Thursday 15 April 2021

Magical Summer's


       All the seasons in a year are just beautiful in its own way but everyone will have their own favorite seasons which they love the most and could wait for those few months during each year. Most commonly people could love winters and rainy seasons but the summers are often left unloved by many because of the climatic factor of hot burning sun. Many people hate summers especially in India but there will always be a beauty which resides within everything which exists in this earth. Here, summers are the season of life.

        During summers sun could rise early in the morning like welcoming each day with so much happiness, there will always be rainy days which will get converted into rainy weeks during all the summer season, those beautiful summer rains will give the feel of cold winter during mid-nights. Here, the season of hot sun which we call as summer is just the mix of all beautiful elements in it with sun, rain, wind and cold.

        Summers will turn out to be the happy days of our life when we just have the eyes to look at the pleasant side of the hot sunny days. Make this summer a happy one by exploring all the true beauty which resides within this bright season of sun.






  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...