Monday 29 March 2021

Imagination: The Mother Of Invention


     The reality of our life is way different from all our imagination but still we love to imagine because everything will look and seem to be picture perfect in our imagination. Imagination is the ultimate reason behind our love towards movies and fiction. Fiction portrays something special and so they are loved by most of the people. Majority of the people in this world will surely be the lovers of imagination which lead them to love art in common.

      Art portrays some unique imaginations of the best humans who lived and still living on this earth. Here, it is clear that imaginations make life beautiful for many people for so many reasons. Imagination is not just the part of our life rather they co-exist with us to refresh our soul. So, imagine and relish the beauty of life.

      No one in this world can stop us from imagining something beautiful with exists truly within ourselves and no one in this world can steal our imagination. Ultimately, people will never have any idea about how wonderful our world of imagination is. Everything is beautiful when we do that in our own style and imagination will become way beautiful when we posses our own and unique style.

      Imagine because it does not have any limit and no one will judge you for the things which runs within yourself.


Sunday 28 March 2021

Listen And Observe


       Connecting ourselves with the people around us will help us to learn and discover more about our own selves. When we have the patience to listen to the words of the people who are really close to us in our life it will turn out to be a very beautiful life lessons. Most of the time we miss out our opportunities by not lending our ears to listen to the best conversations which have the power to change the course of our life and living.

       Listen and observe because the universe will send its message to us through the people who we connect deeply with. Never hesitate to listen to the people who have something to offer you during each conversation you have had with them. Such people are the true and precious gems who are also the special gifts which we are blessed to have in our life.

       Everyone in this world is gifted with this precious gift of having people around us to guide and support us but only few people in this world alone understand that they are really gifted. So, be among those few who can just listen to the valuable life lessons and experiences from our precious fellow humans.






       Human emotions are the most powerful weapons which have the ultimate power to create and destroy people. It is hard to lead a life which is truly emotional free. We may pretend that we are less emotional but within our hearts emotions will always be alive. Here, everything in life is all about the choices we make but the emotions we go through cannot be chosen rather they are to be accepted.

       A person who learns and practice to accept their emotions have the power to choose the emotions. So, it is essential to first accept the emotions which we feel. There is no one in this world who can say that they are emotional free or emotionless humans. Emotions have the power to transmit good vibes too. Emotions such as happiness, kindness, love and compassion have the power to make our fellow humans happy.

      Whatever emotions we go through in life will be passed on to the people around us and also to the people who are with us. Here, we should be careful about our emotional well being. Care for yourself and care your emotions too. Take care of the emotions in the same way to care for the people who you love the most in your life.




Friday 26 March 2021

Celebrate Life


       When we think that we have became the person filled with head full of knowledge we tend to focus on strategizing things in our life, making plans, having option a, b and c for all our plans. Our life will became a science lab like planning, experimenting and bringing our results and solutions. Here, life is way different from all our intellect because life has its own twists and turns. It will make the intelligent people fail the easiest race and make the non-intelligent ones to shine brighter. Life always has a different formula so too much of planning is just a waste of time.

       We should practice to enjoy life with its flow because that will give us ultimate sense of happiness. When we think that we are the masters of our own life we tend to fail more rather than succeeding in all our attempts. Happiness is the byproduct of our happy lifestyle and living. When you are so serious about everything in life then life will also show its real seriousness towards you.

       Enjoy life without too much of thinking and planning it in your mind. Rejoice and celebrate life with what you have today because each day is a beautiful day and the things we have today are more special. Everything which happens in our life are just one time moments and we never realize that but during the time of realization all those moments could have vanished away from our life. Develop your knowledge and intelligence but at the same time never fail to celebrate life.


Thursday 25 March 2021

What You Focus On Grows


     There will always be something good which we can learn from everyone we meet in our life. Everyone we meet in our life will have one ultimate good quality which makes them special. We should focus on those good qualities in a person because they will help us to improve our own selves. When we have the eyes to look at the positive qualities in the people our life will get transformed into a better one with each passing day.

