Wednesday 23 December 2020

A BIG DAY: My 500th Post On 500th Day


     Being grateful towards every little thing we have in life is the ultimate quality which gives us a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Today is my 500th day of blogging with 500 blog posts. I’m ultimately grateful for so many reasons. Many people have supported, encouraged and felt happy for me. I could like to thank each and everyone through this 500th day post. Thank you so much for believing, reading and commenting. Thank you to the critics as well for pouring out all your positive and negative feedbacks. Everything which you have did turned out to be the title of my posts and I am extremely grateful for that.

     I have written various topics out of my own interests and I have also written about the topic which many of the people have asked me to write about. Thanks to everyone who suggested me some ideas and topics. My parents have been my huge support and without them I could have never believed in myself. I could like to thank my Professors who have encouraged and appreciated me in all possible ways. Next, my friends were the people who I can just believe blindly and they have been a huge pillar of strength. Thank you to each and everyone who read and who is reading my posts. The month of December is meant for Thanks giving. We have to thank the people who have been there for us and for all their support. So, I thank everyone who have been there for me when I needed them the most.

      Most of the people have asked me, “Why I have named my blogging site as “Love Is Love”? I have never answered that question but today I could like to address that question and answer that with utmost happiness. Everyone in this world have passion and dreams. We even work hard towards that and we love to achieve success in the field which we have chosen for ourselves. At the end of all this, we do everything in this world out of love and to make others love us for the things we do in life. Money alone won’t give us happiness many times. A scientist will feel happy when his invention is accepted the people in the world, a professor will feel happy when his students love his teaching, a writer could feel happy when his readers love his works. In some way or the other we do many things in life to make people fall in love with the things we do for them. Finally, Life is all about Love. So, spread good things which will make the people fall in love with the things which you do in life.

 “Life is Love”






  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...