Wednesday, 30 June 2021



       The situations we face in our lives and the incidents which happen in our life will always test our patience level to its maximum. To do even the simplest things in our life in a correct and proper way we just need patience. Patience is the key quality which each and every human being should try and practice in their life.

        Stay calm and remain patient all the time in life because it has the power to save us from stress and prevent us from hurting other people around us.

Quotes of the Day


1.      Patience is the greatest tool that helps us to handle all the situations in life.

2.      Overthinking is just a waste of time.

3.      Consider your problems as just a part of your life.

4.      Practice silence to lead a calm life.

Monday, 28 June 2021

Quotes of the Day

1.      A strong belief towards positive things in life will add a huge amount of happiness to our life.

2.      Stay grateful and thankful towards everything you consider as a blessing.

3.      Spread positive vibes.

4.      Our character and behavior should be our biggest strengths in life.




Today Is Your Day


      We human beings have the habit of looking back at the things we have lost and come across in life and sometimes we just look forward for the things which we are going to have in our life but most of the times we just forget to live in the moment, we just forget about all the precious things which we have in our lives today. A wise person will always value and cherish his today more than his yesterday’s and tomorrow.

       Life will look beautiful, happier, pleasant and meaningful when we start to appreciate and value the blessings which we are blessed with in life. Looking back at yesterday’s will bring back so many sweet memories and few harsh realities of life, looking forward to our future will bring excitement and sometimes fear but looking at our present will give us confidence, good vibes and it will make us realize the beautiful reality of life.

       Be a person who loves to cherish his present more than anything in this world.








June 28, 2021

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Quotes of the Day

       1. Carry a sweet smile on your to spread happiness to the people around you. 
       2. Internal happiness is all about our mindset. 
       3. Never underestimate the power of prayer because life is just a miraculous journey.
       4. Spread love and happiness to reap the positive vibes. 

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Quotes of the Day

  1.   We human beings are born in this world to spread love, happiness and positivity so be true to your purpose.
  2.   Focus on good and positive things which happen around you.
  3.   Believe in yourself and have a passion and dream in life.
  4.   Help the people who deserve to be helped.
  5.   Appreciate and applaud good things which happen around you.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Today Is A Perfect Day


    There is a famous saying which tells, “Do your work but don’t expect the results”. Here, it is hard to practically follow this words in life because most of our dream and passion in our life are connected with our end results. Practice not to expect more rather learn to concentrate on your present and work on your today. When we learn to take care of our today then life will automatically take care of all our tomorrows. Even the tomorrows which are going to arrive in our life will reach us only in the form of today.

     Consider your today as the most important and special day of your life. Do things which will help you grow in life, keep yourself happy and fill yourself with positive vibes. Life is all about how well we live our today. Make your today a special day by loving it more and doing the best deeds which can improve your course of life.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Hope And Belief


      No one in this world can accurately tell and know that what is going to happen on the next day of our life. We cannot predict our future so accurately because life is so much unpredictable but we can hope and believe that the best things will happen in our life. Belief and hope are the two most important qualities which are to be possessed by each and every human being.

      Life is all about believing in the unknown and unseen because a strong belief in good things in life will make those things come true in life.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Spread Positivity


      Everyone in this world will have different struggles, hardships and problems in their life. Sometimes, they were never understood by the people around them and close to them in life. So, it is just the responsibility of each and every person to not hurt any of their fellow humans by their words and actions.

       Hurting others will never do anything to us but that might affect a person’s mind and heart. It might even break all the hopes and believes which they have towards life. Most possible, spread goodness and happiness if not just stay silent but never hurt others at any case. Just treat people the way you like to be treated.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Positive Thoughts Will Lift Our Life


      There will always be something positive in every negative situation which we face in our life. Everything which happens in our life will always hold something favourable to us. Here, a person who ultimately believes in the process of life will reap the fruits of happiness.

      Tough days in life are just the indicators which secretly tell us that life is taking us towards a successful and happy path. Don’t get too much worried when something goes wrong or something hurts you because life always makes people happier who stay calm even during their tough days.

      Calmness, patience, belief and positive thoughts have the power to lift us in life. Stay positive and just inhale positivity to keep your mind focused on all the good things in life.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Just Live And Love Your Life


      Human beings have the problem of worrying towards the issues which does not even exist in their life. We get worried about our tomorrow and about our future the most. We just think, what if this goes wrong? What if that happens and makes us weak?

