Tuesday 1 June 2021

Happy Practices


“Don’t ever miss the best version of yourself which you love the most”

      Each and every human being in this world will surely love something about themselves in which their happiness might reside. It might be a quality, a practice or it might be anything which helps a person to improve themselves in a good way. We might think that we should not lose that particular quality of ourselves at any point in life. Sometimes we will make conscious efforts to follow them in life but sometimes we might do that without proper conscious thought.

      Here, whenever we fail to follow such things which we think can bring happiness into our lives then we will definitely get stuck. That feeling of stuck will bring lots of unwanted emotions like anger, frustration and lack of peace in our mind.

       Whenever you feel that you are missing out on something in your life then try and find out what can actually, fill that void that has occurred within us. Fill that void by practising that one particular thing that can add value to your life as well as fill that void permanently.

       Few people might like gardening and they might love plants but due to some reason they could not able to maintain their garden properly then that could create a mental dilemma in their mind. Such kind of dilemma might affect us deeply so never allow any of your healthy practice to end with a full stop rather continue them with wise commas.






  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...