Friday 5 February 2021

Day : 5 - Book: 1. The Buddha And The Badass by Vishen Lakhiani


     “The one thing that never changes is change”. Change is inevitable and we just have to accept them in life. The wise people are the ones who understand change so be wise enough to love the changes which happen in your life for something good.

     The book “The Buddha And The Badass” by Vishen Lakhiani introduces us to a mind-blowing concept called “Embrace rapid innovation and change”. This concept insists us to never fear about the change which happens in our life rather it makes us believe that everything in life happens for something good. A person who fears about change fails to see the beauty of life which lies ahead of them. He Quotes Jeff Bezos quote,

“The smart people change their minds. The people who

Are right a lot more often change their minds”

     The smart people constantly revise their understanding of a matter. They reconsider problems they thought they had solved. They are open to new points of view, new information and challenges to their own ways of thinking.

     Everything in this world is fast growing and all the fast growing things change the world into a better place. So, change your thoughts, beliefs and ideas by reconsidering about their pros and cons. Change the things which are essential for your growth and make life even more beautiful and meaningful.

     To be continued. Stay connected.







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