     Finding and picking out the negatives is easy because they will be clearly visible outside but finding that rarest gem of positive quality is hard. Be a person who appreciate people for all the qualities and deeds they possess in life. Learn something new from everyone because upgrading ourselves on daily basis with all good qualities will make us the best version of ourselves.

      When we focus on the good things our life will eventually become better, we will start to complain less and appreciate more, praise more and criticize less, love more and hate less. Our life will become happier and life will look good all the time irrespective of all the tough times we go through. As Plato said, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”.




Wednesday 24 March 2021

Never Be Partial

     Each day in our life have something special to teach us. Few lessons will be new and some lessons will often be repeated. We might like few and might dislike few but life never shows partiality to anyone rather it remains same for everyone. In the same way we should never be partial towards the people we have for us in our life. We should stay same and behave in the same way towards everyone who values our presence in their life.

     Treat people in a good way because the way we treat others will always come back to us. If you treat others badly you will receive that same thing back. So, treat the people the way you like to be treated. Spread kindness and positivity because showing anger and other negative emotions does not contain any value.

     If you are never treated the way to expected don’t get worried because we cannot decide what comes in our way but we can decide what we can give back. Always give back positive emotions even if you receive negative ones. Be a good human being from heart. Our goodness and kindness will always pay off. Stay and live satisfied without too much of worries and thinking.




Tuesday 23 March 2021

Happiness Resides Within The Things We Love


       We human beings believe that the act of being serious in the things we do in life defines our living but the act of calmness we practice truly defines our life. Being serious all the time will make us the more serious person and that image will take away all the pleasures from our life. Here, all this doesn’t mean that we have to prove to the people around us about who we are rather it is all about knowing our own selves.

       Be calm, composed and at the same time enjoy life by focusing on the pleasant side of it. The act of worrying and taking life so seriously does not have any benefits because when we feel low we extract all the negative energy present around us. When we focus on happiness life will become much happier with each passing day.

       It is hard to stay happy all the time because the situations we face in life will sometimes affect our piece of mind. When we learn to overcome all the negative mindset which affects our happiness then life will become the happiest one.

       When your mind gets into negative feeling divert it by doing the things which can make you forget yourself. It may either be writing a journal to feel fresh, re-reading our favourite books, speaking to the person who can lift our mindset into a happy one, watching shows or movies which you love the most. Happiness resides inside and within the things which we love the most in our life.


Monday 22 March 2021



“People will forget what you said,

People will forget what you did,

But people will never forget how you made them feel”.

                                                          Maya Angelou

       We human beings don’t have the capacity and power to remember all the minute things which happened in our life. With each passing day we experience now emotions and that will make us forget the older ones but on the other hand we will never forget the feel of few emotions which has hit us hard, it may be either happiness or something else. Few unforgettable moments in life will contain that vibe of feeling fresh and evergreen in our hearts.

       The feel of our first day to college will remain fresh in our memory, the emotions and feelings which we have gone through when someone special in our life have appreciated us for our success, the feel of hearing our favourite song and that feel which have the power to rule our emotions. When we erase the element of that feeling part from human life it’ll look like a dry land.

       What we feel is so important and how we make others feel is so much more important. We are responsible for all our actions and the actions we do have the intensity to make people feel those emotions of happiness or the other which we transmit. Try and make people feel good because touching the life of the other human being is so special in many ways. It is not easy but if you have the power to make people feel good then you will be loved by everyone around you. The best example for this is – the artists, writers, painter and everyone who creates some kind of art. Artists are loved by everyone for the art they create. Art makes the people to feel and that feeling holds a value which cannot be put forth in words and it is impossible to measure its value.



Sunday 21 March 2021

Cherish Your Innerself


       We show off our intelligence and knowledge, we express our feelings and emotions to the people around us. We love to earn respect, love, care and affection from the people around us by expressing our inner self to the outer world. Here, what we express is just only about 40 to 45% of our inner world and the remaining majority of our emotions, feelings, knowledge and intelligence are often not expressed and known to the world. Sometimes we feel shy, few times we feel insecure and many times we feel incapable to express our inner self.

