Sunday, 31 May 2020

The Power of Imagination

      Each and every human will have their own utopian world were everything will be perfect and beautiful. No one around us will know about our dream world. We might also know that our utopian world won’t have a place in our real life but it will give us some sort of happiness which no other thing in this world can grand us.

       Here we can see the co-relation between our heart and mind. Our heart will be filled with infinite desires but hearts cannot generate them into imaginations so it needs a  proper co-relation between the mind. Our mind will transform our imaginations into visions. This is the versatility of human mind and we can know the power of human mind through this.

      Our mind have the power to create anything and to destroy. So keep track of the mind and its thoughts. Never allow your mind to focus on unwanted things because mind does not know how to recover itself from it’s emotional state and thoughts

      The pleasure of imagination is gifted to only the humans. So imagine without limits and understand that your imagination has its own power. Imagine only the good ones but make sure you  live within the limits.

Saturday, 30 May 2020


      “A Minute of anger will totally destroy all the relationships we hold and value in our life”. The moment and the emotion of anger is like a spark of lighting because we can witness that only for few seconds but it’ll create a lasting impression. It is very hard to justify and make others understand the reason and situation behind our anger because each and every individual will have their own perspectives. To justify our anger is the toughest task ever. We cannot even justify that to our ownself after few minutes from that scenario.

      A person can lead a happy and fulfilling life if only he learns to control his anger at first and to finally get rid of it totally. The results of our anger will be hard to handle and accept. So practice patience even during the most toughest times because a moment of anger will totally scatter all the beautiful things in your life and getting that back may take a long time and at few times it might be impossible to get that back in the perfect sense.

      Have a control over the uncontrollable because controlling them will make our life even more happier. Be a human with all sorts of positive emotions and leave away the negative ones to make your life meaningful.

Friday, 29 May 2020


      Everyone in this world will have their own favorite things and personalities in their life. As we move on with life we tend to add few more people into that list and the list gets increased day by day but it won’t get reduced at any cost. Some people will have weird favorites like Hitler. Some will have usual iconic favorites like Charles Dickens and Dhoni.

      A individuals love and liking towards the things always get varied and it differs from one another. It might be the one things that we don’t like to copy from other individual. When we hear the name of our favorite personalities our heart will skip a beat. Their names will hold immense happiness in itself. We consider them as our role model. We try to copy their style and few of their qualities. All this indicates that human beings have a huge admiration towards their fellow humans. No other living being will have this kind of quality, attitude and opportunity. It is one of the way to prove that humans are always the special ones in the creation of God.

       Admire and take good ones to make your life better. The Power and quality of Admiration is the greatest gift granted by god to Humans so cherish the gift and use it in a proper sense.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

A Well-Balanced Life

       There is a famous quote which states “Life is the best teacher” and it is hundred percent true. Life teaches us many things either a good one nor bad but the fact is life teaches things during the unexpected time through the unexpected events. We can also say that “life is a miracle sometimes”. We never know anything about our future life but we might guess something and it might happen or might not happen. Everyone and everything is unpredictable around us.

       The only way to remain happy is to accept the things which life gives us but we humans hold on with our past. We dwell in our past and it might take time for an individual to accept things in life. It is quite natural to feel like this but if we take a long time to recover from our past then our life will turn into an disaster. While thinking about the past we many times forget about the beautiful future that life holds for us.

       A person who balances his past, present and future in a well-mannered way can lead a happy life. So don’t stick and stuck at any point in life because life is a flowing river and we have to accept things and move on with the flow. When the flow gets stagnated life gets collapsed. Never allow anything to stop your flow. Be practical enough to lead a beautiful life.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

A Peaceful State of Mind

       Peace is the most essential one that every human tend to search for throughout their lifetime. All the other emotions like happiness, sadness and joy can easily be felt and attained but peace is very hard to attain. Peace can also be called as the superior of all emotions. It is hard to be at the state of peace because we think of all infinite things in our mind all the time and mind never ever takes rest. Even during our sleep our mind works and that gets transformed into dreams. So human mind works from birth till death without any rest. So thoughts does not have any end point and because of that attaining peace seems to be impossible.

