Wednesday 7 October 2020

Children's Love Towards Parents


      Sometimes, writing about few topics are rare because it is hard to put forth some emotions, feelings and love in words. Most of the times people could think of writing about this kind of beautiful emotions but as I already said words will just fall short to express them. One among that rarest gem of emotion is “The love between the parents and their children’s”. Most of the times we hear a story from a one-sided perspective but the other and the unexplored side of the story will be more beautiful than the explained side. This happens in the relationship with parents and children’s. We all know about the love, affection and care of parents because it is mostly spoken and written about. It is true to the fact that parents turn out to be the best humans because of all the best qualities they possess like self-less love, care and affection towards their children.

      The unexplored side of this beautiful bond is “Children’s do love their parents unconditionally from their birth till death”. Parents are the great influencers in every child’s life irrespective of whatever age the child may be in. As, I already said it is hard to put forth this emotion in words because they are beyond words.

       Many great people we meet in our life will often talk about their parents and their love. It is because parents are the most special people in every child’s life. From our early days we try to imitate our parents and copy their style in the works we do. This happens because children’s will see all kind of best quality in their parents. A child till his 20’s will have huge admiration towards their parents but after 20’s they will develop a kind bond which is beyond closeness.

        Children’s at certain point in life will love their parents more than they love themselves. Parents are such a treasure in each child’s life because many children’s will do anything and everything to just see their parents happy and make them smile wider. Children’s who love their parents unconditionally will always make an extra effort to make their parents happy. A person who loves their parents the most will always be the best human because they will know the value of everything in life.


  1. Unconditional love is parents superb swathi 😍 keep going

  2. Love ur parents 😍 blessings vth parents s equal to GOD .if we make proud of our parents it's true happiness to proof ourself as good children 👍be a good children as u love parents❤️



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