as well as to destroy things. Anger, happiness, sadness and joy are the most common human emotions which are the integral part of everyone’s life.

      The book “Strangers to Ourselves” by Shashi Deshpande is about the story of Aparna, an oncologist and Shree Hari, a singer. When two different people who were interested in two different things meet each other then life turns out to be unpredictable. Few people might not interfere in others works but few will never even care about others work and its importance in that person’s life.

      The book will teach us about how we humans have became “Strangers to Themselves”. At, times we even don’t know about what we like and love. We humans are always filled with dilemma and that oscillation will always disturb our mental state. The book will make us to understand about the flaws in human characters, behaviors and attitudes. The best Quote from this book is that “Youth has its own urges, its own desires. And we have to walk the path ourselves, nothing others say can change the way we live our lives, we can learn only through our own experiences”.





Saturday 25 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 26

Name of the Book: The Perfect Us

Author: Durjoy Datta

      We humans have so many plans about so many things in life. Few plans might happen in the way we have planned but many of our plans might end up being the unhappened ones. We always get worried about the unhappened plans because we take them too personally. We think as if we have failed in our life. The reality of life is different from what we assume. When our so called plans doesn’t work out don’t get worried because life will have so many plans for you which will always be better and unimaginable than your own plans.

       The book “The Perfect Us” by Durjoy Datta is about the story of Deb and Avantika. They both have so many things planned in their life but their destiny was totally against all their plans. At, the end they are gifted with the unplanned happiness which filled their life with happiness and joy.

      Do read this book to know about how our unplanned plans will bring happiness into our life. This book will make you believe that happiness is attainable in life even during the unexpected and dark phase of our life.



Friday 24 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day -25

Name of the Book: Life is What Matters

Author: Alka Dixit

       Life is meant for enjoying and cherishing but we humans waste it just by worrying. The book “Life is What Matters” by Alka Dixit helps us to learn about positivity, happiness and being stronger in life. Life is never complicated as we think of it rather life is the reflection of our own thoughts.

       Few best teachings from the book are

  1.    No one on earth can play your role better than you.
  2.    Unconditional love and acceptance of yourself, despite all odds, is the key towards a fulfilling life
  3.  Count your blessings, feel good, enjoy your life, but at the same time, stay grounded.
  4.    Being in touch with your near and dear ones keeps you grounded and that is the first requirement to lead a simple life.
  5. Sometimes life’s wisest learning may come from these odds of life.

     Do read this book to know about the simple ways to lead a happy and fulfilled life.


Thursday 23 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 24

Name of the Book: Two by Two

Author: Nicholas Sparks

      Human relationships are always beautiful. It is a pure bliss to have so many people around us and to share a unique bond with them is even more special in life. Beyond, all this few relationships will be the most special ones. One among that intimate and lovely relationship is the one which is shared between a father and his daughter. So many movies, books, songs and paintings have already portrayed this special bonding in a most special way but still it remains special and fresh because Father’s are the hero in a girl’s life and the daughters are the princess in every man’s life.

        The book “Two by Two” by Nicholas Sparks narrates the gripping tale about the special bonding shared between a father and his daughter. London is a little girl who captures the hearts of the readers through her naughty and kind activities. London’s father Russell is an ordinary man but he is the most important person in his daughter’s life.

       The book portrays the importance of human relationship. The book is also an example which proves that “Love is the greatest wealth”. Do read this book to know about the love of a father for his daughter. Words cannot express the beauty of this lovely work by Nicholas Sparks.



Wednesday 22 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 23

Name of the Book: Love Knows No LOC

Author: Arpit Vageria

       A particular era will be ruled over by something which will be hated by the majority and at the same time it will be loved by the majority. During early days it was paintings, poetry, drama and later science was loved by many. This particular century, especially this decade in which we all live is filled with the love for cricket. If you are a person who loves cricket, pop songs and believe in the magic of illogical love then is book is absolutely for you.

