Saturday 12 September 2020

The Highest form of Self-love

     We human beings expect everyone around us to be perfect and be disciplined but we many times fail to access our own discipline. At first, what we expect from others should be there within us. When we expect the people around us to be the good humans with all the positive character traits we should also possess the same. Self-discipline is the basic key to master all the beautiful things in life.

     Practice good habits and never leave them at any point in life because it is hard to regain good habits after losing it. Do your duty and work properly without giving any blame excuses. If something feels wrong, try and reconsider it and decide the best thing which feels correct to your instincts. A self- disciplined person will be an example for everyone around him. Don’t preach others to follow good things in life rather be an living example by being an strict disciplinarian for yourself.

      Discipline yourself and became the better version of yourself.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...