       Introspect your thoughts and genuinely discover your true self which you hide within your heart and soul. Each one of us in this world is beautiful from inside. Our inner beauty is often left unnoticed. Many people do not know how to express themselves, some people express too much but those few who totally know their inner self and enjoy being who they are makes their life a beautiful one on this earth.

       Be a person who know better about your own emotions, feelings, knowledge, strengths and happiness. Cherish yourself for who you are and make your living a beautiful one. The inner happiness and rewards which we feel inside us have the power to make us extremely happy for just no reason.






Saturday 20 March 2021

Happiness - The End Goal


       Most of the people in this world will have their own dreams and passion in life but the end goal of everyone’s life is to stay happy. The reason behind everything we do in our life is to be happy all the time. Happiness is the asset which every one of us knowingly or unknowingly love to own in our life. Here, we fix some criteria to just stay happy in our life. We limit our happiness by saying that we need certain materialistic things to stay happy but real happiness resides within our hearts.

       To stay happy all the time we should value the life which we are gifted with in this most beautiful world. The act of staying alive and still breathing the fresh air should make us happy and that is what real happiness is all about. The simplest things are the most beautiful treasure which we often fail to notice.

       Stay happy for having the legs which take you to the places without the help of anyone, hands which you often look at and admire, the lips that smiles, our body which functions properly. Stay happy during each phase of your life irrespective of all the odds you face because there will always be something which can look at and feel happy about.

Friday 19 March 2021

Value Your Emotions Over Intelligence


       People around us know and respect us based on our qualification, profession, financial status and so many other criteria but our parents, siblings, children are the ones who really care for us from the bottom of their hearts. The love we receive from the members in our family can never be replaced because they are the people who are sent to share a special bonding with us. We never have the power to choose our family rather they all are god given gifts to us. Each one of us in our family will surely share a unique bond with us which are hard to put forth in words.

       We human beings educate ourselves, pursue our dreams in the form of career, we follow our passion but at the end of all this we are just simple people who can be easily melted by showing little care and affection. Intelligence and emotion are the two different entities. Emotions are assets of all the human beings who are born on this earth. Never consider your intelligence as your superior quality without valuing your emotions because we human beings are the beings of love and emotion.

       Spend quality time with the people whom your hearts longs to see. Human bonding and connection are always special which makes our soul happier. Never leave your emotion focusing on developing your intelligence. Intelligence is important but emotions are mandatory to feel good about yourself as well as the people around you.




Thursday 18 March 2021

Refresh Your Life


       It is necessary to follow a healthy routine but it is even more necessary to enjoy life. Take a break during the times when your mind and body needs rest. Taking a break is all about refreshing our well being. During early days people celebrated festivals to enjoy, celebrate life and also to take rest from all our daily usual works.

       It is important to keep ourselves happy and relaxed. Relaxation comes when we stop rushing towards the routines we follow in life. On the other hand, people tell that when we do the things which we love in life we will never get tired over our routine. It is true but our mind needs a sort of relaxation to even focus on the things which we love.

       Enjoy life by trying and doing something new, visit the places which you love, meet the people who are close to your heart, travel, breath the fresh air, never stick on to your watches, enjoy the good vibes of nature, try different varieties of food, just look at the world as a human being by removing all the temporary identity which you stick on with. Look at life from a different prism and know the truest hidden beauty.





Human Ties


       It is hard and even impossible to live our life without any human ties. We always need our fellow human beings around us to complete our life. We may be strong, talented, intelligent, bold and beautiful but all of this are useless when we find hard to mingle with the people around us. Every person whom we meet in our life will have some good qualities as well as few bad ones and we are also the same. So, we should not judge the people around us by the few bad qualities they possess rather we should value all their good ones.

       The people we have for us in our life are the truest assets which we own on this earth during our journey in life. Our family, relatives, friends, neighbours, teachers and mentors are the people who add real beauty and meaning to our existence. Without any kind of bonding with anyone in this world shows our bad attitude towards life and living.

       Have a true human connect by spreading kindness, love and happiness. The smallest things which we do out of greater love have the power to tough the life of the people who are near and dear to us. Never complain rather love your fellow humans who are the biggest chapters of our life.




