Monday 14 December 2020

Desire Is Not Bad


     We practice, believe and follow many things in life without even understanding and analyzing it properly. We always think and feel that our “Desire is the root cause of all the miseries”. People believe that our desires leads to sorrow, without even desiring about something which they really want in life. Here, we have to understand that desires are always good but the particular thing which we desire about decides that is will come out to be good nor bad one. Without desire we cannot achieve our passion and dreams in life. To achieve the things which you love we should surely possess the quality of desire about that particular thing which will help us move forward.

      When we grow as a desireless person we will develop the quality of not wanting anything in life and that includes our dream & passion. Here, possess the attitude of desire for all the right things in life. We many get confused about which is right and which is wrong. To differentiate between which is right and which is wrong we have to be clear in our mind about our goal, aim and things which truly add value to our life. When we focus on the materialistic values we will tend to develop the desire over the materialistic things, later we will lose our deciding capacity. Rather, choose and desire about the things which will add value to your knowledge, emotion and thoughts.

      Everything which happens in our life is the consequence of what we focus on. When our focus and case is good, acceptable and valuable then there is nothing wrong in desiring about them. Erase the old proverb and add a new line in your heart that “A Valuable desire adds value to our life”.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...