Friday 24 September 2021

Each Morning Is A Blessing


      Each passing day in our life is a reminder that reminds us to stay happier irrespective of all the toughness we face. The sunrise, the sound of birds, the fresh air, happy plants, and smiling leaves just secretly tell us that each day is a brand new day. It is unnecessary to carry the weight of our yesterday to our today.

       Welcome each day with a happy heart and a bright smile on your face. Consider each day on this earth as a huge blessing because we are just visitors. Live a joyful life as well as soulful life because life is so precious which we often take for granted. Most of the time we just take all the special things for granted and regret them later but don’t ever do that with your life. Enjoy each day and never forget to smile. Stay positive by focusing on the good.

       The happiness which we carry within ourselves will get reflected in everything which we do in our life. Stay positive to stay happier.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Choose Good When You Are Gifted With Options


      Whatever we give will always reach us back in some way. Starting from the kindness we shower upon the strangers to the amount of respect we have and give to the people who are near and dear to us. We should understand and accept the fact that “What goes around will always come around”. So, whenever you are put in the position to offer people anything just choose good emotions.

       Goodness holds an immense value that is often left unexplained. Spread good things and shower positive emotions. Life will become worth living when our heart is filled with genuinely good emotions. When we are good at heart it will automatically fill us with thankfulness and gratitude towards everything which we own in our life.

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Little Things Matter A Lot


      We human beings have the tendency of focusing more on the big pictures in life but true happiness just lies in the little things which are often left unnoticed. Small things matter a lot but we just require a happy soul and beautiful heart to celebrate those little things which hold true happiness.

       Starting from the cool breeze in the morning, the dewdrops in the leaves, sun playing hide seek with the clouds, a bud blooming into a flower, lovely melodies of birds, happy faces of the unknown people, a smile of our loved ones, a heart of joy for extremely no reason and soul which is filled with utmost gratitude for everything which we call as our own in life.

       Life is all about these little things which add immense beauty as well as happiness to the core of our hearts. Focus on the tiny happy moments in life to stay blissful and peaceful. Life is way beautiful than what we always expect as well as visualize it to be. It just takes a grateful heart to find this hidden beauty behind everything which we come across in life.


Sunday 19 September 2021

Family - Life Begins And Love Never Ends


      Family is something that is so special to each one of us in this universe because everyone in the family will always care for us more than we take care of ourselves in life. An individual is nothing without the support and love of the family to which he belongs.

       Family is a huge blessing to each one of us but we just sometimes take them for granted. Here, it is our responsibility to Care for the people who care for you, love the ones who love and most importantly be there for the people in your family irrespective of all the tough days and situations which you have come across.

       Life is hard to lead without human ties and bonding. We are just interconnected with an unseen thread that unites us with love and care. Stay grateful for each and every person whom you have in your life. 

Saturday 18 September 2021

Each Day Is A Blessing


      There will always be few moments in our life that will make us melt and sometimes make us realize the true beauty of our life. We always revisit and remember those moments vividly. With each passing day in our life, those memories will get attached close to our hearts. Life is all about living in that beautiful moments and storing them for lifetime happiness.

      Life is way beautiful than what we expect it to be but it takes a happy soul to relish those evergreen moments for a lifetime. Always have a positive outlook on life. What we expect will always reach us in some way so think good thoughts and expect good times.

       Each day is a blessed day for the ones who carry a wide smile on the face and genuine happiness in the heart. Life is just a handful of beautiful days which are to be spent happily and pleasantly.




Wednesday 15 September 2021

Immense Emotion

      Sometimes it is just hard to control our own emotions and feelings. Everything in life can be understood and accepted but emotions are such a powerful weapon which cannot be controlled. Being an emotional individual is something very much hard to handle. Filling up ourselves with emotions makes us weak for just no reason.

       Be an emotional being but not too much emotional. Emotion is different from being so much emotional towards everything which we have in our life. Learn to control your emotions but it is hard during the initial stages. Emotions make us as well as break us. Too much of anything is good for nothing. The best way to control our emotions is to just spend with our own selves and our thoughts and feelings. 

Tuesday 14 September 2021

A Happy Heart

     Happiness does not lie in the materialistic possessions we own rather it lies within our hearts. Happiness lies in kind words, sweet gestures, the love we shower, and vibes of positivity which we carry along within us throughout our day. 
       A Happy Heart is the best gift one can gift to themselves by investing all positive emotions. Happiness is the most contagious emotion which has the power to attract other people and make them feel that happiness as well. Stay happy by focusing on just the good things which are present around you. Ignore negativity to stay peaceful and calmer.

Friday 10 September 2021

Upgrading Ourselves

        We human beings tend to judge people based on the version which we know about others around us.  On the other hand, we never like to be judged by other people. When something is not acceptable from our point of view then the same rule applies to everyone around us. When you cannot accept something just don't do that to the people who cannot question you. 
        Life is all about series of learning and upgrading ourselves. Learn, upgrade and be the best version of yourself. 

Thursday 9 September 2021

Quotes of the Day

1. Happiness is a contagious emotion that sets everything just right. 
2. Holding on with grudges is just a waste of time and emotion. 
3. To stay United is to stay positive. 
4. Laughter is the best medicine that heals even invisible wounds. 
5. To love and to be loved is the greatest gift. 

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Human Ties

      True happiness in life lies in having people around us who genuinely love us, guide us and be just there for us through all our highs and lows. Sometimes in life, we just forget our potential, likes and we just skip being ourselves. During such times it is always good to have people to push us and to motivate us to reach our own standards. 
       Life turns out to be a huge wonder and blessing when we are surrounded by the people who love us and care for us. Those genuine souls just add meaning to our lives. Be such a person to lead a happier life. Life is way beautiful with all human ties and those who understand the beauty of relationships are blessed souls who lead a heavenly life on earth.

Sunday 5 September 2021

What Goes Around, Comes Around

      The way we treat people is just exactly the way we get treated by others around us. What goes around will automatically come back to us in a different form. Life is all about trying to be kind,  generous, and most importantly to love our fellow humans. Stay happy and make others happy through your words, action, and gesture.
      Live a satisfying life by just being good. Character is the foundation of all good things which we receive in our life. Be a child at heart to let go of things that bother you. Never hold on with the grudges rather forgive people and even forget their mistakes. No one in this world is intentionally bad and it just takes a big heart to understand the life of the people around us. The purpose of our life should touch the lives of other people around us positively. 


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...