Wednesday 17 March 2021

Challenges And Fear


       The challenges which we face today will make us the better person for our tomorrow. Our challenges are not the real struggles rather they are making us stronger with each passing day in our life. Whenever we face personal as well as professional lows in our life we became stuck at some point. We struggle to even think about everything good which happened in our life.

       The tough and the rough phases are the ones which will bring immense happiness into our lives in the later period. Behind every pain there is a happy time which will be waiting for us to bring ultimate good vibes into our life. The best way to stay happy and positive all the time is to think of all the good thoughts which can really make us feel good about the life we live.

       Life is the mixture of all the days of learning, experiencing, enjoying but at the end it is all about living it to the fullest. So never complain and fear rather live your life to the fullest by focusing on the good things which you are surrounded by.






Tuesday 16 March 2021

Vibes Of Positivity


       All the positive emotions such as love, kindness, compassion and helping others have the power to touch the lives of others around us. When we love the people around us and approach them with kindness life will become beautiful. Never try to take revenge like behaving the same way how others treat you rather be different and be kind from your heart.

       All the positive emotions have much value than all materialistic things. The good emotions which we show towards others will be remembered forever. A person who carries all kind of positive emotion within themselves has the power to make a great impact in the lives of the people around them.

       Practicing all this good emotions is not just easy because testing times do exist in life. Even during the toughest times we should carry the spirit of all positive emotions which will generate good vibes within us as well as help us to spread positivity.

Sunday 14 March 2021

Heart Soothing Real Life Incident


        Develop the habit of encouraging the values people follow in life. I usually write about positive thoughts, vibes and insight but today I love to share a real life incident. Today, I went to an hotel for dinner and in front of the hotel a boy aged about 15 was selling old books and I too bought few books from him. I really felt bad as well as happy for that boy because I felt bad that he could not able to continue his education further but at the same time I felt happy that he has choosen to sell books. He could have taken any kind of job but he has choosen books over everything which could have came across his way. 
       In the modern world we are running towards may temporary happiness but this boy who I meet today had a passion and dream in his eyes. That really pushed him to do this work. I felt proud about him and I could not able to stop my heart from sharing this story to you readers. 
        I wish and pray that the young boy who I meet today should succeed in his life. His character and value of selling books attracted me and made me happy for meeting such a gem of human in my life. 

Saturday 13 March 2021

Travelling And Exploring

     Travel to different places to discover and explore your ownself. Travelling is all about updating the new version of our heart, mind and soul. To refresh our life we should travel to different places or to the places which we love the most. 
       Travelling is about creating good memories and adding them in our life book. When we meet different kinds of people during our travel it'll add more meaning to our life. We can learn new things from the people we meet by just observing them.
       Travelling to the places we love will bring happiness and travelling to the unknown places will bring excitement. Sometimes we choose the places but most of the time the places chooses us. There will always be something special about each and every place we visit. Enjoy life by travelling and explore new ideas & insights during each travel.

Friday 12 March 2021

Explore New Opportunities


       In life we often hesitate and reject opportunities without even giving it a try. We say things like – I’m not interested, I feel that it is not going to work, it does not feel right and so many other blame excuses & reasons. Here, we should not reject the opportunities which comes in our way because we might never know how they can change our life miraculously. Have your own passion and dreams. Work towards them but never reject or feel hesitant to attempt the things which miraculously reach you.

       Life is all about exploring new things. Explore new things without any kind of fear because when we live in our comfort zone life will look easy but when we step out of our comfort zone life will be magical. So think and decide whether you want your life to be easy or magical. Trying out new things in life will give us confidence and self-belief.

       Think out of the box and try things out of your comfort zone. Never think about succeeding or losing rather try to give your best. Few opportunities which come during the unexpected time in our life might have the power to change the course of our life for something best. Let your fears vanish from your heart and lead you to fly without worrying too much about anything.


Thursday 11 March 2021

Inner Self


       We human beings love to stay and look beautiful from outside but we never care about our inner self which stays very messed up most of the times. Things which happen within a person differ from what we see outside because people tend to hide many things within themselves. To stay truthful to ourselves we should clean up all our inside mess. The way we speak and react to a particular person in our life should come from our heart. We should not make fool of ourselves by possessing different opinions about a particular person.

