People say that
addictions are dangerous but an addiction towards good things will make our
life worth living. If a person is addicted to learn new skills then it is a good
form of addiction which will help him to explore new things, if a person is
addicted to serve the people around him then it will be helpful for the ones who require a
lifting hand to lift them in life. In, the same way there is a universal
addiction which connects people deeply in a more sensible way is “Addition
towards reading and love for books”. A reader is the leader of his own life. A
person who is addicted to reading enjoys life the most than the people around
them because a reader can understand and accept things which are never even
understood by the non-readers.
Reading will help us to
lift ourselves from an ordinary being to an extra-ordinary individual. Non-readers
feel that reading is an act of boring but once a person gets into the habit of reading then
his life will become wonderful in so many ways. One of the easy way to start
your reading habit is to just pick up the right book which can make you fall in
love with it and also kindles your intrest towards reading. Here comes a question, “How to select the right book?”
Select books which
matches with your character. If you are a perfectionist then start with
autobiographies and biographies, if you are a person who question about
everything in life then read self-help literature, if you are a person who is
filled with fantasy and lots of imagination then start with fiction. Choose
right books and became a reader and a lover of books. Books can transform and
make us realize our true potential. Books will bring out the things which are
hidden deep within us and most importantly books have the power to transmit a
positive energy to the readers. Start reading and read more because the world
of reading holds many beautiful things which can make us fall in love with our
life and existence.
A new surprise is waiting for you from tomorrow's posts. Stay connected.