Friday 14 August 2020

Stop Creating and Start Discovering

     Have you ever thought about the difference between creating and discovering. We have our own answers for both this words. Creation is making something new which never exists in this world but discovering is like exploring or finding things which already exits but unknown to the world. So, here there is the vast difference between both creating and discovering.

     We humans sometimes end up being unsuccessful in life irrespective of all our hard work and efforts which we have put forth towards our desires. All this happens because we try to create something which doesn’t exist within ourselves which particularly means “We are running behind something which we lack in our essence.” We might be an artistic person but we will run behind science to succeed in life. At, the end the mission of our life will turn out to be impossible. Then all the negative traits start to develop and finally we became that so called “negative minded personality”.

     To be positive and successful in life discover your inner calling. Observe yourself keenly and make your strengths and passion into profession. Never even try to create something which you are not meant for. Stop creating and start discovering because creation takes lots of effort and time but discovery is all about passion.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...