       The only way to attain the infinite quality of peace a person should connect himself with divine and the universe. The more we pray and meditate we can attain the state of peace but it takes a bit of time. To attain a peaceful state we should practice to be patient enough towards anything we face in life.

       A peaceful life seems to be impossible but it is attainable by connecting ourselves with the spirit of divine.


Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Jealousy and Gossiping

       The two unessential qualities which makes a human turn into bad individual is both Jealousy and Gossiping. Approximately, Out of 1000 individuals maximum 990 people will surely have both this qualities. Even some of them will justify that it is common and natural. People never even consider it as an bad trait but both this qualities will affect us more that if affects the person whom we are jealous or gossip about.

       We often feel jealous when someone leads a good life and we will question ourself that why I am I not gifted with such kind of life. At first, we have to understand that it is not the gift of good life that a person is enjoying rather it is the by-product of all his hard work, dedication, sincerity and the most important quality called discipline. So, when you feel jealous about anyone around you try to learn the best qualities form them and work on it to make your life better. An unwanted jealousy will destroy all our good traits. Try and leave being jealous and start to learn from best of their qualities in a very positive way.

       The second most important unwanted quality a human possess is “Gossiping”. Everyone in this world gossip a lot and there is no exception. One of the most bad energy we gain through gossiping is “all the negative and bad traits about an individual”. We never focus on their goodness and great qualities rather we will state all their flaws but that might even not be true. The most important question here is “What benefits we are going to gain by talking about the bad qualities of others. The answer will be an absolute no and nothing.

       The act of gossiping steals all our time so stop doing that and talk about the good ones. When you get rid of this two qualities you will became and good human with extreme goodness. So practice and be an good individual.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Attitude of Adjustment and Calmness


       During all walks of our life we tend to meet different people with different characters, lifestyle, attitude and so on. Few might match with our frequencies and many might not match but everyone around us are the inseperable part of our life. We have to face both good and bad to lead our life. We cannot eliminate and send off people out of our life because someway or the other they’ll be connected with us. We cannot expect others to behave in the same way as we do because each one is different and they will have their own individuality.

       The only thing we can do is that we can adjust with them. The word adjustment might sound easy but it is very hard to practice. One who adjusts and takes up things easily can balance and maintain healthy relationships with people around them. Those few will lead a happy life than many others around us. Be kind and remain calm even with the stone-hearted people because you kindness and adjustment will melt them at some point in life.

       Be a human but possess the qualities and traits of an Monk. It is very hard to be like that but it will transform yourself as an better individual from both inside and outside. 

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Truth and Rejection

      The most important word which each and every human could have came across in their lives are both Truth and Rejection. In somehow or the other one might have faced a bitter truth and a great sort of rejection in life. The word truth seems to be positive but rejection is completely an negative word but more than this negative word the positive one makes us realize who we are and what we are. A simple rejection might hurt us but the rejection with a solid truth and reason will always make us grow in our life. What we consider as a bitter experience today will turn out to be an sweet one tomorrow.

     The rejection will make us to search for our true self, our hidden potentials, our path in life and will create a thrust in us to find out our goals. After experiencing all rejections when we succeed we will get an ultimate amount of happiness which no other life could have given. So, don’t be scared when you face truth and rejection in your life. Consider it as a part of learning process.

      Life won’t be worth celebrating when you achieve success in all the things you do rather life will be much more happier when you do the things which makes you a celebrity in life and to achieve that we must accept our rejections with a positive intent so that it will transform us into successors one day.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Shape Your Mind with Goodness

       We humans never focus on the good qualities we have and also what other individuals around us possess. We tune our mind to focus only on the negative and rough side of life. We never even take initial steps to focus on goodness and positivity. When someone asks us to list out our problems and the things we don’t have in our life. We will rush and tell infinite ones. We will dig deep inside our memory and bring out all the hidden and buried things which we don’t had the opportunity to have in our life. Rather, if someone asks us to write about the good things we have in our life. We will think for few minutes and list out few ones but most probably we won’t write more than five or six. Now, this is a clear indicator for us to understand how our mind really works.

