Monday 12 July 2021

Second Half Of The Year

      Starting from the movies we watch to the life we live speaks volume about the second half of it. I always feel that endings are always beautiful than beginnings because beginnings are like plain paper whereas endings are masterpieces. The second half of the year from July to December is something magical. At the beginning of each year, we will have so many resolutions to follow, wishes to fulfill during that particular year and so many other things on our to-do list.

      At first, we just work towards the things we just want in our life and we follow strict routines but the second half of the year is all about the flow of life. When life moves on with its own flow which is sometimes flawless then it just feels like magic. The magic and the beauty of life lies in the second half of the year. The rapidly changing climate from hot sun to days of rain, to cold winters filled with festivals and celebration.

       July to December will be filled with dim sunlight, drizzles, and festive mode. Cherish this second half of the year by living it to its fullest. Spread happiness, love, and positivity.




  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...