Wednesday 4 November 2020

Set A Good Example

      The habits we practice, the character we possess and the deeds we follow are not the ones which we have learned ourselves rather we might have acquired many of our behaviours from our family members whether knowingly or unknowingly.

       If your friends say that you are perfect in all the works you do, they might praise you when you stand for the rights things. Here, you might wonder from where you have learned this quality of perfection and standing for the truth. You might even praise yourself for being such a good and genuine person but you fail to understand that you have learned many best things from your family members but you might have implemented that in a different way.

        If you are perfect in your work you might have learned that perfection from your mother who is perfect in feeding you food on correct time. If you think that you speak and stand for the truth you might have learned that quality from your father who always stands up for the right things.

         In some way or the other we all learn many things from the people who we are closely bonded with. We observe them and we imitate their character and attitude unknowingly. Here, we all have to understand that the character we build, the habits we develop are going to have an effect on our future generation. Be conscious in what you are doing because the younger ones in your family will definitely learn something from you. So, build your habits in the best possible way and do good things which will have a great impact on the younger ones in your family. You are going to be a example for someone in some way so be cautions that you should be referred for good examples.


  1. Behavior and Attitude: It remembers me the greatest writer Alice Walker's, views on Mother and Grandmother..As she says, our attitudes and doings will be continued only by our ancestors.��

    1. Great insight...I too thought of that when I was writing this one...



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...