       If we lead our life with this kind of mentality we will end up being frustrated with the life we live. Nothing will excite us. Our self-esteem will be in a low level all the time. Life will never run smooth. So, never approach life with this kind of attitude of emptiness. Focus on goodness, positive things and be happy all the time. Remember and never forget we are just the visitors to this earth. We are gifted with this life to learn and love others but not to find faults and flaws.

       Fill your mind with good thoughts, happy moments and try your best to be happy all the time. Smile and never lament for the life you are leading because negative thoughts will being negative vibrations and it will make your life even more miserable.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Attachment and Detachment

       The two words attachment and detachment differs with the first two letters (at, de) but the meanings are pole apart. When we stick on with something or someone which is hard for us to leave then it is termed as attachment on the other hand when we consider things moderately it is called as detachment. Humans are naturally gifted with the emotions of attachment. When we are born we are too attached with our mother later with our father and with the members in our family. So the quality of attachment and love follows us naturally. When years pass by and we group up as an individual with our own traits we develop our knowledge and learning. Later on our desire towards all worldly pleasures start to develop like money, fame and material possessions. When love and desire for material possessions start to head-up and that is where we start to learn detachment but in an very wrong sense. We start to detach ourself from the people around us. We think that love and relationships makes us weak but the real truth is that the worldly objects and material possessions make our life complicated. In the desire of earning more and getting more we began to consider our root of emotions as unwanted ones.

       Knowledge should never overrule our emotions at any point in life because emotions are travelling with us from our birth but knowledge is the one which we have developed through learning. So be attached with your emotions like love, kindness, compassion and gratitude but be detached with the objects and things which you have gained later in your life.

       What to be attached and what to be detached should be balanced equally. When you detach yourself from your emotions and that is were life becames complicated because we get connected with the universe and the supreme being god with our emotion not with our knowledge. When emotions are cut off we get detached from the universe.

       There is a famous quote which says “If love is your weakness then you are the strongest person of this world”. So be an individual with love and kindness and think before detaching your emotions. As, the flower lotus detaches itself from water but not with the soil and the roots. Roots are always important for anything and humans are born out of  the roots of extreme love and it is safe to be attached with the roots. 

Thoughts Design our Destiny

       We humans always complain that our life doesn’t move in the way we have planned. We always have a fixed statement that “Plans don’t work”. When few of our planes gets collapsed we stop our all our planning. On the other hand few people lose their hope towards life. When your plans fail never stress yourself and became negative rather think of it in a positive sense. May be life might have better plans for us than we have for ourselves. Travel back to your past and analyse what you have achieved till not and answer your own question. Whether, they are the planned Ones? Most probably 90% of things would be the unplanned and never expected ones but we will be happy with that today. Everything takes time so wait for the plans that destiny have designed for you.

       If, you don’t believe in the above words better read the biography of any great personalities who have left the great landmark in the work and deeds they have done. Then, you will realize that they have achieved the great heights with the unplanned event or situation happened in their life. So, Believe and understand that “Life is a Miracle”. If you believe in the forth coming miracles they’ll turn into an happy ones rather if you doubt the unplanned plans it will turn into an negative and unhappy one.

       Our own thoughts design our Destiny over the Unplanned Things.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Every Individual is Different

       Human beings have the tendency of thinking that everyone around them is leading a life better than them in someway. When, a person is so poor he feels that everyone around him are so rich, when a person comes from a middle-class background he holds a dream of becoming a billionaire and he considers his own life as an mediocrite one. When a person is rich he thinks of what other rich ones will be doing to increase their income and wealth. Somehow or the other everyone around us including ourself are thinking of the others around us but not about our own life and situations. We always have a huge admiration towards the people who are above our level in case of money, knowledge and so many other things. While rushing and looking at all this we forget that we too have our own life with same twenty-four hours a day, seven days in a week and twelve months in a year.

       If we like to compare, we should always compare our ownself with the past and our present situation and evaluate how much we have gained that we proudly call it as our own today. Celebrate you own life instead of looking around. Be grateful for the things and qualities you have as an individual in your life. Life is precious so don’t waste is just for comparing and worrying.

