Wednesday 7 April 2021



       Reading is a joyous feeling which can even trasform a person into a better human being for life. People will have their own favourite books and genres but most of the people in common will have huge love towards fiction. Fiction has the power to mesmerize us by its unique way of describing even the minute things present in the narration. Fiction adds beauty to life.

       The fallen leafs, the fence in the garden, the trees in the road, clouds in the sky, dew drops in the grasses, a bee in a flower, a rose bud, a cycle passing in the road and a stranger who smiles. All this are the images which fiction makes us inhale like a air and makes us feel it to the core. Even will reading those sentences we will get transformed into that world which only exists in our imagination.

       Read your own favourite genre but try out a fiction once in a year to get immersed into the world of happiness. Stories have the power to make us look life from a different yet beautiful prism. All the simplest things will look great when you have the heart which loves fiction the most. In the world of too much reality be little different and be happy about the life which you are blessed with.







  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...