Friday 7 May 2021

What Makes Life Beautiful?


        If there could be a million answers to a single question then that question could probably be “What makes life beautiful?”

        Each one of us in the world will have different and their own answers to this particular question. Some might say that love makes life beautiful, many might say that being rich and having a sophisticated living makes life beautiful, few might say that learning and evolving makes life beautiful. There are many more answers which are left out in this world for this ever beautiful question about life.

         Now, I put this question in a different way “What makes our vacation or our trips beautiful and worth enjoying?” When we plan too much it ends up being a normal trip which is little bit fun filled but those unexpected and unplanned trips remains as an evergreen memory which we carry in our hearts for a lifetime. Here, it is clear that the happiness and beauty lies in everything which happens very unexpectedly in our life.

         Beauty of life lies in its unpredictability. Just imagine if you are informed in prior about what is going to happen exactly during the next year. If it is a moment which you dreamt of achieving then can you be able to control your emotions. Can you be normal, will you work harder the same way you do today and will you be just able to live in your present. All this are impossible when we know what is going to happen in our future. Here, the unpredictability of life brings happiness, beauty, joy and bliss into human life.

         Have a passion, dream and work towards achieving them in life but never focus too much on the end results or your tomorrows rather live in your today and live it to your fullest and maximum.


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