Sunday 31 January 2021

Reading Is Leading


     People say that addictions are dangerous but an addiction towards good things will make our life worth living. If a person is addicted to learn new skills then it is a good form of addiction which will help him to explore new things, if a person is addicted to serve the people around him then it will be helpful for the ones who require a lifting hand to lift them in life. In, the same way there is a universal addiction which connects people deeply in a more sensible way is “Addition towards reading and love for books”. A reader is the leader of his own life. A person who is addicted to reading enjoys life the most than the people around them because a reader can understand and accept things which are never even understood by the non-readers.

     Reading will help us to lift ourselves from an ordinary being to an extra-ordinary individual. Non-readers feel that reading is an act of boring but once a person gets into the habit of reading then his life will become wonderful in so many ways. One of the easy way to start your reading habit is to just pick up the right book which can make you fall in love with it and also kindles your intrest towards reading. Here comes a question, “How to select the right book?”

      Select books which matches with your character. If you are a perfectionist then start with autobiographies and biographies, if you are a person who question about everything in life then read self-help literature, if you are a person who is filled with fantasy and lots of imagination then start with fiction. Choose right books and became a reader and a lover of books. Books can transform and make us realize our true potential. Books will bring out the things which are hidden deep within us and most importantly books have the power to transmit a positive energy to the readers. Start reading and read more because the world of reading holds many beautiful things which can make us fall in love with our life and existence.

      A new surprise is waiting for you from tomorrow's posts. Stay connected.

Saturday 30 January 2021

Practice Silence


    Learn and practice silence because a person who observes more chooses right things in life. Be a great listener and be a silent spectator of all the things which happens around you. It is not at all necessary to state our thoughts and opinions in all the places where people speak about something rather listen and be silent. Silence is the best medicine which helps us to keep our heart and mind more fresh and relaxed. Practicing silence can transform us into an individual whom we always loved to become.

     Silence will make us realize our own value and the potential which is hidden deep within us. Silence will help us to self-discover ourselves and will bring out our true value which resides within our personality. When we stay silent we give people around us a less opportunity to speak about us. Silence will help us to evaluate our true self. We will become our true and best critic. We can easily pick out the positives and negatives in our character. By staying silent we can choose right things which will make us a better individual.

     One of the best thing about staying silent is “We can stay away from the unnecessary problems which happens around us”. Life is the process of making ourselves better with each passing day and we can grow better when we stay calm. Calmness is the byproduct of the silence we practice. Practice and be an internal individual because a great self- discovery happens when we learn to stay silent.






Friday 29 January 2021

Choose Confidence


    Self-confidence and self-doubts exists within every individual but a person who chooses self-confidence focuses on the happy and positive side of life. On the other hand, the person who is filled with self-doubts suffers in life the most. Here, everything which we go through in life is all about the choices we make. When we choose positivity we find a way to make ourselves and our life better but when we choose doubts and insecurities we often fail to see the happy and blooming side of life.

    Everyone in this world are given freedom to choose the qualities and values they like to follow in life. No one in this world is responsible for our feelings and we are solely responsible about how we handle the positive and no so good situations we face in life. At, first we have to understand that life is the series of ups and few downs. If we clearly focus on the incidents which happen in our life we can understand that life is a blessing in so many ways. The person who focuses on the dark phase of life and thinks about that often fails to understand positivity and good emotions.

     Everything in life is our choice and one who believes in the process of life sees the beauty of life. Life is all about being positive, staying strong, spreading love and most importantly being kind towards others as well as to our ownselves. Choose confidence over your doubts and believe in yourself because a ultimate belief have the power create miracles in our life.




Thursday 28 January 2021

Power Of Memories


     Memories are so powerful and they are our only true companions who travel along with us all throughout our life. We create so many memorable moments in our life which makes our journey an even more beautiful one but with time of memories fade. We forget the accuracy of the incident and the moment. We just remember the glimpse of the beautiful happenings which made our life beautiful. Here, there is a beautiful way to make our memories an evergreen one. Just write down all of them in your personal diary and mention even the minor details. Never miss out the opportunity of holding your memories very close towards you.

     On the other hand, never even write about the glimpse of the not so good incidents which happened in your life and let them evaporate from your heart. Hold the happy moments close to your heart, forget the ones which you feel that it should have never happened in your life and just remember the moments which have taught you valuable life lessons.

     Each and every moment in our life teaches us something which is worth learning. Few moments teaches us the value of love, few teach us the value of relationships and most importantly  many moments in our life teach us the value of human connection which is deeply rooted within us. Memories are the powerful weapons which can make us smile even wider.





Wednesday 27 January 2021

Let Kindness Be The Language Of Your Heart


     We all know that our actions speaks louder than our words. The actions we make have more power compared to the words we speak. The actions which we unknowingly make may also hurt the individuals who are opposite to us. So, it is essential to act and react in a proper way. Actions involves our facial expressions and the gestures we make. We cannot see our expressions but the people around us will often judge us by our actions.

