Wednesday 25 August 2021


       Human life is all about cherishing extreme highs and also feeling bad about all the extreme lows. Here, it is just normal to face highs and lows because they are inseparable part of our existence. Everything in life should just be accepted. Without acceptance life will look clumsy. Develop the quality of patience and acceptance. Understand that it is normal to fall, to make mistakes, to be not so perfect and it is just ok to be the way we are - Imperfect yet natural. 

        Life is not a theory which is to be read and understood rather life should be lived but cannot be understood because it just varies from person to person. What seems absolutely correct from our point of view might seem to be wrong from the other end. So, it is good for us to lead a non-judgmental life by accepting the things which just comes across our way.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

The Art of Forgiving

      "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"
      - Mahatma Gandhi 
       We human beings are born in this world to just cherish and live the beautiful life which we are blessed with. Even during this beautiful journey it is normal to face hardships because that is how our lives are designed. When we take things seriously it just turns out to be serious issues but on the other hand when we stay calm and composed life will just turn out to be smooth irrespective of anything and everything which happen to us and around us. 
       The key ingredient for a happy living is to forgive people because forgiveness helps us to stay happier. Holding on with unwanted grudges for a longer time is just purposeless. Living a purposeless life is all about wasting our happy times. 
       Forgive and even forget because remembering useless things is just useless. Learn the art of forgiveness to stay happier. 

Sunday 22 August 2021

Thoughts and Emotions

       Life is a magical journey filled with infinite emotions and thoughts. It is hard to stay emotional free and thought free but we human beings have the option to choose. We can always choose our thoughts and emotions. We think that we humans are made of emotions and thoughts but the real truth is we can control them with self-awareness and self-love.
      Never allow your emotions and thoughts to rule yourself. 

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Writing = Breathing

      It has exactly been two years that I have started writing and posting blogs on this site. Writing has always been my dream and even from my school days, I used to write something which randomly pops up in my mind. I even had the weird habit of finishing my exams before the allotted time and could scribble something behind the question paper. I use to participate in writing competitions but all the time I could not able to reach the margin of that excellent writing. Sometimes I use to think that I'm fooling myself thinking that I'm good at writing and I had that doubt for many years. After many failed attempts I just stopped participating in such writing competitions. I just stopped writing during my higher secondary days. 
       When we leave something thinking that we are not fit for doing that particular thing that is where destiny plays its beautiful role. Here, destiny made me choose literature which I never thought could turn out to be my passion. In this situation, there is no other option for me to leave my writing because literature is all about art, expression of ideas and it is all about writing. I left writing during my school days but writing just hugged me with its wide-open arms during my college days. 
       Now, writing for me just feels like breathing. It is hard for me to stay away from writing because life just feels blank and meaningless with writing. I started this blog on a random day and I never thought I could take this here with 700+ posts. I don't know whether I'm a good narrator or not but I know one thing for sure - Writing for me is like living and breathing. I just cannot escape from living my life and in the same way, I cannot escape from this fairy world of writing. 

Sunday 8 August 2021

Quotes of the Day

1. Quality of living doesn't depend on the quantity of wealth rather it depends on the quality of the heart.
2. Overthinking leads to unnecessary worries which makes life unpleasant. 
3. Loving others and spreading others is just the beautiful way of existing.

Beautiful Way Of Existing

       Each phase of our life is just a new opportunity for us to change and upgrade ourselves. To choose the right things which will help us to upgrade our character, behavior, beliefs, and the qualities we practice in life. All the good days, as well as bad days in life, are just the new lessons that have been added to our syllabus called living but learning those valuable lessons and applying our learnings in life is just left to us to decide and practice. 
       Stay positive and learn valuable lessons. Never focus on negativity because what we focus on just automatically grows without our focus and knowledge. Choose to stay positive irrespective of anything which happens to you and around you. Just remember that positivity is not just the way of living rather it is a beautiful way of existing and also living life to its fullest.  

Saturday 7 August 2021

Quotes of the Day

1. Gratitude is the greatest form of prayer. 
2. Stay calm even during the toughest situations in life to maintain inner peace and clarity. 
3. Treat people the way you like to be treated irrespective of their behaviour and attitude towards you. 
4. Patience is the key to unlock a beautiful life.

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Quotes of the Day

    1.      Good thoughts in life lead us to happy lifestyle.

2.      Belief is just the basic ingredient which is essential for a beautiful life filled with magic.

3.      Prayers can work miracles in the life of the people who just believe in the power of prayer.

4.      Spreading happiness is one of the toughest jobs but when we learn to master that then life will turn out to be miraculous.


Monday 2 August 2021

A Break Is Meant to Come Back Stronger

      Taking a break from our important routines in life are something challenging and also worth challenging because it just tests us and our interests. When we take a break from the things we usually do in our life we just take risks to transform our lives to the next level. Breaks always teach the importance of the things we just take for granted, breaks make us realize who we actually are and what are our true interests, breaks help us to emerge stronger, wiser and most importantly it just tests our inner self.

      When we take a break from something we do in our life we just miss that for few days and after few days we just forget and move on with our other works. Here, when we forget our routines so easily than taking breaks means just nothing but when you think more about the work you miss and wait back to start that fresh after a healthy break then it is just phenomenal.

      Breaks in life should never kill our interests and passion rather they should increase our interests and should wait for us to get back into life. The truest passion in life never dies for the smallest breaks we take to just refresh. Dreams and passion just grow with time and the ones which fade are not our truest calling in life.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...