       The book “Love Know No LOC” by Arpit Vageria is a cross-border romance. The protagonist Kabeer is a Cricketer who plays for India and Zoya is a Pakistani Pop star. Kabeer and Zoya are in love with each other and they are tested by life and destiny. The story revolves around love, revenge and patriotism.

      Do read this book if you searching something for a lite read. This book will give you the different perspective towards the partition of India and Pakistan. The emotion of people during the breakthrough was portrayed in an engaging way.




Positivity Through Books: Day- 22

Name of the Book: The Promise

Author: Nikita Singh

      What we think and assume won’t be correct all the time because we are just normal human beings and our assumptions might go wrong. We sometimes trust the wrong people for the right reasons but once when they prove that we are wrong we stopping believing others and that is where all the right people start to enter into our lives. Here, we cannot blame ourselves and also others because everything will seem to be perfectly imperfect in life.

      If you cannot understand the above lines then you have not yet lived that so called thing called “Life”. A person who has loved and hated his/her life alone will understand the meaning of the above sentences.

      The book “The Promise” by Nikita Singh is about the story of two people named Shambhavi and Arjun. Both are so different from each other but they have one thing in common which is their love for art. The book will teach you about how human beings evolve as a full fledged individuals during each phase of their life. No one in this world is born with the tag called perfect but we can thrive for that.

      Do read this book to know about the psychological struggles which each and every individual around us face in their life. Everyone might seem to be a normal being outside but the internal problems will be unknown to the world. This book will be an eye-opener in many ways which will teach you about the essence of human life.


Monday 20 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 21

Name of the Book: A Tale of Two Cities

Author: Charles Dickens

     A Masterpiece never needs an introduction or a review. The novels are considered to be one of the greatest art forms which expresses the beauty of human life. Charles Dickens is the master and the greatest novelist of the Victorian era who made the readers to fall in love with the long scripts called novels. He has written around 15 novels. Each of his novels are considered to be the masterpieces but few of his novels will stay in the hearts of the readers till the end of their life and one among that best evergreen work which is loved by the majority of readers is “A Tale of Two Cities”.

      The novel “A Tale of Two Cities” was published in the year 1859. The plot of the novel revolves around the French Revolution and its impacts in the society. The major characters in the novel are Charles Darnay, Sydney Carton, Lucie Manette, Dr. Manetee, Madame Defarge and Jarvis Lorry. Each and every character in the novel will teach us few life lessons. Few character will teach us about how a human should lead his life and few characters will be the examples which will show us how a human should not be in his life.

     Apart from all this the novel portrays the life and places in London and France. The opening line from this novel is the most famous one which reads “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair”.

     Do read this novel if you are searching for something good to read. The novel has many things to teach and it will also make you fall in love with its great grand narrative.





Sunday 19 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day - 20

Name of the Book: Life’s Amazing Secrets (How to Find Balance and Purpose in Your Life)

Author: Gaur Gopal Das

      In, life we need a balance to tackle and face all the situations which destiny throw towards us but being balanced in life is one of the toughest task in which many humans fail. To lead a balanced life we need to understand the meaning of life and the root causes for the problems which we face. It’s hard for us to figure out what is good and what is bad but a best self-help book can do that job perfectly.

      The book “Life’s Amazing Secrets” by Gaur Gopal Das is a self-help book which will really help us to lead that so called “Perfect Life”. The book explains about the four most important wheels in our life. The first wheel is our personal life, the second wheel is our relationships, the third wheel is our work life and the fourth wheel is our social contribution. If, we balance these four wheels perfectly then our life will turn out to be an happy and peaceful one.

      The book teaches us about positivity, gratitude, detachment and so many other qualities which will be helpful for the humans to design their life in a happy way. Do read this book to understand life and yourself. Above all this the book contains a worksheet at the end which will help you to analyze yourself in a better way. This book will make you believe that life is never hard or harsh in a way we think of it rather life is the reaction of all our actions.



