Saturday 5 December 2020

Worry Is A Waste Of Time

     If something unexpected happens we often think that “It should have never happened, why it has happened to me, such thing should never happened”. All this questions will run in our mind but the reality is, it has just happened and we as a human being cannot do anything to change that rather we have to accept that. When we ask this kind of questions to ourselves they will get transformed into problems and eventually that leads to worry.

     Whenever something good nor not so good happens accept it without worrying or questioning it because all our emotions cannot set the happened thing right. On the other hand, there will always be a reason behind something which has happened in our life. It might either be a reminder, a precaution or it might be something which has even saved us from some worst situation.

      Don’t over think about anything because there will surely be many things which needs your attention. When you over think about a particular thing all the others things will vanish off from your mind and you will be filled entirely with the single negative emotion called “Worry”. Don’t get worried rather accept and move on.


  1. Worry s waste of time ,its matched for me ,I worry about all the problems thatz comesunder n my life ,we should worry about only valuable thoughts not for waste of time ,sure I vll changed myself as valuable time n my life ❤️



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...