       Be a kind person from heart. To avoid the mentality of possessing two different opinions about a person we should stop gossiping. Gossiping makes us weak from inside and also portrays us bad from outside. If the behavior of the people around you bothers you try and forgive them or else understand that each and every human being in the world is different. We are not solely good and others are not solely bad.

       Try to love the people around you without any sort of expectations like the ways we should be get treated or the way we should get respected. Be a good, kind, genuine, positive and loving person because being such a person from heart shows our quality of living.


Wednesday 10 March 2021

Positive Vibes


       Staying and being positive all the time is one of the toughest tasks in which many human beings struggle. One of the easiest ways to stay positive all the time is to remember all the beautiful unexpected things which happened in our life during the most unexpected time. Starting from the simplest to the best things and people we have in our life today. Meeting a stranger who became our best friend for life, having good teacher who turned out to be our mentors and guide for life, the helping hands of neighbours and all the beautiful materialistic things which we have as the memory of someone special in our life. Having the watch gifted by your father and a pen given by your mother. All the beautiful and evergreen good memories of our past have the power to make us and stay positive in life.

        We often forget that our life has always been good but we immerse ourselves into the temporary tough times. Always believe that life is beautiful and everything happens in our life has a great meaning. Don’t dwell on the tough days rather remember and never forget the best days of your life.

        Staying positive all the time is not just a sentence which is the mixture of words rather positivity should be their within our hearts. Staying positive is all about staying alive. Be positive and let yourself fall for your courage and positivity.




Tuesday 9 March 2021

Human Life Is A Blessing


       Don’t always try to figure out how to live your life rather live it without too much of strategizing and planning. Plans are important in life but too much of planning will stop our action towards the things which can really bring happiness into our life. Too much of planning will bring great fear and will make us feel worried about life all the time. Worrying and fearing about life will bring lot of negative emotions and vibes which will eventually destroy all our good emotions and feelings.

       An average lifespan of human is about 70-80 years. The peak years of our life will be about just 40 to 45 years in which we groom, design, live and decide our life. We are here to lead a happy life so it is our responsibility to keep ourselves happy without blaming our situations and surroundings. One of the most important thing which will keep us happy is closing our ears from hearing unwanted thing which are really unimportant to us in life.

       Develop your knowledge and share it to make it grow, spread positive emotions, be kind to all your fellow humans, love the people you meet on daily basis, be there for the ones who are more special to you in life and most importantly live your life without any sorts of regards. A live without any regards is considered to be a well lived one. Everything about our life is given in our hands to decide about it.

        Never complain about anything because being born as a human being is just a blessing which we realize very later in our life. After realization we are never granted too much time to live on this earth so realize and understand it early that being a human is just a blessing which many souls are never blessed with .






Monday 8 March 2021

Happy Women's Day


       Today is International Women’s Day. Everyone wishes and praises women by saying that they are strong, perfect, passionate, disciplined, loving and most caring beings but women’s are the beings who take decision from their hearts. Women values the heart which is filled with love rather than praising the head full of knowledge. Just loving her from your heart can make her extremely happy.

       Be kind, loving and caring towards all the women you meet in your life because being a women is not that much easy. Women have to balance things staring from her family and career, parents and her in-laws, relatives and friends. Being women is all about taking full responsibility towards everything which she takes care in her life. Women’s strive for perfection and dedication in everything which she does.

       The modern world which gives economical freedom to women’s never gives her emotional freedom. Still many women are not expressing and exposing themselves fully because they are emotionally attached towards something which stand before them and stops them from expressing her inner emotions. As, a women everyone should be emotionally free to express themselves without getting worried about being judged in this world.

       Emotional freedom is all about hearing what she tries to convey, what her true desires are, what her heart loves and long for, who she really is. Just by seeing the outer layer of women’s people around her love her with this much amount of love. On the other hand, when we understand the inner layer of women (her heart) we will just love her beyond everything in this world.

