Tuesday 22 December 2020

Selfish or Selfless ?


     There are two kinds of individuals in the world – Selfish people and Selfless people. Everyone will seem common from the eyes of others but the person who is close to them can feel the energy of selfishness or selflessness within a individual. Human beings in some way will be selfish about few things in life and that is unavoidable because at the end of the day we are responsible for ourselves, we are our own supporter and strength. On the other hand being selfish all the time without thinking and understanding about the feelings of others is the biggest crime which many people commit silently. When you read this line definitely a person’s face will flash in your head and you will have so many negative images about that particular person.

      Here, the important thing is “Don’t be that person who flashes in the minds of others when they hear about the word selfish”. Try to be selfless human beings because being selfless is the quality of divine and the creator too loves that quality which is his own asset. Being selfish to an extreme level is just a curse because most of the people around us will hate for possessing that kind of quality.

      If you watch keenly, the person who is selfless will never expect people to be selfless. They will try and accept the selfish nature of others without blaming them. On the other hand, the people who are extremely selfish will always expect the individuals around them to be selfless towards them. They will blame that the world is too selfish.

      Never be too selfish and also never be too selfless because both this will affect our individuality. Try and be neutral. Do the needful but never be too selfless because that will affect us more when people around us blame and talk bad about us for all the good we did to them.





  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...