Friday 25 September 2020

A Tribute to a Mortal Being With Immortal Voice

       Art is the integral part of human existence it is hard to separate any form of art from human life. Pablo Casals said “Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart”. Music is considered to be the richest form of art which tends to fill human beings with infinite emotions. Music can make the plants grow better and humans grow richer and wiser. Musicians, singers and lyricists are hugely respected for the art they produce during their lifetime which eventually lives even after they leave this world.

      We all know humans are the mortal beings and death in the inevitable part of human life but sometimes it is hard to accept and digest this fact. There is nothing strange about death because a person who is born in this world should die one day and leave this world and this the law of nature. The way we live our life will speak and stand for us even after when we leave this world. People will speak about us, praise about us, plead and cry for us. What more a human can do than making the entire generation of human race to speak about him and praise him.

      Today, the legendary Singer Mr. S.P. Balasubrahmanyam has left this world. Everyone in India especially in Tamil Nadu has lost the beautiful singer and best human being who inspired many people to make a living through music. He is a inspiration for all the current and upcoming singers. Birth and death is the most common factor in life but our journey will always be remembered and cherished by our fellow humans. That is what proved once again today by the demise of the great legend. The way we live our life will always gain us immense respect and people will always love us when we are proper, sincere and extra ordinary in the field we have choosen in our life. Being ordinary is common but thriving for extra-ordinary and reaching that with our work and discipline itself is a act of being beyond extra –ordinary.

       I am a great lover of music especially the classics. Mr. S.P.B is one of my most favourite singer and it is hard not to fall for his mesmerizing voice. His songs are the example to prove that music can reach to the core of the human heart and can heal us. His journey and life is an indicator which secretly tells that "Being born in this world is just an ordinary thing but creating a great bench mark for us gives meaning to our existence". “Live your life in the way that your creator should feel proud and happy for just creating you and sending you to this universe”.

       Artists may leave this world but their art will live till the end of human race. For next 100 years people will hear and cherish his songs and after hundred years all the musicians and people will do research about his songs and about how it is possible for a human to be this much greater in a single life-time. It's hard to pursue a passion which we love but it is even more harder to make others love the thing which we are passionate about and that is what he did to the humankind through his music.




  1. Good blog ! He will be remained in our heartsb💔

  2. He will be in the world untill music in the world

  3. The legendary having sungs more than 40,000 in 16 languages ,perfect blog u created Swathi ��

  4. He will be immortalised not only by his music but also the words which have written for him.. 🥀



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