       To know more about this book and the author visit


Saturday 18 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day-19

Name of the Book: It Happens For a Reason

Author: Preeti Shenoy

      Sometimes in life the pain we go through will make us more stronger than even before. Few even don’t know that a stronger individual exists within them. We always consider ourselves a weak and a mediocre person but few incidents in life will make us believe that we are made just for great things in life.

      The book “It Happens For a Reason” by Preeti Shenoy narrates the story and life of Vipasha, the protagonist of the novel. She was a normal girl during our teenage but the incidents which happen in her life pushes her to make the most important decision in life. She leaves her city, parents, family and friends. She leads a new life which was a self-made one. The book will make you believe that life has many plans for us. If our plans doesn’t work don’t get worried about them because life will always have a best destiny which will be specially designed for us.

      The road to success and happy life will seem to be harder and harsher but believe that life will be beautiful after those dark times. This book will teach you about the belief system in life. Never feel bad even when the situations are worse and out of control. Life will always get back into track. The best lines from this book which I love so much is that “The best way to handle pain and disappointment is to bury oneself in work".



Friday 17 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day-18

Name of the Book: It’s All in the Planets

Author: Preeti Shenoy

      Life will never work in the way we have planned because there are something in this universe which are way beyond our imagination and plans. We call that as destiny or the plan of God. We can take our own life for example. We could have planned for something in life but the exact opposite thing could have happened and at the end we will be happy with what we have in our life. This is the plan of destiny. We cannot control everything which happens in our life rather we can control our action and reactions towards that and that is what we call it as “happy life”.

      The book “It All in the Planets” by Preeti Shenoy narrates the story about destiny through the life of the protagonist Aniket. He wants something in life but at last he ends up getting something better than that. If you want to know what he has lost and what better he has got. Do read this book to know about how destiny works in everyone’s life.

      Believe in the miracle of life. Life will always have better plans for the ones who believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Believe your destiny and be relaxed in life. Whatever tends to happen will eventually happen and we cannot control them but we can always hope for the best. The best quote from this book which I love the most is that “You live only once and we all deserve happiness”.

Thursday 16 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 17

Name of the Book: A Hundred Little Flames

Author: Preeti Shenoy

      In, the process of growing up and earning money in life we humans forget about the meaning of true relationships and love. The people and things which we treasured during our childhood days turn out to be unwanted and unimportant ones later in life. When, we are small our parents take care of us but when we grow up we forget that we should also take care of them because old people are the grown up children. The real happiness in life lies not in any materialistic things rather happiness lies in the smile of our loved ones and one who understands that wins life.

     The book “A Hundred Little Flames” by Preeti Shenoy narrates the story of relationship between a young man and the old man. The old man here is Gopal Shanker. He is the grandfather of that young man Ayan. This story have taught me about the importance of relationships in life. The relationship with our grandparents, parents and all the elder ones in our family. When we grow up in life we think that we are more knowledgeable than our parents but this attitude indicates that we are still immature in heart and mind.

     I have read this book even before an year back but the diary entries in the book which was written by Gopal Shanker remains fresh in my memories. That have taught me about the importance of writing journal and diary in life.

      Do read this book because it has many things to teach you. The book holds infinite lessons which will be useful for the young adults. The best line from this book which I loved the most is that "Once a flame is lit, it can burn brightly and divide into a hundred little flames".

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 16

Name of the Book: Tea for Two and a Piece of Cake

Author: Preeti Shenoy

      Our looks never define us rather our character and behavior decides who were are and what we are going to achieve in our life. Never underestimate a person by their looks because Physical beauty and attraction is not going to stay with us for a long time but our attitude will be praised and spoken about even after when we live this world.

      The book “Tea for Two and a Piece of Cake” by Preeti Shenoy portrays about the life of a woman named Nisha. She was an average girl in terms of looks and social status. People judge her by her appearance but later she proves that life is way beyond than how she looks. She leads a happy and satisfied life. This shows that “Life is not about all external factors but life is purely an internal thing which is to be cherished”.