      Most of our fears are just the assumption and imagination which exists within our mind. Just imagining bad scenarios and putting ourselves in a tough position will take away our peace of mind.

      Just don’t think about your tomorrow’s often because they have nothing to do with our today. Live your life to its fullest. Whatever is meant to happen in our life will definitely happen and they won’t wait or ask for our permission to get into our life. Go on with the flow of your life. If happiness touches your life just rejoice and celebrate. If problems hit you hard just feel that but stay calm because everything will pass and our life will surely get back to normal.

       A life well-lived is all about our mindset, behavior, attitude and character.




Tuesday, 15 June 2021

The Best Legacy Is Just Being Good


      There are just enough people in this world spread negativity and bad vibes but there are only few people to genuinely spread positive vibes, happiness and kindness to all their fellow humans. Spread goodness because that will generate lots of happiness in our heart and it will add goodness to other people’s lives as well.

      Here, the biggest mistake many people unknowingly commit is that they lose their true values by comparing themselves with the people around them. During our young age we all of us could have been definitely good human beings and we could have felt unpleasant to hurt other people around us but with each passing day and the experience we could have become a different version of ourselves.

       When people hurt us we just try to do that back to them, when people hate us we pass on that hatred to the people who are loved the least. We just acquire all the unwanted qualities which will bring negative vibes into our life as well as to the lives of the people around us. Here, most of us practice this kind of quality without even knowing that we are hurting the other people around us. Be aware of yourself, the qualities you practice and also the vibes you transmit. Spread happiness and good vibes because the world is in need of good people who can stay happy as well as make others happy.


Monday, 14 June 2021

Food And Memories


      Food is always connected with something memorable as well as meaningful in life. A particular smell and taste of food have the power to bring many memorable memories which are deeply rooted within our hearts. Each one of us will have our own favourite dishes and snacks which we love the most. We will also follow a different combination of food which can sometimes look like a weird combination from another person’s eyes.

      Food is something unique, magical and ever boring thing which exists on this earth. Food has the power to bring people together, it unites people and it just makes them feel happy. Our favourite dishes which we love to eat will be associated with the memories of our childhood days. Those dishes will remind us about the person who first cooked that for us. It will remind us about the love we received from our near and dear ones in life.

      Ice-creams are always associated with summer holidays and vacations, samosa’s and vadas are associated with the evening tuitions which we attended during our school days, a plate of sambar rice will be associated with the love of a mother. Food is all about the memories which we hold in our heart. We just relive those magical and memorable days by eating that food which are associated with our memories.


Sunday, 13 June 2021

Beauty Of Unpredictability


      Whoever and whatever we maybe in our life in terms of our character, behaviour and attitude there will always be people in our life who will understand us with the exact opposite traits of our character. It is just a waste of time to even think that the people around us should understand us.

       No one in this world can understand any of his fellow humans more accurately because that is how we are designed – uniquely. Understanding other person’s uniqueness is something which is very hard.

      The real beauty of life lies in its unpredictability. So, let people around us be unpredictable and just leave things as they are. Sit back and enjoy life from your own seat without judging others.


Saturday, 12 June 2021

What We Focus and Observe Gets Transformed Into Our Thoughts


      The incidents which happen around us and to us have the power to control the things which happen within us. A small thing can just break us as well as make us. Our inner self is all about the things which happen to us and around us.

      No one in this world can accurately understand the thoughts which run within our mind. Sometimes, it will be hard for our mind to just process the random thoughts which run within our mind. Most of the times, our mind will wander around negative thoughts which will fill us with doubts and insecurities.

      The world of infinite thoughts which exist within our mind has the ultimate power to kindle our emotions. When we are filled with positive emotions such as happiness, gratitude, love and kindness then it just indicates that our mind is filled with good thoughts. On the other hand, if you are filled with negative emotions such as anger, envy and hatred then it indicates that our mind is filled with bad thoughts.

       Our thoughts are just the reflection of what we focus on, what we intake, what we observe and what we take seriously in life. So, make sure you just intake and think about the things which can add good thoughts and emotions to your life.



Friday, 11 June 2021

Just Happiness


      The greatest pleasures of life lie in the simplest things we do, watch and hear. Seeing our near and dear one after a long time will fill us with ultimate happiness, tears of happiness and love will fill us with utmost happiness, watching little children who play with a lot of excitement, joy and enthusiasm will fill us with immense happiness. All the little things which are magical and miraculous will bring lots of happiness into our life.

