Saturday 7 November 2020

Love Itself is the Quality of Divine

      Mahatma Gandhi said “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”. Forgive the people who have hurt you because few people intentionally hurt us but many people innocently hurt us. Sometimes, we forgive the people who intentionally hurt us because that person might have asked sorry or we might have felt that person has realized his mistake. We finally forgive the ones who have hurted us so deep but on the other hand we hold on with the grudges and pain of the unintentional hurt which we have received. Here, the person who have hurt us might not even remember the words which they have spoken against us but we will clearly remember what they have said and we confuse our mind by labeling them as bad people.

       No one in this world is either good nor bad rather we all are there in between the good and bad. We can evolve and practice good things to acquire good habits. One among the best thing which can heal us and our pain is the habit of practicing kindness and love to approach the individuals around us. There are three stages of human evolution- the first is being loving and caring towards other, the second is spreading love and teaching the world how to love our fellow humans, the third and the final stage is just to love and give love irrespective to what others do towards us.

         Many people think that the third stage is unattainable or it is unworthy to attain because we might lose our individuality when we love the people around us when they only all bad things against us. The reality of loving others unconditionally and doing good for others is the quality the divine. The divine qualities are hard to accept, harder to practice but they are always the best ones which helps the human to live a happy life. When love comes first in the race of all other emotions then we will be the most happiest human in the planet earth.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...