Monday 30 September 2019


The most hated day by the humanity is "Monday". Thus,  Monday was the beginning of a week so it is always painful. Life can also be compared with the same principle  because everyone hates hectic beginnings but we'll enjoy the blissful ending. Thou, we hate monday but we love and long for Friday. The one who loves Monday's are the people who is passionate about what they are doing. If the life which you are leading today seems to be boring and irritating then quit it.... And follow your passionate path...

Sunday 29 September 2019

Take a break

Even machines needs a break then why not humans? We always need a little breaks to refresh us. Without, refreshment our mind and body will hang. As a machine needs oil to run smooth. Human needs rest to work smooth. Working hard is good but working without break is bitter. Stop and take a break. Move on with optimism.

Saturday 28 September 2019


Birthdays are always special but it's even more special when our most special one on the universe celebrates their birthday.
Birthdays are celebrated not only for counting our age but also to cherish our birth and account of thanks giving. Give thanks unto the creator who has created you as a human being. Be thankful for the life you live. Just, look back and thank the people who were their with you and made your life worth remembering. Then, look forward and have hope for the upcoming year.
I am here pouring my words for the special one,who is the sunshine of my life.

Friday 27 September 2019

Quote of the day

"Don't design your character like a garden where anyone can walk rather design your character like a sky where everyone desire to reach"

Thursday 26 September 2019

Role model

We all have role models in our life. We put them in pedestal and consider them as the most lively person. We'll think that if we acquire atleast 10% of their qualities  we can be perfect. Looking up and admiring others is easy but following and practising their qualities are hard. When, we have those inabilities throw them away. Follow your heart. Work and be satisfied. Transform yourself into an role model for the future generation.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Individuality and Happiness

The feeling of inability is not the lack of confidence rather it is the reflection that comes when we look at others ability. To be happy we should look within ourselves (our individuality and thoughts 💭 ) but if your are consciously looking at others thoughts we'll feel like a disabled human. The thing which makes you feel bad today will eventually turn into an best thing which you have done in your lifetime. Celebrate your individuality without having envy towards others. If you feel envious towards others, think about the quality you lack but which that person possess. Work on it and grab it only if it is good to your individuality.
Being a saint is an easy task but living for the calls of life is bit difficult but not impossible.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Creation and Creativity

A famous quote says "Anyone can take your creation but no-one can steal your creativity". As, Newton says "For every action their is a equal and opposite reaction".The above statements are applicable to all the humans. Sometimes, people will steal your thoughts, idea and creation but no one has the power to steal your Creative and intellectual mind. So, Take all the problems in a positive sense. Believe that you'll get the best out of yourself. Don't ruin your mind rethinking about the same. Move on, discover and create more.

Monday 23 September 2019


Anyone can be happy and enjoy life but only few can be peaceful. Peace will come to us when we stop worrying about the materialistic things we don't have. The feeling of thankfulness gives peace, confession gives peace. Everything in this world is materialistic but peace alone depends on inner consciousness.
Be Peaceful without thinking about the past and Future.

Saturday 21 September 2019


The word Search holds lot of meaning in it. Life itself is considered to be search. when we are stagnant in the same position and fearing to move out of our comfort zone life will get spoiled. whatever happens just move on with HOPE and SEARCH. Thus, hope will give you confidence and search will give you peace but the only way to find peace is to "Search Within". when,we search ourselves outside we'll end up losing hope but when the search is from within we'll find hope and harmony. start searching, if not you'll end up losing everything you have.
Search until you find it. 


As, we all grow up our fear towards life grow even bigger than we expect. A great fearness towards life will start at the age of 20.Once our teenage ends at 19 our adulthood will eventually get started. Our fear towards life will suck up our present. We'll start comparing our life's with others and start feeling "What if our life turns to be a huge mess". By fearing about our life we'll start loosing it day-by-day. Whatever happens stay positive. Give your best and wait for the rest. Be peaceful. Make yourself strong.
Blow your worries in air.....

