Sunday 22 November 2020

Never Judge Someone By The Opinion Of Others

     We meet many people in our lifetime. We maintain healthy relationships with some and there will also be some unhealthy relationships too. On the other hand, we might just know few and we tend to judge their character on the basis of the opinion of others towards them. When someone says that a person is bad and narrates their own experiences with that person we tend to believe their words and finally we create a image of that person by the background story which we have heard.

      Here, we never understand that human beings have different level of frequencies. A person might look bad and cunning from one person’s perspective but that same person might seem to be a kind-hearted person from the other person point of you. So, never judge anyone in your life by hearing the opinion of others rather try and speak with that person, know their likes and dislikes, understand his character and behaviours then finally you yourself decide the positives and negatives about that person.

       Never judge people rather mingle with them and understand them because everyone in this world is different and so their opinions are. Your opinion about a particular individual might not match with the opinion of that same person from other people. Never neglect anyone just by hearing a one-sided story about that person. Life is meant for living and learning so live it and learn it from your own perspective.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...