       Be an example for your ownself.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Staying Calm transforms us into Good Individuals

       Staying calm and composed is one of the rare quality which is hard to find in an individual now-a-days. Most of the people always try to prove themselves as superior. They impose that their attitudes and behaviours were absolutely perfect. An individual who is truly perfect will never try to show them out or showcase that quality because their focus will be completely themselves but not with others around. Attaining this kind of attitude is very rare.

       To be an individual with calm attitude we should train our mind to focus on the good quality that others have rather than focusing on their flaws. There will be millions of people around us to tell about the flaws but their will only be few nicer individuals who are compassionate will always point out the beautiful qualities in other individuals.

       To appreciate and love others we should be an individual with extreme calmness and we should also possess the attitude of acceptance. Be calm and correct yourself and be the best individual that others love to relay upon.

Monday, 18 May 2020


       Friendship is considered to be one of the beautiful and most valuable relationship in one's life. All other people in our life will have some sort of expectations towards us but the true friend will always be the person who tells us to be the better version of ourself. They will point out our hidden talents and help us to work over that. We may even lose the touch with our friends but the bond we have shared will always be their in our hearts. The most special people in this Universe are the one's who have a friend to share both their happiness and sadness. 
       We always love to see the growth of our friends as much as the desire we have towards our goals and passion. If you don't have this kind of friend in your life you be the one like this.
       Growing old by having your friend by your side and that bond of togetherness is the blessing everyone love to have in their life. So don't miss out any opportunity of being their for your friend by his side. 

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Quote of the Day

"From Nothing to Everything is called Success and Achievement
From Something to Everything is called Hardwork"

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Emotional Intelligence

       When we mentally grow up in life we will realize the importance of our attitude towards life and living. During our young age our character and behavior could have been different from the way we think and behave today. We could have been a short-tempered and Possessive person but when we grow up we understand the importance of mental stability and we learn to forgive, accept and tolerate.

       When we attain that stage in our life we will regret the things that we have done in our past. We feel that we have did some silly mistakes. Life and time teaches us to be a better humans.

       Even after that learning we behave in that same way and does not change any of our traits then it will turn out to be useless. Each and every human should attain that state of emotional intelligence in their life.

      Be a person with best traits but not the traits that often leads you to Self-Doubt.


Friday, 15 May 2020

Family is Everything in our Life....

       Family is the biggest blessing in each and every individuals life. The members in our family are the most special people in this world whom we can relay upon at anytime. Sometimes we consider them as the ones who restrict our freedom and set up boundary lines in our life. The reason behind this is that they know more about the world around us. So they always keep an eye upon us to check whether we live in a comfortable safe zones.

       When there is someone to take care of us we consider that as burden but when were left free without any restrictions then we will realize the importance of bondage and boundaries. Family is not an important one in life rather it is an essential one to lead our life.

       We unknowingly learn all our good values from the members in our family. Families are the source of support in everyone’s life. The life we live on this earth will be meaningful and worth living only if we have a loving family around us.

        The person we are today is the replica of the beautiful structure called Family. Each and every individual in our family are equally important for the success that we have achieved in our life. Cherish and be happy to have that special bondage and beautiful souls in your Life.



Thursday, 14 May 2020

Life is more Precious than what we Think

       Human beings live in this earth for around 70 to 80 years maximum. At the end of everyone’s journey we leave back some fine memories for others to remember and cherish about the life that we have lived in this world. Whatever happens in our life today are considered to be tomorrow’s unerasable memories. We may not feel happy today, we may not consider today as a special day, the day might have it’s own flaws but after few years when you reminiscence this phase of your life we will have millions of happy moments to share with others around us.
       In, the current scenario the whole of India was under Lockdown. The people who have expected for leave and long breaks where also turned to be bored. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the day when they can step out of their homes and can walk on the roads freely as like they have did before a couple of months back. The life which we lead before fifty days - we never considered that routine as a special one but today we realize its importance and the happiness of the life that we have lead. In the same way we might be bored and hate living in the house for the whole day in the past fifty days. Remember, This phase of lockdown will never happen anymore in our lives. We will never be granted an opportunity to live in our home with our family members around us in future for this long days.
       Even if the same situation arises may be after 20 to 30 years life won’t be same as that we have today. Things might have changed, people might have changed, the person we love the most today won’t be there with us that day but we might have added few more people into that list after 20 years down the lane.
       Each and everything around us are the precious memories that we might look back and long for. It is an indicator which tells us that “Life is more precious than what we think of it”. So, Enjoy each and everyday. The harsh reality is that we all are the visitors tested by the exam called life. Make sure, that exams should never scare us because understanding and learning will help us perform better in the exam of our life.
       Start to understand that every moment is important in life and also learn that success and failures are the part of life but not the ones which scare you to lead you life.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Focus on Positive

