Monday 5 April 2021

No One Is Useless Rather We Might Be Used Less


       When life becomes tough we think that we alone in this world are leading a life which is filled with hardships but it is absolutely not true. Everyone in this world face some hardships according to their own capacity. When life does not work in our favour we become so negative and we fill ourselves with fear. Here, all this emotions are common to every human being who exists in this earth. A person who tasted success will definitely taste failure at some point in their life and the person who failed numerous times will get succeed one day. This is the law of nature and life is a circle. One who is in the top today could have been the one who stayed in the bottom line for a long time. Never occupy your mind with thoughts of negativity about life because nothing is permanent in this world even we human beings are just the visitors.

       Here, we all know that life is the series of ups of down but the things which makes us get worried is “Being a non-achiever in the world filled with achievers around you, mourning for your troubles when the people around you are rejoicing and celebrating their success”. Here is where life looks cruel but we have to really understand that we too are born to achieve things which we tend to have in our life.

       Don’t focus on the things which just have the power to bring so much of negativity into your life. Everyone and everything has its own turn. Our turn will arrive one day and that will make us realize that it is worth waiting for. The only thing which we should keep in our mind is that all the phases of our life are really beautiful because they are the memories which keeps us alive. No one in this world is useless rather we might be used less during a particular phase of our life but when our turn comes we will shine like a hero and heroines to the people around us.




  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...