Wednesday 21 December 2022

Quotes of the Day

  •     Gratitude paves the way to happiness
  •       Think before you speak or better stay silent.
  •       Unspoken words are more powerful.
  •       Kill the jealousy which exists with you to stay peaceful.
  •       Beauty is a valuable asset when it lies within ourselves.


What Others Think of You is None of Your Business

       We all know and think that the opinion of others is something we should ignore when it tends to affect our peace in life. Here, we just know some realities but we feel hard to practice them due to our oscillation in thoughts. But, it is advisable to ignore the words which disturb us mentally.

       We are gifted with one life and it tends to be lived happily. Have your own positive rules to lead your life. Always, remember that we are never here to impress and please others. We are gifted with a life to live it with love and gratitude. 

Thursday 15 December 2022

Your First Priority Must Be Yourself


      As we grow in life our responsibilities start to grow along with us gradually. It is common for both men and women to become busy with their work, family and so many other commitments. Here, all these responsibilities take away our time. Our days, weeks, and months are fully packed with our responsibilities and commitments. Now, in this busy schedule, we just forget or we just find it hard to spend time with ourselves and for ourselves. We slowly stop doing the things we love, we fail to take care of our health, and we find it hard to pick the time to think about ourselves. We just start to miss that time we have for ourselves.

      Here, schedule your work and have time for yourself. At least one to two hours per day. Just reflect on yourself, smile, love, laugh, and cherish yourself. Our responsibilities are important but we are much more important than all our responsibilities in life. During your “me time” never allow anything to distract you from the things you love doing. Turn off your mobile phones or just turn them into a silent mode to avoid major distractions.

      Love your life and live your life to its fullest. Never forget to take care of your physical and mental health because we a more precious to ourselves than anyone in this world.




Wednesday 14 December 2022

Bliss of Solitude


      Real happiness in life lies in “Spending time with ourselves”. When we spend our quality time in a good and positive way we just start to enjoy our own company. Spent your time doing the productive things you love. It might either be reading, writing, listening to music, organizing your place, cooking or it might be anything that makes you feel good and positive.

      The time you spent with yourself enhances and improves you in numerous ways. Think of good thoughts and ideas which can improve you as a person. Never allow your solitude to turn into loneliness. Stay engaged in a good way.

       Stay positive and live life to its fullest.

Tuesday 13 December 2022

Quotes of the Day

1. Never live to impress others rather impress yourself by achieving the unachievable.
2. Focus on yourself to grow in life.
3. Ignore and shut your ears to the stories which spoil your mindset.
4. Stay rooted and the roots will help us grow.
5. Express your emotions to stay stress free.

Monday 12 December 2022

Ignore Unwanted Comments


       As we move forward in life we take up responsibilities, we care for the people around us, as well as we tend to take care of our near and dear ones. When we move ahead we will face criticism and people will start to speak behind our backs. Here, all these are the signs which indicate that we have moved to the next stage of our life.

      Consider and correct the positive criticism because that will help us to enhance and equip ourselves as better people. On the other hand, just ignore the negative comments, especially the people who envy and speak behind our backs. Those unwanted acts have nothing to do with our life.

        Stay positive and focus on the positive side of life to live happily.

Sunday 11 December 2022

Quotes of the Day

 1. Be an inspiration to others and fill yourself with inspired thoughts.

2. Love the life you are gifted with and be grateful. 

3. Never underestimate the people around you because everyone is intellectual in their own way.

4. Be confident about your dreams in life.

5. Carry a wide smile on your face to stay positive inside and out. 

What We Throw Comes back to Us


       When we do something either good or bad it will surely return back to us in some way or the other. Good deeds will attract good things toward us on the other hand bad things will attract negative things toward us.

       We will always be gifted back with the seeds we have planted. We cannot expect a pumpkin from bitter guard seed. So, be careful about the things which you do and choose in life. Love life to its fullest without any regrets. 

Friday 9 December 2022

Comparison Kills Joy


      The character we possess should be based on the values we follow, the qualities we practice and the thoughts we repeatedly think. We should not change our character based on the other person’s behavior and attitude towards us. Own a standard character, think positively and stay good at heart.

      Never allow the behavior of others to affect the deeply rooted good values within you. Don’t judge others, never compare, stop complaining because all this will lead to disaster. Comparing ourselves with others and thinking that we are better than them is just an unwanted comparison which does not make us better in anyway.

