Saturday 2 January 2021



     New Year is the time for resolutions, starting something new, leaving something bad and trying to become the better version of ourselves. We take resolutions like reading certain number of books, reduce the usage of mobile phones, to eat healthy food and to stay fit. The list goes on and on with so many things to practice, few things to change and many things to learn. For this New year try and make a different resolution which can genuinely make you a better person which also gives you so many reasons to fall in love with yourself a bit more.

     There will be people around us whom we admire a lot. For example: we may admire the patience of our mother, the calmness of our father, ever smiling face of our neighbor and so many other qualities from so many other people around you. This year try and learn a quality which you admire the most from the closest person in your life. Practice that quality and give yourself a chance to make that quality as your own character.

     By doing this we will get immense amount of self-confidence, belief, happiness and self- love. Try to be calm, smile from your heart, never hurt people, love everyone around you and stay grounded. Life is beautiful when we became the simplest person with all positive human emotions and joy. Make this year a memorable year by practicing things which you truly love.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...