Sunday 18 October 2020

Life Is All About Expecting the Unexpected

     Life is the weirdest teacher which teaches us many weirdest things during the most unexpected time. When we thoroughly prepare ourselves for something in life it will surprise us by giving us the different question paper. Life will give a arts student a science question paper and to a science student a computer science question paper. Here, we cannot change our question papers. We cannot even complain that it is not our question paper rather we have to just accept.

      Life is filled with invisible twists and turns. All the unexpected things will happen at the most unexpected time. Here, the only option which is left to the human is to choose our attitude towards the things which life has granted us. Few people might consider the unexpected incidents in a negative way but few will take in a more positive way. Be that positive person who accept things which life passes towards you. If you fail to accept then life will start to throw things towards you. When life starts throwing it will hit us hard and it will give us more pain so accept things when life is kind towards you.

      Sometimes all human logic, plans and preparations will be put under test to bring out the best in us. During, that phase remain positive and possess the attitude of acceptance because unexpected things might hold so much value which we may fail to understand today.




  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...