      Stay rooted to your core values. Live your life happily by improving and equipping yourself on daily basis. Nurture your mind with good and positive things. Good things happen to the people who are truly good at heart.

“Be yourself and spread positivity”






Thursday 8 December 2022

Quotes of the Day

 1.Just smile and spread positivity.

 2.Be there for the people who need you in their life.

 3.Shine and sparkle in the place where you are planted.

 4. Eyes speak louder than our mouths.

 5. Pay gratitude and stay peaceful in mind.

Parents are the Treasures of our Life

      The greatest gift everyone receives on the day of our birth is two kind-hearted humans whom we can proudly call our father and mother. Without these two beautiful souls, our life could have never been the same as it was today. They are the back-bones, pillars of support, and the ones who will be with us not only during our ups but a great strength during our downs in life.

       Respect, love, care, and spent time with them because they are the two people in our life who ultimately cherish us all the time. As a child, we expect certain things from our parents during each stage and each phase of our life but they just love to be loved. The unconditional love which they shower upon us can never be replaced by anyone in this world. The way they shower the love might differ but the heartfelt love they have towards their children is unquestionable.

“Love your Parents the way how God loves you”

        Be there for them and with them because they are the treasures of our life. 

Wednesday 7 December 2022

Expectations Kills Relationships

      The expectation is something which arouses many negative feelings and emotions inside us. Expectation just leads to uncertainty. A happy life is all about leading an expectation-free life. It is hard to control ourselves and to stop ourselves from expecting things to happen in our way.


      Slowly and steadily we can learn to practise an expectation-free life. When we stop expecting life just turns into a miraculous one. Life will look and feel positive irrespective of all the toughness.


       When people behave differently than the way you have expected just ignore and not accept that it is the reality of life because we never behave in the way others expect us. We just behave under our own convenience and the same rule is applicable to everyone around us. What you consider wrong might be right for someone and wrong for someone. Everything is up to an individual to decide whether something is right or wrong.


       Respect the individuality of others without debating whether it is right or wrong. Just be yourself and spread positivity or else stop spreading negativity.


      Live life and love life. Stay richly happier with positive thoughts and emotions.


Learnings in Each Phase of our Life

      The people we meet, the situations we face, the experiences we gain and ultimately the way we handle things differ during each phase of our life. At first, it will be hard for us to understand certain things during the initial stage of any new phase in life. Later, when we understand the situation it will be hard for us to accept that reality but after some time we will adopt to accept the uncertainty. Finally, we will become ourselves by understanding, accepting and adopting the life we are granted with.

"This is what life is all about"

      Life changes rapidly and the next phase arrives faster. The same formula gets repeated again. Here, this reality is called life but it is left in the hands of each individual to decide whether life is good or bad for them. One who cherishes life considers it to be a joyful one but one who often finds faults considers life a bad one. 

       Enjoy each phase of your life because it won't get repeated again. Everything in life is just a one-time opportunity. Never lose its joy by finding only the faults and flaws.

Live happily and be thankful.


Friday 2 December 2022

Quotes of the Day

1. Staying true to ourselves lead us to great victory.
2. Love and kindness are the powerful weapons used to handle the people around us.
3. Patience is the greatest virtue which only few people own.
4. Smile is a contagious gesture which fills everyone around us with positive vibe.
5. Let love be the language of our heart and soul.

Thursday 1 December 2022

Happy December - Back to My Happiness

        Welcome December!!!

       December is all about gratitude, joy, merriment and happiness. Being grateful for each and everything we have in our life makes us much happier. Here, I am back to my world of happiness- blogging on this beautiful month which I personally love the most.

       When our heart and mind come together to celebrate something that is where the true purpose of our life resides. Writing for me is a soulful thing which I consider as a driving force to lead my life in a better as well as a positive way. Today’s writing is about “How to stay connected with our inner calling”.

        We human beings are filled with certain purposes and our inner calling. We are here on this earth for a certain reason and that is what we call our purpose. Finding our purpose and making that into our living makes our life a blissful one. We might either be happy, sad or filled with any other emotion at some point but at that time when we do something which we truly love our negative emotions will just get vanished. Suddenly, our mind and heart will be filled with happiness and gratitude.

        The human mind is designed in a particular way to respond to the beautiful things which make us happier. Find your inner calling – your so-called purpose, desire and the place of your happiness. Finally, stay true to your calling, improve yourself, extract the best out of yourself and believe that you can and you will. A small step daily towards your vision will lead you to great things. Love your life, and focus on the positive, bright and happier side of life to stay cheerful.




  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...