Saturday 22 May 2021

Privacy Is Power


       Privacy is something important to each and every human being who exists in this earth. When we fail to spend a quality time with ourselves and our thoughts we just get stuck somewhere. When we get stuck that eventually reflects in the form of anger and frustration. Never allow yourself to feel that kind of anger in life because that will destroy all your good thoughts and vibes.

        Spend time with yourself. Do things which you love and don’t always occupy yourself with the thoughts of other people around you. When we focus on the others we just lose our individuality and identity. Soon we will become that person who we never wanted to be.

        Individuality is something unique and we can develop that by spending more time with ourselves. Listen to others but listen to your own thoughts as well. Everyone’s thoughts and beliefs might not match with you so listen and accept the ones which match with you but on the other hand just evaporate the thoughts which does’nt match with your belief. Most importantly have standard and quality thoughts which will be useful for your growth.









  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...