      This book will make us believe in the process the life, the way we live defines our inner self, our character should always be our priority are the few lessons that I have learned from this book. Do read this book to understand and cherish the beauty of life with all its flaws.

      Life is worth living with its own flaws because everything will never be perfect but our attitude will make all the imperfect things into perfect ones. This book will make you believe in the “Magic of Life”.

Positivity Through Books: Day- 15

Name of the Book: Love A Little Stronger

Author: Preeti Shenoy

      In, life we always wait for that “big beautiful and happy moments”. Our mind never works in the way to celebrate the most ordinary things and moments in life. We consider our life as a boring and a mediocre one. All this happens because we have too many imaginations which is only a part of fiction. We always get worried about the non-existing things like fairy land, time machine and so many of our own imaginations. Life is beautiful and precious in its own way. To lead a happy and fulfilled life one does not need all the wealth in the world rather one should possess the beautiful heart which finds beauty in all the things which is present around us.

      In, the book “Love A Little Stronger” Preeti Shenoy narrates her own life experiences which made her to love her own life even more stronger. The book is a collection of memorable moments which happened in her life. She narrates her relationship with her father, mother, husband and her children. She also tells about the aspiration which she had before becoming a writer.

      Through, this book we can clearly understand that life is same for everyone of us but to lead it in a happy way is a choice which is given to everyone. We should always feel happy and satisfied with all the small things which happens in our life because that is how life works. Feel happy when you water a plant, witness a sunrise or a sunset and all the small things which fills you day.

      Never lead a life for the sake of living rather enjoy and be happy about the life you lead. Our attitude will design our character in life so possess the attitude of love which will make you to love your life even more stronger.


Tuesday 14 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 14

Name of the Book: The Secret Wish List

Author: Preeti Shenoy

      We humans love to judge others based on their looks, career, family background, etc. We never even try to look things from the other person’s perspective, we have never walked in their shoes but we judge others all the time. When others do that same to us we get irritated about their behavior but we never care about our own attitude. As, a human being we should always be non-judgemental towards others because we never know the pain which the other person is undergoing.

      The book “The Secret Wish List” by Preeti Shenoy portrays the life of Diksha, the protagonist of the novel. This book is loved many readers but thousands readers have turned out to be the critics after reading this book. We should always approach a text by throwing away all our own thoughts and beliefs because a art has many things to teach to the human kind.

      The biggest lesson which the book have taught me is that “Never hate others before knowing there story and be Non-Judgemental”. In, life we unlove many people but that should not turn out to be hatred because Hate is a big word.

     Do read this book to understand the human emotions and pain. 


Monday 13 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 13

Name of the Book: The One You Cannot Have

Author: Preeti Shenoy

       Life is different from what we think but life is more beautiful than what we assume. The real mystery of life is always unknown to the humans. We humans may not get what we expect in life but what we receive at last will be more valuable that what we have lost in our life. Many of us fail to understand this fact of life and so we suffer.

      The book “The One You Cannot Have” by Preeti Shenoy portrays both the pain and the beauty of human life through love. We believe that "humans are the creatures of love". We love to be loved and we consider our loved ones as the most important person in this universe. Here, in this book the protagonist Aman loves Shruti and Anjali loves Aman.

      We always love that one person whom we cannot have in our life. We may have so many loving and caring people around us but our heart will always search for the ones who have left us. At that point we have to understand that the real beauty of love and life is “Letting Go of the things we cannot have”. Holding on to something will always hurt us and after sometime we try to accept things which is very hard to practice.

     To lead a happy life we have to understand people and their situations. So, understand love and also your loved ones. There will always be a great void in our life when we don’t have that person we love in our life but that is not the end of our life rather it is a indicator to show that life can be beautiful with all the broken pieces. It is possible to fix those broken pieces and be happy in life.



