Monday 19 October 2020

Self-Doubt Vs Belief

      The deadliest disease in this world is “Self-doubt”. It will make an individual to doubt himself to its core. All the things which seemed to be correct will suddenly seem to be wrong. We will start to doubt even our abilities and strength. Our mind and heart will be filled with infinite questions. Any other negative quality of an individual is quite easy to overcome but self-doubt will kill an individual. It is hard to overcome that attitude and bring back our mind to focus on the positives in life.

      When you are fallen into this trap of self-doubt there is only one way to overcome this difficult phase – “Belief”. Start to believe in the unknown.  At first it will be so hard to believe which is purely unknown but there is no other go in life to change our self-doubt. When others question our abilities we can manage and be strong but if we ourselves question our life then it is impossible to even think about being strong. Many people fail and lose their life when they fall into this phase of self-doubt and it will be hard to bounce back. Here is where 90% of the people lose themselves and accept the unwanted.

      You don’t be that person and accept your self-doubt rather cling and hold on with your belief system. Your support systems may be demolished and your roots might be shaken but never allow all this to affect your belief towards something which you always trust. It is beyond harder to overcome this phase of self-doubt but there is no other way to go than believing so believe, believe, believe.





  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...