Happy Women’s Day

Sunday 7 March 2021

Add Value To Your Life


       We human beings have personal favourite to-do lists. We differ from each other in choosing the things we love to do in our life. Some might love cycling, few might like reading, many might like listening to music and very few might like to write. Here, each person’s happiness depends on something which has the capacity to bring happiness into our life. Do such things on daily basis which can add a little more happiness to your day.

       With each passing day in our life we will discover new things, passion and hobbies which can really interest us and can add value to our life. Choose things which will help to grow as well because everything which we love to do may not be good but when we follow good things which is also our passion or hobby it will add much more value to our life.

       Take a time out from your daily routine and do that single most important thing which will help you to boost up your inner self. When such practice gets transformed into habits it will make our life rich with happiness. Our life will become richer when we add many such habits into our life which will bring happiness as well as make us grow in our life.

       Many people know this kind of things but only few people practice them. So, it is important to put things into practice to experience the true happiness.




Saturday 6 March 2021

Genuine Goodness


       Being truly genuine and good from heart is one of the rarest qualities which only few people in this world practice. People who try to prove themselves as a good individual are the ones who practice goodness to gain appreciation but the individuals who are really good from their hearts will never even try to prove themselves as the good and genuine ones. Strive for that kind of attitude and heart. Being good from our heart is one of the best gifts which we can gift to ourselves.

       Goodness is all about thinking good thoughts, doing good things, behaving good and speaking good things. Never allow any kind of negative thoughts or emotions to enter into your mind because a small amount of negativity inside our mind will create a great negative impact in everything you do, speak and behave.

        A heart which is genuine and a mind which is good are our great and incomparable asset. The people around us many not think highly about us, people may even talk badly about us, people might even ill treat us, people may not respect us, people may not love us and ultimately people may not recognize our goodness but all this should not stop us from being a good individual. A genuine goodness is the quality of divine.

        We cannot and should not except that others should also be good to show our goodness to the world. Being good is not about showing up to others about our greatness rather it is a simple and basic thing which adds good values to our life. When you are genuinely becoming a good individual you will stop complaining about anything and everything which happens to you and around you. This quality is a reminder which indicates us that we are moving towards a great life.

        Live your life by practicing genuine goodness and positivity.

Friday 5 March 2021

Life And Memories


       Memories are the beautiful reminder which reminds us how beautiful our life has been irrespective of all tough and challenging situations we have faced all throughout our journey. Memories contain many picture perfect moments which will make us immensely happy. The moments which happen today might seem to be normal but when we think back the same moment after few years it will look like a picture-perfect frame of our life.

       We cannot create memories without living in our present so live your present to its fullest to convert it into a everlasting evergreen memory. Many such moments will be stored deep inside our heart and they have the power to bring lot of positive and good vibes into our life. When you feel low in life just think about the beautiful memories you have created in your life. One good memory will lead us to the chain of many evergreen memories.

       All this memories will remind us about the wonderful relationships we have with the people around us. The times we laughed, the things which brought a bright smile on our face, the moments of excitements, tears of all happiness, the times when we saw smile on the faces of our loved ones for the good things which happened in our life, a hug of appreciation and the eyes which glowed during the extra-ordinary moments in our life.

       Memories are all about innocence and great happiness. Today think about one such great memory which made a great impact in your life. Be happy for yourself for creating that particular memory and think about the people who were there with you during such beautiful day in your life. Finally, be thankful for everything which you have and hold in your life.


Thursday 4 March 2021

Count Your Blessing


       When we take life seriously it will eventually become too serious. So, don’t be serious all the time rather look at life with the prism of happiness. Be a child at heart to stay truly happy in life. A child will always have a smile, a naughtiness and cuteness on the face. A child cannot be sad for so long. A child like attitude will make us fall in love with life.

       Never over think and over react rather stay pure from your heart. Never take anything into your mind which have the power to hurt you and have the capacity to stay there as a stagnant water. Anyone can get angry, tensed, sad but being really happy from inside is the toughest task which many people never even try to attempt.

       Fill you mind and heart with good things which exists in earth. Be happy for the people you have in your life and the things which can put a bright smile on your face when you just even think about it. Never live your life looking at it’s unhappy side rather focus on the brighter side of your life.

