We human beings consider
that success in life is measured by the money we have, the house we own, the
car we drive and the classy things we use. On the other hand, the true happiness
and ultimate form of success is all about having people in our life to love us unconditionally.
We think that owing materialistic possessions make us rich but the true
richness lies in the love we receive from the people around us.
The book “Tuesdays With
Morrie” by Mitch Albom describes about the importance of love. Morrie quotes,
“You can’t substitute material
things for love or gentleness or for tenderness
Or the sense of comradeship.
Money is not the substitute for
tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness.
Devote yourself to loving others,
Devote yourself to your community
around you,
Devote yourself to creating
something that gives you purpose and meaning”.
People are not really
hungry for money rather they are hungry for love but they think that money will
give them the things they love. At, the end the materialistic things just
remain a material they cannot hug us when we feel high or even low in life.
Earn for your living but never live your life just for earning because true happiness
and success is all about earning people for life.
To be continued. Stay connected.
Thank you