Thursday 12 September 2019

One Month Anniversary

When we do something continuously for 21 Days it becames our habit. Here, I am writing my blog for the past 31 days so it became more than a habit for me to write blog posts. For the past one month i have written my thoughts and ideas on various headings like Hope, Gift, Money, Perfection and so on. Today, to celebrate the first month anniversary of our blog i am going to tell you the hidden message behind all my previous posts. All the post tells about what are all the qualities that a human should have to live his or her life splendidly. If you are happy with yourself and you feel like you have some good deeds move on with that. Something may seem bad today or it may feel like you have lost your moral values but it is not true. We all are humans and we have some flaws in our characters until the flaws are not big don't ever worry about that.
Live your life without regret and worries. When you try to impress everyone around you eventually you'll end up with bad name. So, don't try to impress other rather enhance yourself with some good qualities and start growing from within.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...