Sunday 12 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 12

Name of the Book: The Rule Breakers

Author: Preeti Shenoy

      There are many books and many writers but only few books and few writers can make us think. One of the best writer who portrays the value of life, relationship and love is none other than Preeti Shenoy. Her books are always an eye-opener for the readers in many ways. Here, for the next seven days I am going to write the positive elements present in the books of Preeti Shenoy’s. I personally love her writings so much and now I like to share my views about her books. Today, I love to start with one of my most favorite book “The Rule Breakers”.

      The book “The Rule Breakers” by Preeti Shenoy is about the story of a girl named Veda. She was from a small town called Joshimath. The plot was set in middle 90’s but the few incidents from this book are most relevant even to the present day world. The most important thing which I love about this book is it has a female protagonist but the book is not about feminism. We usually hear stories form a male perspective but this book narrates a story from a female perspective. Veda is not from a city rather she is a small town girl but her ambition and passion in life were always high. The book teaches us that “Never limit your Dreams and the place you come from never decides your talent and potential”.

       Marriage is one of the major subject which is dealt in this book. A married woman is always afraid of breaking her marriage even if her marriage was not a successful one. We are always afraid to face the society and we are more concerned about their opinions but life does not work in that way. The book teaches us about individuality, maturity and teaches all right things about life.

       Do read this book to gain self-confidence in life. This book will make you believe that life is different and beautiful than we assume and think. 

Saturday 11 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 11

Name of the Book: Who will Cry When you Die?

Author: Robin Sharma

       It is very common and normal to feel low in life. We all have so many unanswered questions about life which we continue to search for answers. All human flaws and feelings are most common in life. Humans are the thinking beings. We think a lot, we think about all thousands of thoughts in an hour.

       If you are filled with questions and thoughts then this book is for you. If you are searching for clarity, motivation and inspiration then this book is absolutely for you. The book “Who will Cry When you Die?” by Robin Sharma is an non-fiction and a self-help book. The book consists of 101 life lessons which will make us feel good about life and will teach us to love our life to it’s fullest.

       The few best teachings in this book are Practicing forgiveness, respecting our instincts, being humble and so many other valuable lessons. The book can also be considered as a manual guide for all humans to learn and practice only good things about life and living.

       One of the best lesson which the book have taught me is “Never lose hope in life even when you feel something bad is happening rather change your life by your thoughts and actions”.


Friday 10 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day -10

Name of the Book: The Reason is You

Author: Nikita Singh

       Human beings are also called as the beings of love. We all of us love to love and also love to be loved. All our other emotions will eventually fail in front of this most powerful emotion called love.

      The book “The Reason is You” by Nikita Singh teaches us the most important message that “Don’t love others by losing your ownself”. It is an absolute truth which we fail to understand and adopt in life. When we love someone not just our life partner rather it might also be a member in our family or a friend of ours or whoever it might be we should never lose ourself in the track of saving our relationship.

       Here, in this book the protagonist Siddhant falls in love with Akriti. Both of them are opposite to each other in terms of both everything starting from character, behavior and attitude but Siddhant adjusts many things for Akriti but she fails to understand his good heart. Atlast, both of them realizes their own mistakes. So, never compromise yourself totally for the sake of others.

       Do read this book to rediscover your own qualities, be yourself, never lose your life for anyone.

Thursday 9 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 9

Name of the Book: The Secret

Author: Rhonda Byrne

       We all will be searching for that one life changing things which can change our life into a better one. Here, the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne is really an life changing book which can make you believe in the process of life and yourself. It is an self-help book which teaches about the Law of Attraction in the universe. The law of attraction here is not about science rather it deals with life. The ultimate message of this book is “Belief”.

       We humans love to have so many people and things in our life. We love to have everything we love but we also have a statement that “Our desires won’t get fulfilled”. We have both positive and negative thoughts about anything and everything. We have great fear towards everything and that fear eventually will lead to negative thoughts but this book teaches us about “How to generate positive thoughts and positive energy”.