       It is hard to control the thoughts and mind of a human. Our mind revolves around everything and at times we feel frustrated only because of our thoughts. When we have a physical pain we can take rest by lying down and by resting our body. Rather, when something is disturbing our mind we feel hard to analyze the problem of our mind at first. When, our mind is stuck we cannot concentrate on anything. All our work will get affected because of the oscillation of our mind. To put forth the problem of our mind in words itself is an hard task.
       When your mind is stuck with this kind of problem don’t stress your mind to find the root cause for this problem rather relax yourself by thinking about the most happiest days of your life. Never stress yourself. Relax a bit. Meditate if you have time.
       Be with the person who’ll cheer up your mind. Focus on Positive things.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Thoughts of Doubts are the Part of Life

       All living beings in earth are gifted with five senses except human beings. Humans have six senses. We possess the quality to think and analyze things in life. We might be gifted with this quality at the day we are born but it starts to function at certain age. For some people it might start working at the age of ten and for some it might be at twenty. It depends on an individual and it varies according to the thought process of each and every human.
       Once a person starts to think deeply about his/her life and gains the quality to analyze things that is where the real game of life starts. We think and put things into practice, we rebuilt and modulate our thoughts. Our thoughts will be keep on changing. We will experience pressure and doubts. We struggle to justify ourselves as an intellectual one or foolish one. We, sometimes fail to make correct choices and we tend to struggle or we make right choices unknowingly but struggle to succeed and sustain in the things we do.
       All, this things are the problems we face during the initial stage of our intellectual process of growing up in life. Each and every individual might have faced that but the one who overcomes that with success are considered as legends and achievers but one who fails to control and lead his own thoughts turn up into failures.
      To became a achiever, first learn to accept that confusions, doubts and failures are the part of life but not the end of life. One who overcomes his negative thoughts and fills it with positive intentions will succeed in the human history called life. So don’t dwell on the negative and weak side of your personality and character rather accept it as a part of your life and rebuilt it with positive emotions.
       Success will be worth enjoying only when you overcome the doubts of your failure.

Monday, 11 May 2020


       Human beings have high dreams and passion in their life. We dream more but we work less. The act of laziness will fill our entire body at some point in life. We will never find time to overcome our laziness. At, one point we will be very inspired and full of energy.  We will work during that particular time. When, the inspiration moves and vanishes we will be stuck with that same aspect of lazy attitude.
      Being lazy will make us feel guilty about our ownself. Later, we could regret all the time that we have wasted when opportunities were filled in our hands. Laziness will destroy all our good traits. When we start to postpone things because of our lazy attitude we cannot get the things which we love to have in our life.
     Laziness is a cruel enemy to everyone. When you allow your enemy to take upper hand in your life then it is the deadly end of all beautiful things. So, overcome laziness and kill the aspect of being lazy because life has the fastest wheels. When you turn and look back you won’t have anything to cherish when you dwell on Laziness.
      Get up, Work, be brisk, be passionate and enjoy life by throwing away Laziness.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Mother's Love