      Happiness is present everywhere around us but our eyes just focus on the most serious things and issues which happen around us. The seriousness shuts our eyes from looking at all the happiness which is filled around us.

      Just look at the happy things which are present around you. Feel happy for even the little, simplest and tiny things which happen around you. Add value to your existence by focusing on happy things.


Goodness Is Everywhere


     The people we meet, the situations we handle and the experiences we gain often teach us something meaningful in life but we human beings have the habit of forgetting things which are considered to be the most essential ingredient for life. Our mind often remembers and recalls all the unwanted stuff which are to be erased from our memory.

      To check out how your mind works just list down the names of the random people you know. Write something about each person in a sentence or two. If you write majority of good things about each person then it clearly indicates that your mind works in a positive and optimistic way. On the other hand, if your list is filled with all bad qualities about the majority of people in your list then it shows your own character and your ugly mind which revolves around unwanted stuff.

      Learn good and kind lessons even from the toughest experiences because practising good things will lift our mental strength. Everything which happens in our life will surely have something good to teach so learn those good values by focusing your mind and heart on good things.




Thursday, 10 June 2021

Words Move Hearts


      The words we speak, hear, read and write holds a deep meaning because they have the power create a great impact within ourselves. We always remember the words which hit us hard or which made us feel happy. Words carry a superpower and they touch the lives of the people around us. So, it is the responsibility of each and every human being to use good words which can make us feel good as well as fill others with that same amount of goodness.

      Words cannot be taken back once it is used because they are like arrows which are released from the bow. Words play an important and vital role in shaping our character and behaviour so speak good, read good, listen good and write good words.

      Words are magical and so they have the power to create as well as destroy the inner self of a person. They are also considered to be the wise weapons that will help us to create ourselves as well as destroy ourselves. Words are just beyond powerful.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Quotes of the Day


1.      Invest your time on the thoughts which have the power to make you feel happier.

2.      The qualities we practice in life will be reflected in our action.

3.      Greet people with a smile on your face because smile is just a contagious emotion.

4.      Love everyone around you irrespective of analyzing their character and behaviour because everyone in this world deserves to be loved.

5.      Respect your thoughts and value them because they are the voice of our soul.


Monday, 7 June 2021

Rules And Beliefs


      Each and every human being in this world will surely have their own set of beliefs towards everything which they own in their life. When such beliefs get broken or when we break the rules which we set for ourselves we will be filled with guilt. This is applicable to even the simplest things we do in our life. For example, when you are a person who is very pious and have the habit of praying daily. In this case, when your prayer gets affected for a few days or weeks due to some reason then you could definitely feel a kind of void within yourself. This kind of beliefs and rules which we follow to keep ourselves happy has the great power to keep us happy and positive most of the times in life.

      Life is beautiful when we follow the simplest routines to keep ourselves engaged and happy. Here, little rules are essential to keep us joyous. Living becomes meaningful, happier, peaceful and worthy when we love the things which we do in our life.

      Stick with your beliefs and connect yourself with your inner self to relish the true happiness of our existence.


Sunday, 6 June 2021

Happiness Lies in Little Things Which Happens Around Us And Within Us


      We think and believe that life is all about making plans, strategizing things, executing our vision and always working towards our destination. Here, all these are just the myths which we believe to make ourselves stay focused in life. Working is essential and having a goal is also important but thinking about them 24/7 for all 365 days is just the way of putting more stress on ourselves.

      Work but never make your work rule your life because life is more beautiful than we actually dream about it. To know more about the beauty of life and to enjoy the happiness present in this world just spend time with yourself and the people around you. Connect yourself with the things you love. Sit in a comfortable place in your house and observe the silence which is present around you, gaze at the sky, watch the plants and trees which moves in the wind, reminiscence the good old times of your life and relive those beautiful days in your mind and heart.

      The extreme happiness in life just lies in the simplest things which we have around us but we humans just ignore them and run behind the unknown.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Build Your Inner World


      Our life is the reflection of our thoughts and our thoughts are the reflection of what happens around us and within us. A person who loves to improve himself should concentrate more both on his inner world as well as the outer world. Our outer world is filled with people, their perspectives, their ideas and their thoughts but our inner world is just ruled by our own heart and mind. No one has the power to affect and make an effect in our inner world without our permission.