      If, you feel low and you are accustomed with lots of negative feeling and this book is for you to change your mindset. This book will make you believe in the process of life and the Law of attraction which is present in the universe. Always believe that everything is possible in life because our thoughts have a power to design our destiny.

      Do read this book and be focused on what you love in life. Good books will always transform our life into a better one than never before.



Wednesday 8 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 8

Name of the Book: An Unexpected Gift

Author: Ajay K Pandey

      If you are a Bibliophile and searching for a best book to read then this book is for you. Here, is the best book from the author of The Best Wife “An Unexpected Gift” by Ajay K Pandey. This book is an epitome of emotion and love. The book teaches us the best lesson - “Never Judge others”. We humans always judge others based on looks, social status and so many other things but once you read this wonderful book of non-fiction you will became non-judgemental in life. We will understand the emotions and feelings of our fellow humans which we all fail to notice in the busy walks of our life.

      The book “An Unexpected Gift” is about the story of Sheetal, a transgender woman who loves to be a mother of a child. This book will be an eye-opener for everyone who considers transgender people as a aliens from another world. We never understand that they too have heart which long for love and acceptance.

      Do read this book not for the sake of reading but to understand the life and feelings of the woman like Sheetal, who are good in heart than many of us. Never judge those people based on their physical appearance rather love them for the heart they hold and love they show towards us. The best lines from this book which I Love the most are

“We always talk good about someone when they are born or die; during the journey, we only hate”

“Life is so difficult when you live alone”


Monday 6 July 2020

Positivity Through Books: Day- 7

Name of the Book: The Dhoni Touch ( Unravelling the Enigma that is Mahendra Singh Dhoni)

Author: Bharat Sundaresan

     We all will have our own favorite iconic figures in our life whom we admire and love the most and everyone’s liking might differ from one another but a person who knows cricket, who watches cricket and loves cricket will have huge admiration towards Dhoni, the legendary cricketer that India have ever produced. He is the only person who was loved even by his haters. The captain cool of Indian cricket was known for his calmness and leadership qualities. If you are a cricket lover and Dhoni’s fan then this book is for you.

      The book “The Dhoni Touch” by Bharat Sundaresan opens with a foreword written by former cricketer, commentator and the present Indian team coach Ravi Shastri, who was most famous for his commentary on winning 2011 world cup.

      The book “The Dhoni Touch” can also be considered as the extended version of the movie MS Dhoni(The Untold Story). This book contains many unknown information about Dhoni which was not even known by his fans. The book will surely be a treat for all the cricket lovers irrespective of all fan following. Dhoni’s coach Banerjee have told about his version of MSD in this book and his friend Chittu have also said about the few important qualities about Dhoni which are unknown to the world.

      In ,the foreword of this book Ravi Shastri have quoted a famous line “Sometimes, the decision can be astounding, leaving people with dropped jaws” and this line will perfectly suit to this book as well because after reading this book you will be astonished about the attitude of Dhoni.

Positivity Through Books: Day- 6

Name of the Book: The One from the Stars

Author: Keshav Aneel

       A book will always attract readers from a particular age group. There are books for children, teenagers, adults and for the older ones but only few books will be loved by all the readers from different age groups. One among that unique book is “The one from the Stars” written by Keshav Aneel. Even, the title of the book will make us fall in love with it.

      The book “The one from the Stars” is about the dream of a middle class boy who aspires to achieve his passion which no one believes. The protagonist of the book is Vishesh, his dream is to became an writer but his parents were totally against his passion. Her, we can connect ourselves with Vishesh. We too might have had different passion in our life but now we will be leading a life which will be directly opposite from that. At, some point in life when we look back at our own life we will feel frustrated about the passion which we have had and not achieved in our life.

       This book will teach us that “Passion is the common element in everyone’s life but being passionate about our passion will make us achieve great heights in our life”. So, if you have had a passion and you have left that in the track of your life then this book is for you to rekindle your passion and dream. Do read this book to energize yourself.


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...