Wednesday 3 March 2021

Don't Be A Mirror Rather Be Unique


       Everyone in this world is different. At times, we complain about the differences but during few times we call it as uniqueness. We love the people who are unique but we dislike the people who are different. Here, difference is all about the qualities we practice in life which is to be eliminated from our character for our betterment but on the other hand being unique is about doing good things with right intention. So, be unique and never try to be different.

       We often say that we are like mirror which reflects what it receives but the quality of mirror never suits for human beings because if someone hurts us in life we should not hurt that person by saying that we are the mirror which is giving back what it received. Rather, be a person who can give out only the good and positive energy to the world even if you receive lot of hatred and negatives. What we give out shows our character and the qualities we practice. When we are really good from our heart we will never try to play the role of the mirror in anyone’s life. Stay good from within because what resides within you have the power to make you feel happy about the life you lead. Practicing outer goodness will just kill us like a slow poison and we cannot act for so long by balancing our inner and outer self.

       Don’t be different by possessing the qualities which you might even hate after few years in life rather stay unique and genuine from your heart. Being good is not about showing to the world how good we are rather it is to show ourselves that we are living the life for which we are created for. No one is send to this world to spread negative energies rather we are here on this earth to just love all our fellow humans.





  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...