The greatest gift
everyone receives on the day of our birth is two kind-hearted humans whom we
can proudly call our father and mother. Without these two beautiful souls, our
life could have never been the same as it was today. They are the back-bones,
pillars of support, and the ones who will be with us not only during our ups but
a great strength during our downs in life.
Respect, love, care, and
spent time with them because they are the two people in our life who ultimately cherish us all the time. As a
child, we expect certain things from our parents during each stage and each
phase of our life but they just love to be loved. The unconditional love which
they shower upon us can never be replaced by anyone in this world. The way they
shower the love might differ but the heartfelt love they have towards
their children is unquestionable.
“Love your Parents the
way how God loves you”
Be there for them and with them because they are the treasures of our life.
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