     Never show your emotions in the form of actions because it will become unacceptable when the opposite person does the same thing to us. Never think that you are over smart by believing that you can control the people around you by your actions. Understand that everyone around us are not our slaves rather they are our fellow humans who possess all the human emotions.   

     Be kind and let your kindness be your identity. Show love and kindness in your actions.

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Respect Individuality


     One of the common complaint which many people in the world often make is “everyone around us are not perfect”. We think that the people around us should lead their life in the same way we live - the qualities we practice, the deeds we do and even the same way we behave & react to any particular situation in our life.

     Here, we have to understand that the qualities we practice depends upon our own value system and in the same way each one in the world will have their own set of values &beliefs. We have to respect others and the values they practice in life if not we should not expect the people around to follow the values which we practice. Everyone is different and so all the people will have different focus in life. Respect others by valuing their individuality.

     When the qualities of others hurt you think of that from the opposite person’s point of view and perspective then validate whether that quality of that particular individual is acceptable from their point of view. Never judge and valuate anyone without knowing them. Life is all about understanding and accepting. So, understand and accept things and make yourself happier.




Monday 25 January 2021

Stop Seeking Validation


     We human beings love to hear appreciations from the people around us and especially from the people whom we love in life. A word of appreciation means a lot to every individual in the world. We do most of the hardest things in life to gain appreciation and validation. When the people around us does not appreciate us for the good deeds we have done we might feel hugely disappointed. That disappointment stored within us will get transformed into anger after some time. The anger caused out of disappointments are not easy to heal rather those anger will make us hurt ourselves as well as the people around us.

     Here, practice not to develop the quality of expecting appreciations from the people around you for the good deeds you have done. On the other hand, develop the quality of appreciating the people around you for even the simplest things they have done in their life. Start to give the things which you expect and long for in life. The process of giving does not seem any approval from anyone around us. So, give things which you love to receive and with time it will get transformed into your character.

     Never long for anything rather be an giver. At, first it may hurt us but with each passing moment in life all our worries will get vanish off. Never expect appreciation and validation for the good deeds you have done in your life because that appreciation which you expect may not arrive at the time which you expect. So, never be shaken up by any external factors rather be you and do what you love to do.


Sunday 24 January 2021

Know Your Purpose


     If we believe it or not few things just portray the reality of life. One of such thing which we often forget or just fail to remember is the fact that our days on this earth are numbered. We life as if we have thousand years to live but the reality is we are humans who are given 70-80 years of lifespan. The maximum amount of time we spend on a particular thing decides "what our life stands for". The thoughts which get repeated in our mind are reflected in our actions and that particular thoughts pop up in our minds through the qualities we practice in life. The qualities we practice in life define our identity and character.

     Our life will be remembered only by the deeds we have done to make ourselves better as well the human beings around us better. Most of the time the smallest mistakes which we commit in our life will make a greatest impact in our future endeavors. One of such thing which makes us lethargic in life is “Not remembering the date of a particular day and not knowing which day of the week today is”. Can you just tell today’s date and day without referring to your mobile phone or the calendar?

     You may think “What is the big deal about knowing about the exact date and day”. Here, the simplest things in life make us more conscious about your living. When we focus on such things we will automatically gain a kind of vibration which will push us towards achieving the things which we love to have in our life. Live your life consciously because at the end of the day “it is your life and no one is responsible for yourself”.



Saturday 23 January 2021

Never Repeat Your Mistakes


     We human beings grow more matured, strong and intelligent with each passing day in our life. We grow by learning new skills, reading books which introduce us to new and different concepts. One of the best ways to grow more powerful in life is to identify the mistakes which we often commit. We humans commit many mistakes knowingly and our instinct will tell us that we are wrong but we will never care about such mistakes. Here, address and accept the mistakes which you commit and secondly try your level best to avoid that particular mistakes.

     A well-lived life is all about identifying our own mistakes, correcting them and never repeating that mistakes again in our life. A knowledgeable person identifies his own mistakes perfectly, an intelligent person corrects that mistake without any second thought but the wise person never repeats his mistake ever in his life. So, be a wise individual and develop the quality of making yourself better with each passing day in your life.

     The mistakes which we consider as the simplest ones will have a greatest impact in our life. The lies which we tell might seem to be simple from our point of view and perspective but that may have the chance of spoiling our good name among the people who thought very high about ourselves. Never make mistakes knowingly and if you have did any mistakes in your past which you could not able to accept then never repeat that in your life.