Friday 20 September 2019

Golden Rules

Fifteen Golden Rules to Lead a Peaceful Life :
        1.Don't advice others until they seek advice from you.
        2.Don't carry your burden along with you rather throw it.
        3.Don't complain about others.
        4.Try to change your situation if not change yourself.
        5.Keep yourself engaged and busy so that you'll don't find time to worry.
        6.Don't try to change the things which you cannot ever change.
        7.Do things Wholeheartedly and happily.
        8.Smile not for the sake of smiling but smile from the heart.
        9.Take care about your body and take physical rest properly.
       10.Don't have vengeance over others better forgive them.
        11.Respect others the way you respect yourself.
        12.Understand the fact that world is of different types of people.
        13.Smile at the things which makes you angry.
        14.Forget the incidents which your heart dislikes.
        15.Don't expect sympathy from others.

Thursday 19 September 2019


Life is not for rejoicing because life itself is considered to be rejoice. Happiness has limits but rejoicing doesn't have any limits or boundaries. Be happy with what you have and this may seem to be hard but think of what we have lost in our past doesn't even matter today. We are the speck of dust in this world. What  justice we can do through worrying. Stop all your negative thoughts by counting the blessings. Whatever seems to suck your happiness today will eventually turn into nothing tomorrow.
Rejoice and make peace with yourself.

Wednesday 18 September 2019


As a human we all have emotions but those intimate emotions cannot be put forth in words. Emotion has both positive and negative side. We may experience those negative emotions many times in our life but the positive side of emotion like happiness won't have any form of expression. We can only feel the emotions. It doesn't have any proper art form.

Tuesday 17 September 2019


Positivity is the essential quality to attain anything. Without positivity we'll be like a body without soul. Thus, soulless body is considered to be useless and finally we'll turn them into ashes. At the same time human without positive spirit will turn out to be a ash one day. Positive energy will make you feel alive.
Spread positivity.........

Monday 16 September 2019


As,we all grow old we find a curse come blessing called Maturity.Sometimes our maturity will help us to analyze, evaluate and solve our problems but at the same time Our maturity will tune our mind to doubt the people around us. We'll start thinking that everyone around us is bad and cunning eventually we may lose our peace of mind by thinking about only the issues around us. We'll start complaining more and will end up feeling frustrated. Rather, throw away your maturity when you are with your close ones like your family and relatives because they still see you as a small kid who once holded their hands. Showing your maturity with them will spoil the world around you.
Stop reacting like as if you know everything.

Sunday 15 September 2019


We all have problems in our life's.we don't have solutions for those problems today. Eventually solutions will reach us one day. Stop worrying about your present situation. You may not have anything today so people will mock and laugh at you. It doesn't mean that you failed rather consider them as nothing.We are not born in this world to impress others and to lead the life which those mockers think as successful one. Love yourself,be happy,work hard and hard to kill all the words of the witty people. Never ever get worried. Rock it in your own way.

Saturday 14 September 2019

Confidence and Hardwork

Some people always complain that they always fail even after putting all their efforts and Hardwork. Yes, you'll fail even after working hard when you lack in your confidence. Hope and Confidence are inter-linked to each other. One who does not have this won't succeed in their life. Confidence comes when you believe in yourself without any self doubt.
Develop the habit of Confidence. It can do miracles in your living.

Friday 13 September 2019


Individuality is important to lead your life but healthy relationships are even more important to lead a fruitful and pleasant life. Value others till they down comment about your personal space. We are humans and we have emotions. At the same time no need to be so emotional because it won't get you to where you want to be. Respect others but don't ever depend on them for anything. Dependency hurts both of them who involved in the relationship. Ones frequency will not match with others so maintain good relationship with others without getting hurt of your ownself.

Thursday 12 September 2019

One Month Anniversary

When we do something continuously for 21 Days it becames our habit. Here, I am writing my blog for the past 31 days so it became more than a habit for me to write blog posts. For the past one month i have written my thoughts and ideas on various headings like Hope, Gift, Money, Perfection and so on. Today, to celebrate the first month anniversary of our blog i am going to tell you the hidden message behind all my previous posts. All the post tells about what are all the qualities that a human should have to live his or her life splendidly. If you are happy with yourself and you feel like you have some good deeds move on with that. Something may seem bad today or it may feel like you have lost your moral values but it is not true. We all are humans and we have some flaws in our characters until the flaws are not big don't ever worry about that.
Live your life without regret and worries. When you try to impress everyone around you eventually you'll end up with bad name. So, don't try to impress other rather enhance yourself with some good qualities and start growing from within.