      All the living creatures are born into the earth through their mother. Mother’s are the special person in each and everyone’s life. They are the inseperable part of our existence. Mother’s care for her children more than she takes care of her ownself. Children’s do love their mother’s so much but they won’t express much and tell them in mere words. They will love their mother from the core of their hearts.
      The bonding between a mother and her children are so unique and special in many ways. An, psychological survey says that the children won’t consider their mother as an other human or individual rather they will consider their mother as their ownself. A child could have developed this kind of feeling from the day that have formed in their mother’s womb. Even after the birth the baby could consider her mother as a part of her body. The reality of this scenario is ‘the children see their mother as a part of their ownself throughout the lifetime. Only because of that they won’t express their love in words as if we won’t tell to ourselves that we love us.
      The relationship between a mother and her children will last till the last breathe of the mother and her child. A bond which is made of love is the strongest bond in this universe, So, Mother’s are the irreplaceable and inseperable part of each and everyone’s life.
      Be happy and love your mother. Make her smile through the things you do for her. Seeing your mother happy for your success and achievement is the most happiest moment that you can gift to your mother and to your ownself. Make sure you gift her with that immense happiness because she is the one who wants you be happy all the time.
       Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Women in the World.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Life = Blessing

       Human beings are gifted with a long lifespan of 70 to 80 Years in average. We should spend our time in the works which will make us grow rather we dwell upon the unwanted pleasures of living. Upgrade yourself daily, be kind with others around you, don’t criticize others. Love you life to it’s fullest. Giving up your maximum potential in the things you do so that you’ll never have time for regrets.
       We have only one life even we may born again but not in the same place with same people. So, consider everything as a blessing. Your family, friends, relatives, neighbors and all the people you meet through your walk of your life are the gifts which you are granted with so make sure to love others because they are precious gifts.
       Never hate or hurt others because we are allowed only to love and god has made us as the gift of love so be the being of love. Show kindness and love even to your enemies and the people who hurt you because love has the power to make wonders in life. Kindness will always payback. Utilize your life for doing all the best things. If, your heart warns you when you do any unwanted things in life, stop and think over it. Be a human filled with divine spirit.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Judge your Ownself

      Human beings have the bad tendency of judging others. We start to judge others from the day we start to think. Judging other humans based on the views you have on them is the biggest bad quality. We never know others totally. We know only the side which they have shown to us. We tell others are lower than us in some aspects of living but that does not mean that we are superior and others are unworthy. Everyone will have some goodness and some flaws. We always judge others based on their flaws. We never look at their strength. If, we have this kind of attitude the problems are within us. We design our mind in a negative way to focus on all unwanted things. Rather, Judge a person based on their good traits. In, whatever work we do in life we should focus on the good side. Don’t corrupt your own minds.
       Think good, be good and kind. Possess good traits. If, you like to judge and change someone;s life better do that for yourself. Be your own adviser and turn into an Achiever.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

We may not be correct Always...

        Sometimes in life we think that we are correct and what we do is absolutely correct. We never withdraw from our statement. We’ll always try to prove others that others are wrong but we are correct. This kind of attitude will never make us grow rather it’ll stop our growth. It is a kind of stubborn attitude in a way that we betrays our ownself. If, you possess this kind of trait in life you’ll be suffering most of the time for the decisions you make in your life. Hear the opinions  from others, analyze and evaluate and try to understand the truth. We may not be always correct because we are humans and there will be errors. If you fear to face your own errors it’ll turn into big failures.
        Learning will make a individual grow in all ways. So, learn to know your errors and you can correct that next time. Make yourself better day-by-day.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


       Human beings always have some fears in their life. We will have the fear towards living, earning money, attaining success and so many other things. At last, fear will became the integral part of our life. Fear will always make us lose our confidence in the work we do. Fear will make us focus more on the results rather than concentrating on the process of doing things in life. Fear will destroy our inner-self. Fear will make us lose our positive spirit. Fear will transform you into a human of self-doubt. Fear will slowly eat up all your self-belief and confidence. The one single feeling of fear will scatter your whole self into pieces.
       Have you ever thought why fear always make us feel unworthy. Fear has the power to destroy all our good traits and make us into a person of failure. Fear stops our thinking ability. When you have a great fear towards something think of your own fears which you had a year before today that fear might have vanished or it might have taught you a good lesson in your life. So, There is no point in worrying and gaining the energy of fear.
       Start believing in yourself not during the good phase of your life rather during the toughest and darkest phase of your life. A room for all unwanted thoughts will turn into fear. To move away from that engage your mind with good and positive thoughts. Staying positive during the fruitful days of your life shows your attitude towards life but staying positive all the time shows your character, confidence and will power. Worries and fears are just waste of time. Focus and stay positive from both inside and outside with clear mind and good heart.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Never Stress Yourself

