Wednesday 30 December 2020

Respect The People Who Love You


     When someone asks us do we love our dad more or our mom more, few will choose their dad and few will choose their mother. Everyone will have our personal favourites in our life. Starting from our parents to each and everyone we meet in our life. We show more concern and care towards the people whom we love the most. It is not the biggest sin rather it is natural to show more love towards the people we love in our life. On the other hand, we forget and sometimes ignore the people who love us. When our most loving friend hurts us we feel sad and dejected but we never think about hurting the people who love us.

     We respect the love which we show towards other but most of the times we never even care about the people who genuinely care towards us. Never hurt the person who loves you. It might even be our grand parent. Grandparents will love their grandchildren so much but the grandchildren’s will never care about that and they will take them for granted in life. Never do this kind of things which will hurt the person who just loves you. Respect their care and concern towards you and be kind towards them.

     When we get something which is so much valuable and that comes free of cost we just try to neglect that without understanding the value of it. Love the ones who love you and show your concern towards them. Show a little care and a small amount of love towards the people who loves you and be a reason behind their happiness.


  1. My lovable topics ,I love nd respect everyone n my life .give respect & take respect 👍👍👍💯



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