No one in this world
can understand the qualities and behavior of his fellow humans completely because
that is impossible. On the other hand no one in this world will understand us
completely because that too is definitely impossible. If a person says that
they understand you better it shows their love and affection towards you but if
a person says that they understand you completely then they are trying to fake
We human beings evolve,
emerge and become the newer version of ourselves with each passing day in our
life. We grow, we change, our character differs, the qualities we practice
change and the way we understand and accept things keeps on changing with each
passing phase in our life. Here, a person who in undergoing the process of
change each day will add up something new into their life so it will be hard
for that person to even understand themselves completely. In this scenario, it
will be hard for the people around us to understand us completely and if you
expect others to understand you then it’ll always end up in vain.
Never expect that
people around you should understand the nook and corner of your character and
never try to understand others completely because both this acts are just
impossible. Be you and change the qualities which are required to be changed. Don’t
stress yourself for not understanding others and never expect others to
understand you because a happy living resides in going on with the flow.
Thank you