Monday 13 December 2021

The Unexpectedness of Life

       Human life on this earth is filled with unimaginable unexpectedness. The level of predictability is low compared to all the unexpected situation which turns our life just upside down. Here, we humans have to accept life the way it is because true happiness lies in understanding and accepting life the way it is given to us. Worrying and finding faults will always make us weak internally. So, try and find out a positive way to approach each situation in your life. As we all know that life is a journey which cannot be relived. Make your life a precious one by living in the moment and making that moment a special one.
       Sometimes, life just acts like a mirror. It just reflects the things which are inside our heart so keep your hearts happier and think of all the good things. Then, life will automatically become a happier one irrespective of all our situations. 

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Welcome December

       December is the month that is filled with happiness, joy, gratitude and thankfulness. The month is filled with all positive vibes and pleasant emotions. December is the month of thank giving to all things which have happened in our life throughout the year. Starting from all the good moments, happy emotions we have shared with our loved ones, the tough times and most importantly the unforgettable one times moments which have happened in our life. Consider life as a blessing then it could automatically turn out to be a good one. Live life with utmost gratitude because a grateful heart stays happy even during the tough and rough phases.

       Be thankful and make this December a special one by doing things that makes you happy. Make others happy by the things you do, make people feel special, love others and show the love you carry in your heart because to love and to be loved is something beautiful that still exists on earth. Fall in love with life a little more to be happy and satisfied with what you have and hold in your holds.

       Carry happy and positive emotions because the emotions we carry inside will automatically get reflected outside so make sure you carry good emotions. Live life to its fullest because life is a journey that can be remembered but never is revisited. We can look back but we cannot go back and live the same days again so be happy and spread happiness. Cherish your life and stay grateful.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...