Friday 22 January 2021

The Detached Form Of Extreme Love


     The act of staying detached from the things we love the most in life will give us the sense of calmness. Most of the people in this world fail to understand the concept of “the detached form of extreme love”. People think that love is all about attachment and being always there for the person by their side but the most true form of love resides in “detached love”. Here, the detached love is all about loving the people who are important to us without spoiling their freedom. When a child is small it’ll always be with his parents and the child feels that being attached is a form of showing it's love. When the child grows up they understand that being detached is also a kind of love which is more precious than the attached form of love.

     When you love someone or something try to detach yourself from that because that will help the other person focus on his other priorities in life. On the other hand, the detached form of love will give us more space to work on our own dreams and passion. This detached form of love doesn’t mean anything negative like hating, finding faults or not caring for that person whom you love rather it is the matured form of love.

     The detached love will make us strong as a individual in so many ways because it will make us believe that the people around us are always there for us. It will be hard for everyone to understand this “detached form of extreme love” but the reality of detached love will make our life more beautiful and meaningful.




Thursday 21 January 2021

Let Life Fall In Love With You


     Each and every human being is different from one another in this world. Each one of us is different in some way and at times we feel happy about our individuality when someone appreciates us for being differently good. We love to hear that we are good but we never love to hear the bad qualities which we constantly follow rather we ignore them by thinking about the good qualities we possess. Here, the biggest problem is we never care about our unwanted qualities but on the other hand we always notice the bad qualities of the individuals around us. We never love to be addressed by our flaws but we are very keen in finding out the flaws of others.

     Be a human being who can accept your own flaws and have a heart to change the not so good qualities you practice in life. Be a person who looks at all the positive qualities of the individuals around you and never possess the eyes which notice the negatives of the other people. Accept your flaws and accept the good character of the people around you because this is best way to grow in life.

     A mind which is trained to focus on the negatives will never get satisfied about anything. So, focus your mind only on the good things till it becomes your character. Once, the good things which you practice in life becomes your character your life will become yet beautiful in so many innumerable ways. Let life fall in love with your good heart and may the people around you be impressed by the beautiful soul you possess.



Wednesday 20 January 2021

Create Happy Memories


     Every human being in this world will have the habit of looking back at the path which they have come across in life. When we look back at our own life we think about the memories which we have created during our journey. Memories will always bring back mixed emotions which are hard to describe rather they can only be felt. Few incidents from our past will make our hearts smile and few scenes will make us unhappy but at the end of the day all our memories make our life beautiful.

     When we think back about the memories we have created we will fell all good as well as few bad emotions. Here, calculate the amount of good as well the bad memories you have created in your life. If the good memories are highest in number then you have lived a life which is splendid and beautiful but on the other hand when your bad memories are larger in number then understand that your life have never had a proper meaning.

      Don’t be a person who accumulates lots of unhappy memories in life rather be a creator of all good moments in life. When something negative comes your way just ignore that and move on with a smile on your face because when we dwell on something bad it will automatically become a part of our life. Distance yourself from the things which does not bring happiness into your life. Focus on all positive emotions so that life and your journey will be filled with happiness, wonder and joy.




Tuesday 19 January 2021

Obstacles Makes Us Stronger


     Each and every individual in this world will have some sort of dream in life which they love to achieve. Everyone is a dreamer but only few people achieve their dreams. To reach the place which we love we should possess a strong mental strength because there will surely be so many obstacles in our way to test us. If we withstand and move forward even after facing so many setbacks we can surely reach the place which we have always dreamt about.

     There is nothing exists like short cuts and easy routes because every dream of an individual comes with a reasonable prices called determination, sacrifice, willpower, consistency and hard work. Without paying the price we cannot reach the place we love. When you face so many obstacles while trying to achieve the things you love in life never think of that obstacles as a negative reminder which indicates you to set different goals in life rather consider them as the staircases towards your success.

     Never ever allow your problems, hardships and tough times to overrule your dreams in life. Stand still and believe that you can achieve the dream which is solely your asset. Our dreams define us and the way we are determined towards our dreams defines our life.


Monday 18 January 2021

Kindness = Godliness


     We human beings acquire many good qualities to make our life a more beautiful one but one of the best qualities which make us a wonderful human being is the “act of kindness”. We think that “Cleanliness is equal to godliness” but I believe that “Kindness is equal to godliness”. A human heart which does not possess the quality of kindness loses the beauty of life. A kind heart finds goodness everywhere. The kind-hearted human being loves all the good things around them and they just ignore all the negativity.

     The kind person may seem be an biased individual from everyone’s point of view and the people around them may think that the person is not loyal. But, a kind hearted human being will never even try to prove themselves as the kind person rather they will just be kind. Accusing others, telling that they are wrong, pointing that they are unfair is the easiest task which everyone can easily do but understanding the unfair nature of others and accepting that and being kind to them is the quality of divine.

      Be a kind human being and just love everyone around you. Life becomes beautiful when your heart is filled with love and kindness. Respect the people who are kind towards you irrespective whatever you do to them.

