Sunday 6 June 2021

Happiness Lies in Little Things Which Happens Around Us And Within Us


      We think and believe that life is all about making plans, strategizing things, executing our vision and always working towards our destination. Here, all these are just the myths which we believe to make ourselves stay focused in life. Working is essential and having a goal is also important but thinking about them 24/7 for all 365 days is just the way of putting more stress on ourselves.

      Work but never make your work rule your life because life is more beautiful than we actually dream about it. To know more about the beauty of life and to enjoy the happiness present in this world just spend time with yourself and the people around you. Connect yourself with the things you love. Sit in a comfortable place in your house and observe the silence which is present around you, gaze at the sky, watch the plants and trees which moves in the wind, reminiscence the good old times of your life and relive those beautiful days in your mind and heart.

      The extreme happiness in life just lies in the simplest things which we have around us but we humans just ignore them and run behind the unknown.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...