       We always work hard to achieve things in life and we work harder to make ourselves better. We work towards attaining the result of excellence in the things we do. All this is essential to lead our life. We should also have some knowledge and wisdom. Thinking about attaining the highest position in life makes us worry about our present state. We think as if we don’t have anything now.
       Stop for a while and look around yourself while starving towards excellence in life. We sometimes fail to acknowledge our present. Feel happy for the things you have in your life. When you grow old you cannot return back to your adulthood days. So relax, throw away your fears about success. Make sure that you enjoy your life to it’s fullest. Work hard but never stress yourself. Earth is a beautiful place to live in so live it to it's core.
       Be the happiest soul not an stressful one. Practice patience, stop your inner conflicts, spend time with yourself. Never stress, relax and enjoy the path of your Journey.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Hardwork = Success

       We always expect things to happen in our life as per our plans. We have great dreams, high vision and we love to be the successful people. We expect many things from ownself. We always expect to have a wonderful output of success, fame, popularity and money. To gain all this we should give the input tools such as hardwork, dedication and time. Without input our output will be nothing.
       If you have a dream of leading your life as a successor, just start to input all the good qualities required for your success. If, you are lazy in doing all this success will reach you in a Lazy way. That success will also be their only for a short time.
       A success which reaches you through your hard work will give you satisfaction. Learn to work and give some tasks to yourself. Life will became worth living after that. A machine even will have some problems in functioning after a long break. So, don’t take prolonged break from what you do but give yourself a short break to refresh so that you can kick start yourself with more potential to work towards the things you love the most to have in your life.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Be Good from Within

       We always love to show up ourselves as a good and kind-hearted individuals. We behave like we have all the good traits and we always thing and do good. It might be a partial truth. People may accept that we are a good human with all good qualities but deep inside our hearts we know who we are really. We know about our cunning attitudes which no one knows. We pretend to be a good souls because we love to hear from others that we are good humans.
       The truth of goodness is not “How we project ourselves in front of others” rather goodness should be their within our hearts. We should never do or even think about the things which seems to be bad and against our own conscience.
       Be good from within. What we speak should be their inside us. At, the end of the day “We are Humans”. We’ll have certain flaws and that’s normal but never make your flaws rule over your character.
       In, someway or the other we all are good at heart with few bad habits and thoughts. It’s absolutely normal but never be a bad minded humans with just few good qualities because it’ll project you as a bad person.    
       The evil is always an evil. It may be seem outside neither it may stay inside but remember it is bad. To, overcome that start practicing the things which you feel as good from within.

Saturday, 2 May 2020


        Time is the best teacher. It teaches us many valuable things in life. At the same time, time heals
our wounds and at few times it even removes the scares of our wounds. Time makes us accept things which we considered as the never acceptable one. Time makes us discover our own-self and at few times it makes us rediscover the things which we have left during the walk of our busy life.
        Time is a best preacher, healer and supporter. Even, time brings us the things we need in our life. A perfect time brings fame and success. Time can be that X-Factor in our life. It is upto an individual to take it either in a positive sense or a negative one. Whatever we may go through today it is our time to experience that. So, never blame your situations rather believe in the process of time.
         What we are today is the thing which was given and granted to us. We are the tools of time. Time will use us only when it needs us. Never lose hope because time has the power to even work out the miracles for you.


Friday, 1 May 2020


       We all work to gain appreciation. We think that people should acknowledge us for the work we do. There is nothing wrong in having that kind of attitude but it is wrong when we totally depend on others for appreciation.
        At, first we should learn the quality of self-appreciation. We often fail to appreciate ourselves for the work we do. If, you yourself is not appreciating the work you do then who will do that for you? People around us sometimes never even consider our work as a great one and they even criticize that. That is not their fault because we do that same to others.
        Waiting for appreciation is just a waste of time. Be happy with what you do, self-improve, self-appreciate. Everything in life starts with self-esteem so be the best appreciator for yourself.
         Perform all the good deeds. Be with the positive people who can support you. Never lose hope towards the work you do. One day or the other you’ll be rewarded for your hard work and dedication.


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...