Tuesday 15 September 2020

A Life of Bliss

     The lifespan of human beings is about 70-80 years in average. Few people will consider that life is very long because the span of some seventy years is not just a small amount rather few people will tell that life is very short and we are here for just a small time. Whatever, category of people you might belong to but everyone is gifted with same 24 hours a day. The one who uses it wisely will never consider their lifespan as a shorter time rather one who finds excuses and postpones his duties to tomorrow will think that the lifespan is very short.

     All this indicates that “a person who uses his time wisely cherishes his life more than all others around him”. So, manage your time effectively and grow up in all areas of life. Growing and succeeding in just one area of life is quite easy but being a successful individual in all areas of life is hard to achieve and even harder to sustain.

Utilize your life and live it to its fullest by possessing balance, happiness and success. To be an individual like this we should first have a control over ourselves, our thoughts, our beliefs and we should totally believe that life is great and we are blessed to be here in this universe. 




  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...