Friday 5 June 2020

Don't Depend On Others too Much

       As we grow up in life we learn many things to survive in this world but the unwanted thing which we learn easily is “Expecting others to help us all the time with our own work”. Expectations will hurt the individual who expects and as well the individual who works to fulfill our expectation. If we are not capable of doing anything in life we should individually try hard to get or attain that rather we humans never like to try anything. We always love short cuts and easy routes. So we start to pester others to help us to fulfill our needs and queries. If the person who helps us is kind and he willingly helps then the entire game is over. We will start to consider them as our helper and we disturb them all the time. We never even try to take risks to do things by our own because we practice our mind in a way that other person will help us. Even when they get tired and not willing to do anything we will never leave them.

       This kind of attitude will destroy all our good reputations. We will be considered as an unfit individual. Then no one will be there for us during the time of hectic needs. So, don’t ask for help often and make others feel uneasy for even meeting you in their life. After that your respect will also be lost. Don’t be self-centric and selfish in life. No one will respect you for your selfish attitude. At last, your selfishness will destroy all your good deeds and reputation.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...