       Count your blessing and be happy all the time.







Wednesday 3 March 2021

Don't Be A Mirror Rather Be Unique


       Everyone in this world is different. At times, we complain about the differences but during few times we call it as uniqueness. We love the people who are unique but we dislike the people who are different. Here, difference is all about the qualities we practice in life which is to be eliminated from our character for our betterment but on the other hand being unique is about doing good things with right intention. So, be unique and never try to be different.

       We often say that we are like mirror which reflects what it receives but the quality of mirror never suits for human beings because if someone hurts us in life we should not hurt that person by saying that we are the mirror which is giving back what it received. Rather, be a person who can give out only the good and positive energy to the world even if you receive lot of hatred and negatives. What we give out shows our character and the qualities we practice. When we are really good from our heart we will never try to play the role of the mirror in anyone’s life. Stay good from within because what resides within you have the power to make you feel happy about the life you lead. Practicing outer goodness will just kill us like a slow poison and we cannot act for so long by balancing our inner and outer self.

       Don’t be different by possessing the qualities which you might even hate after few years in life rather stay unique and genuine from your heart. Being good is not about showing to the world how good we are rather it is to show ourselves that we are living the life for which we are created for. No one is send to this world to spread negative energies rather we are here on this earth to just love all our fellow humans.



Tuesday 2 March 2021



       When our situations in life push us to the verge of falling and breaking up our truest strengths there will always be a miracle to left us up. In life, we often forget our true potential and positive’s. We get worried and fill up ourselves with the emotions and feelings which hurts us from inside.

       During such times in life God and the universe will sent someone or something to just remind us about our strengths and to highlight our gifts. In the fraction of second we will feel a kind of spark within ourselves and that spark will make us realize that “How beautiful our life is”. Such moments are the real blessing and gifts which is to be remembered and cherished.

       Never lose hope at any point in life and never ever leave the things which you consider as your biggest strengths. Testing times too exist but that should not make us weak rather we should take our challenges as our opportunity to emerge stronger. Count your blessings and be thankful for them.

       When you focus on your weakness it will bring negative thoughts in our mind. One negative thought will eventually lead to the chain of negative feelings. The negative feelings will bring out all the bad emotions which reside within us. Finally, we will become the individual who we never wanted to become in life. 



Monday 1 March 2021

Be The Best


       With each passing day in our life we gain new experiences, we meet different people or see the different characters of the people we already know in our life, we are exposed to many new things, we gain clarity and miss out our clarity sometimes, we judge others and we are also being judged by others, we expect, we love, we do many things which shape our beliefs and values. Each day in life teaches us something new. Our thoughts get shaped with each experience we over come in our life. Here, it is clear that we human beings change on a daily basis and change is the evitable part of human existence. We become different individuals with new lessons and learning. All this indicates that life is brand new all the day with new and fresh happenings. So, it is our responsibility to live our today to its fullest.

       Here comes a big question, “If our life is lived for our today then why we gain negative emotions such us fear, anger and envy?”

       Life never approaches a human being with any sort of wrong negative emotions rather we human beings approach life with the emotions which make us feel bad and weak about life. To get rid of our negative emotions we should have a good outlook towards life irrespective of whatever our situations might be. It is easy to put everything in words like staying positive and focusing on good but it is hard to put the words we believe into practice.

       Live your life by focusing on the good and positive things. Never look around rather look within. Looking around will fill us with fear towards life but looking within will fill us with immense confidence and self-belief. Everyone who walked before us in this world has faced the situations which we face today, everyone who is walking along with us is also facing the situations which we face today and everyone who is going to walk after us will also face the same situations we face in our life. Situations remain the same but our action and reaction towards those situations define ourselves and the life we live on this earth. It is normal and easy to fill ourselves with fear towards life but it is extra-ordinary to fill up ourselves with happiness and joy.

       Be a person who you admire to become. Worry less and work on yourself a lot more to improve your ways to look at the bright and blooming side of life. Worries and fear are just the time suckers which will finally make us weak but choosing good emotions will fill us with goodness.

       Choose good and be the best.


  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...