      To keep our inner world and our thoughts clear we should possess the quality of positive emotions and thoughts. When our mind dwells on all the bad things which happen around us then it will automatically get accustomed to negative thoughts. To make our inner world a happy place we should read good books and listen to things that can make a positive impact inside us.

      Everyone in this world is individual and unique so our uniqueness should be reflected in our thoughts and emotions which we feel and transmit to other people around us.




Friday, 4 June 2021

Patience - Slow And Steady Wins The Race


      Life will be different during each stage because the exposure and understanding we gain will differ during each phase. People assume and think that life looks different only for them where all the people around them are just rejoicing. Here, our assumption is totally wrong because everyone in this world grow according to their capacities and so they will have their own thoughts, emotions and feeling. The major problem arises when we often compare ourselves with the people around us.

      Don’t compare yourself with the people around you because each person and their life experiences are different from what we have come across in our life. Happiness stays with the people who work on themselves and try to improve their potential without comparing themselves with the people around them. Comparison will suck all our good emotions and will fill us with guilt. When we focus on our own growth and improvement we will be definitely filled with immense gratitude.

       Each phase of our life will have something to teach us but learning and accepting those life lessons in a positive way will help us to enhance ourselves. Patience is something very much essential to each and every human being who is born here on this earth because life predominately tests our patience and measures it with a different scale during each phase. A person who learns to practice patience will lead a happy and grateful life irrespective of all the different phases which he goes through in his lifetime.

Thursday, 3 June 2021



      Most of the people in the world believe in their instincts because it naturally has the power to convey something to our mind as well as to our heart. Instincts help us to design our thoughts and mindset. Sometimes it is hard to explain what we feel inside our heart but our soul understands those invisible words of our heart and it tries to convey that to our mind.

       A person who believes in the universal power will have a deep connection with their own instincts because what happens within us holds a deep value and meaning than the things which happen around us. Listen to your heart and process them carefully. The greatest inventions that are invented in this world were once the instincts of the creator who created them.

        Believe in your inner self and the inner invisible voice. Something in this world cannot be understood rather they are to be felt and just accepted.

Do Good And Be Good


       People say, we always receive back what we give but many people fail to believe this fact. The real truth behind this particular statement is “When we do good deeds we receive back goodness in return but when we do bad deeds we receive back that badness”. For our every action we will receive back a reaction from this universe which we have to just accept and move on. We cannot decide what we receive but we can surely decide what we can give. Giving is all about our choice when our choices are good and healthy then life will bless us with just happiness. Never complain. When we do good things life will never lead us to the path of worry.

       The common problem with most people is they fail to believe that the goodness and badness which we give out will come back to us. The people who are good think that they receive not so good things in life even after being good to others around them. On the other hand, the people who do unacceptable things to others think that it is normal to be bad and there is nothing to get worried about their behaviour. Here, our actions are just reflections of the thoughts that arise in our mind.

       When we give a bowl of wheat to the person who is in need we will receive back a loaf of bread during the time of our need but many of us just think about that bowl of wheat which we have given and forget the loaf of bread which we have received. What we do will get back to us in a better way but not in the same way. A person who understands this concept will never ever complain about anything because they will just know how this world works. Being good is all about being true to our existence and showing gratitude towards our creator.



Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Happy Practices


“Don’t ever miss the best version of yourself which you love the most”

      Each and every human being in this world will surely love something about themselves in which their happiness might reside. It might be a quality, a practice or it might be anything which helps a person to improve themselves in a good way. We might think that we should not lose that particular quality of ourselves at any point in life. Sometimes we will make conscious efforts to follow them in life but sometimes we might do that without proper conscious thought.

      Here, whenever we fail to follow such things which we think can bring happiness into our lives then we will definitely get stuck. That feeling of stuck will bring lots of unwanted emotions like anger, frustration and lack of peace in our mind.

       Whenever you feel that you are missing out on something in your life then try and find out what can actually, fill that void that has occurred within us. Fill that void by practising that one particular thing that can add value to your life as well as fill that void permanently.

       Few people might like gardening and they might love plants but due to some reason they could not able to maintain their garden properly then that could create a mental dilemma in their mind. Such kind of dilemma might affect us deeply so never allow any of your healthy practice to end with a full stop rather continue them with wise commas.





  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...