Friday 26 February 2021

Day : 26 - Book: 5. The Mastery Manual by Robin Sharma


       When we grow up in life we often forget the love we received from the people around us during the early days in our life. We never look back and thank the people who were there for us and helped us to shape our life into a better one. Starting from our parents, siblings, teachers and the ones who were around us during the times we needed them. Be there for those people when you grow up in life.

       The book “The Mastery Manual” by Robin Sharma introduces us to a topic called, “The Power of Perspective”. Robin Sharma quotes the words of James Allen,

“There can be no progress, no achievement, without a certain degree of sacrifice

Our worldly success will be directly proportional to the degree that we overcome

Selfish, indulgent thoughts and fix our minds on the development of our plans and

The strengthening of our resolution and self-reliance”.

       In the modern world it is easy to stay busy but it is hard to take time out of our life to be there for the ones who loved us. Make an effort to be with the people around you, stay in touch with your friends, value the happiness you receive from your family. Life is all about doing little things with great joy which also makes people happy.

       Be thankful and grateful for everything which happened in your life. Robin Sharma quotes,

“As you take an inventory of your life, think about the books that have shaped your thinking

And the movies that have inspired you.

Think about the people that you have worked with that have made your life better

As well as the experiences that have defined you”.

        To be continued. Stay connected.




1 comment:


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...