Friday 16 April 2021

Art And Science


      There will always be a debate which goes on and on but remains endless. People argue but never conclude, we experience one and we enjoy the other. The debate is all about “Art and Science”. People who love art will eventually take the side of artistic things and the people who love science will stand by its side. Here are few comparisons about art and science as follow. The chance is left to the readers to decide whether they are attracted towards art or science.

“Science makes life easier with its new inventions,

Art makes life beautiful by its serene beauty,

New invention helps humans to save their time and leads them to spend time on other needed things,

The serene beauty of art just makes us forget time and it transforms us to a different world which exists only in our imagination,

Science makes us think practical and there is always a logic which resides within each object,

Art is all about the magic, feel, vibe and emotion,

Science is a way of living life

Art is a way of living life to its fullest

Finally, Science invents but art recreates things which already exist in this earth which are left unnoticed”

      Do comment your opinions…





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