Friday 4 December 2020

We Are Responsible For Ourselves

     We all of us love to make our life better each day and we like to raise our standard of living but we think that all should happen so effortlessly. We never try or we never try putting up all our potential in the things we do but we expect the result to be in our favor. It is just like cooking a food without all proper and needed ingredients but expecting it to be so tasty and delicious. At the end, it is impossible to get the taste and flavor of the food. In the same way our life works. We need to develop certain habits, leave few of our unwanted practices like laziness and we should work to make ourselves better.

      Our life won’t get better in any way if we remain the same person whom we are in our yesterday. We cannot expect our life to gift us all the things which we love to get rather we have to pay the price of it to make it our own. Here, most of us complain and feel bad when something goes wrong in our life but we never understand that life is trying to make us better.

       Never complain your situation, the people around you and your destiny rather do something from your side to make yourself a better person. Everything in life is the byproduct of all the good things we do and practice. “Your life is YOUR LIFE”. So never blame anything or anyone if something goes wrong.


  1. Born on individual ,in the middle live ourself as an individual ,so take our life as better pathway n past , present , future responsible ourself 💖

  2. We have to care ourselves superb swathi 😍 keep going



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...