Friday 30 October 2020

Learn From The People You Admire

      We meet many people in our life but we will remember only few. Mostly, we filter that few from the best people we meet in our life in terms of their character and the qualities they possess. We admire few qualities from other people like kindness, patience, being more spiritual or being so positive. We might love those qualities because we might be the person who will be same as the person whom we admire or we might be the person who lack those qualities and so we will admire when others have them.

       When you admire some qualities from others try to develop those qualities if you lack them. When you learn and acquire that quality you will gain more confidence and positive energy. The amount of love we have for ourselves will increase when we learn the things we love the most.

         Acquiring good qualities can help us to transform ourselves into a better individual. If you think that you should acquire good quality it is hard to grab them and put them into practice. On the other hand when you admire something you can feel that and that feeling will help you to learn and acquire the best qualities. So, Learn the things which you admire from your fellow humans.




  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...