Friday 29 January 2021

Choose Confidence


    Self-confidence and self-doubts exists within every individual but a person who chooses self-confidence focuses on the happy and positive side of life. On the other hand, the person who is filled with self-doubts suffers in life the most. Here, everything which we go through in life is all about the choices we make. When we choose positivity we find a way to make ourselves and our life better but when we choose doubts and insecurities we often fail to see the happy and blooming side of life.

    Everyone in this world are given freedom to choose the qualities and values they like to follow in life. No one in this world is responsible for our feelings and we are solely responsible about how we handle the positive and no so good situations we face in life. At, first we have to understand that life is the series of ups and few downs. If we clearly focus on the incidents which happen in our life we can understand that life is a blessing in so many ways. The person who focuses on the dark phase of life and thinks about that often fails to understand positivity and good emotions.

     Everything in life is our choice and one who believes in the process of life sees the beauty of life. Life is all about being positive, staying strong, spreading love and most importantly being kind towards others as well as to our ownselves. Choose confidence over your doubts and believe in yourself because a ultimate belief have the power create miracles in our life.






  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...