Tuesday 15 December 2020

Control Your Thoughts And Master Your Mind: A New Insight


     We human beings are made up of two great gems which exist within everyone of us. We have the ultimate control over one and the other one is out of our control. The one which is not controlled by us works properly most the time and the one which is controlled by us remains uncontrolled.

     Can you guess anything?

     The two great gems are our heart and mind. Our heart is controlled by our creator and so it beats without our instructions. On the other hand, we have full control over our mind. A human mind works 24/7 from our birth till death. We cannot possess a mind without any kind of thoughts. Have you ever had a clean and blank mind without any kind of thoughts, it is impossible. Our mind revolves around something and it will convert them into chain of thoughts. Our mind is our greatest friend as well as our greatest enemy. When we have a control over our mind and thoughts we can lead a happy life by befriending it. If you make your mind revolve around all unwanted thoughts which is of no use it will turn into your greatest enemy. It is equal to a washing machine which runs without any clothes. Simply it is useless.

     The heart which is controlled by our creator possesses all kinds of good things like love, compassion, happiness and kindness. We say “I love you” from the bottom of our heart not from the bottom of our mind. When something or someone hurts us our heart will bleed not our mind because our hearts is filled with all beautiful feelings and emotions. On the other hand, our mind possesses many bad qualities like envy, hate and revenge. Our heart never gives us ideas to take revenge against someone or to hate and envy others rather our mind will remind us to do such kind of things which is utterly bad.

     Our mind can be controlled only by us. So, have a control over it by thinking about all good things. Develop and use it for your welfare. Don’t let the thoughts just occupy you rather master your thoughts. Choose your thoughts and think about them. Don’t ever think of any random things which is ultimately of no use. When you think of all random thoughts which does not have any kind of meaning switch on your conscious mind and think about the things which is required for your growth. Plan things, learn things, improve your memory power, think about things which can make a impact and can help you as well the people around you. The people who have mastered their mind and thoughts are still remembered by everyone and they have a place for themselves in the history of mankind . We remember Shakespeare who has created characters which can create a impact within us even today, we remember all the writers, inventors, historians and leaders who had controlled their thoughts and invested them in all valuable resources.

     Here, it is upto you to choose a wise mind or a waste mind.



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