Wednesday 11 September 2019


Changes are the one which never changes. As we go on with our life something around us and within us will change. Accept the changes which happens around us but never change yourself for anyone. All the people around us has different opinion about us. They don't know who we are now because they judge and understand us only by the deeds that we have done when we are with them. As we grow our thoughts grow and finally we feel happy at some state of mind that no one can understand.
If you are a Hero stay so but if you are a villain remain so strong. May be in film Hero's are the leading personalities but in real life Villains are the true Heroes.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Inner self

We all have the spirit of positivity within ourselves but we fail to Kindle them sometimes. Whenever we feel low we should Converse with our inner soul. It will give us the best advice that no one could even think of. We may be exposing ourselves to our close ones but even with them we'll hide some of our secrets. The only person who know everything about yourself is only you. So, seek advice from you at any situation you face in your life.
Speaking with others spoil your peace of mind but speaking with you will give you peace.

Monday 9 September 2019


When we were are perfect we want everything around us to be perfect. The bitter truth is everything won't go in the way we have Planned. If anything doesn't work in the way you have planned stop thinking more about it rather tell others that how perfection gives confidence and success. Even after telling someone never changes their attitude then leave it in the hands of destiny. Don't get stressed about things which you cannot control.
World will teach them one day. Start doing your work never bothering about others.

Sunday 8 September 2019

Remembrance Vs Forgetting

We always keen and clearly remember the things we tend to forget. Nothing can delete the memories which are rooted deep inside our heart. Only time can make us forget things but sometimes it too fails when the memory is deep. Remembering and forgetting are the two extreme ends but goes parallel to each other. They seem to meet but never meets each other till the end.
Fighting between this two is the fate of humanity.

Saturday 7 September 2019


We always have a fear towards failure. We will be afraid to move toward thinking about that we could fail. We'll remain in our comfort zone so that we never need to worry about anything. Sometimes,even thinking about failing may cause discomfort. The easy way to overcome the fear of failure was do something which seems to be the best that you have ever done. Even if you succeed or fail it doesn't matter but you'll overcome that fair and will start doing everything without any fear.
So, do it never worrying about the results because human life on this earth is just 60 to 70 years.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Looking Back

When you look back at our own life we see both happy and sad emotions floating. We may seem to be a strong person now but the weakness we faced in our past made us so strong. Eventually,when we look back the thing which made us worried,sad and weak remains the same and you'll have lump in your throat even thinking about that. Years may pass decades may go but that remains the same which cannot be even put forth in words.
Strong is strong but the Weakness is still their. Even the strongest person on the universe has a breaking point but it does not mean that they are weak. The reality is humans cannot escape from emotions because we are the Creatures of LOVE.


Teachers have the most important influence in our life's. Unknowingly we imitate them often. If a teacher does something we accept that as a good one most of the times. They became our role models,Guides and mentors and we put them in a pedestal. We all have one such teacher in our life whom we consider as our my favourite person in the universe.
This is the day to remember them and thank them for their valuable presence in our life.

Wednesday 4 September 2019


We always search for motivation around us but we should understand that the best motivation is within us. Talk with yourself and find what you are lacking in your oneself. When motivation comes from outside at some point we'll loose interest over it and start ignoring. Rather, when it comes from within you'll stay focused towards what you want in you life. We can see blood in plastic pockets but it won't be useful until it gets inside our body.
So, the things within us has more value.

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Desire is the root cause for all the problems. It's natural that human begins have desire for everything. We are feel brutally defeated when we fail to get that something. The real fact is sometimes our desire may be wrong so that it won't happen. So, now think of something you desired and you don't get it. It'll eventually  end you having something better than you desired.

Monday 2 September 2019


Respect is what we all expect from others. But, we fail to think that we are suitable person for that respect. To get respect depends on our deeds and how good we are as a person. Before, seeking for respect we must self analyze ourselves.

Sunday 1 September 2019


Work is what we all usually do but the hard work is what the winners and successful people do. Hard work needs lot of responsibilities,patience and passion.Without,destination we cannot work towards it. So, set up your destiny and start working towards it hardly. With work something is possible but with hardwork everything is possible.


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...