Sunday 17 January 2021

Learn From Children


     We human beings learn many valuable lessons in life through reading more books, through the situations we face, through the experiences we gain. In some way life teaches us many valuable lessons which help us to become a better individual. At few times, the greatest life lessons are taught to us by the children who are younger to us in age and experience. When we talk with small kids we will understand life better and they have the power to make us believe in the process of life. They will possess an ultimate self-confidence and belief in themselves which will make us realize that we human beings are the achievers by birth.

     The amount of self-belief which the young kids have will sometimes make us feel jealous about growing old. Children’s are the indicators who prove that we humans are strong, confident, positive and emotional by birth. Everything which we try to develop in the process of our life is already the gifts which are hidden deep within us and our only duty is to find that innate positive things and make our life beautiful.

      When you feel extremely happy or extremely sad talk with the children and refresh your thoughts and belief towards life. Stay grounded and learn from the little ones.


Saturday 16 January 2021

The Most Contagious Positive Emotion


     We human beings are the great lovers of all positive emotions. The ultimate goal of everyone’s life is to stay happy. To be happy in life we should practice few things which will add beauty to our living. One among them is to carry a spark of smile on our face all the time irrespective of all good and tough days we face in life. Smile is a contagious emotion which will make us happy as well as the person before us happier.

     Greet everyone with a beautiful smile on your face and carry that smile as your own asset because a smiling face can attract millions of hearts. A person who smiles can avoid all the negativity around them and can make the atmosphere more positive. When you read this, few faces will flash in your mind to remind you about the beautiful people in your life who make everything look perfect just through their smile. Be that kind of individual who can gift people a positive vibe just through your smile.  

     A beautiful curve which attracts human beings adds a greater value to our own life. A smile can turn your enemies into your friends, your haters into your admirers and most importantly it will make people remember you for a long time.  

Friday 15 January 2021



    So many things in life makes our living beautiful but only things makes our life worth living for. The people who walked in this earth before us, the people who walk along with us and the people who are younger to are the ones who make our life a better one. We human beings practice and follow the qualities which are taught by our fellow humans. The character which we own is the mixture of the qualities which we attracted from the people around us. Here, the world is filled with many human beings with different characters but we attract the ones which we love. So, what we choose to follow defines our individuality.

     There are infinite good as well as bad examples before us but the option we choose becomes our quality. Everyone we meet in our life will teach us something new which may attract us or sometimes irritate us. Choose the qualities which attracts you the most and follow them in life. Life is beautiful in infinite ways but it is left to the human beings to explore that beauty and find the happiness through their journey.

     Look and approach life with all the exciting things. Believe in your emotions and stay rooted to your good beliefs. Life is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and beautiful. Read that last line once again a bit louder and realize the real beauty of life.

Thursday 14 January 2021

Everything Is Beautiful In Its Own Way


     Change is the only thing which never changes but all other things in life are unpredictable and changeable. The seasons which we cherish, enjoy and even hate are also the ones which changes after each passing month. Once in three months the season changes and we experience hot summers, cold winters, drizzling rains, flowery autumn and spring. In the same way, the rain which we witness today won’t be the same after few months because summer will send us the hot sun which holds its own beauty.

     Whatever the climate and season it may be try to adopt and enjoy the beauty of that particular season. We human beings have the tendency of thinking about the summer season during winter and rainy season, longing for the rainy days during the hot summer days. We always expect and want things which are just opposite to us. Rather, try to feel and enjoy the seasons as they are. Cherish its true beauty and love of life as it is given to you.

      Options make life better but loving and cherishing the things which we have will definitely make our life even more beautiful. Love everything around you and find the beauty of the present moment. Make life simple yet beautiful. Happiness lies in accepting that everything around us is just beautiful in its own way.



Wednesday 13 January 2021

Heart And Mind


     Most of the times we human beings follow what our mind says but on the other hand our heart will say something which we often neglect. Our mind make plans, strategize things, differentiates between which is good and which is bad in life. Human mind is always logical, thinks of accuracy and perfection but human heart is just made of all emotions which adds eternal beauty to our existence. Heart is something which is filled with extreme emotions like love, kindness, compassion, happiness and so many other beautiful emotions.

     We can read, learn and study so many things to develop our knowledge which is connected with our mind but it is hard to learn something which directly reaches our hearts. Our heart is created and designed in the way to respond to the human emotions and feelings. So, heart never learns or even unlearns anything rather by birth it is filled with the things which is essential to the human beings. To stay happy in life never do anything to change your heart rather respond to the beautiful emotions of your heart.

     Follow your mind but not all the time because the ideas and thoughts which are born in mind will sometimes hurt us as well the people around us. Whereas, our hearts will know the emotion and feelings of the people around us. Our heart can easily connect with others and it will help us to look at the people around us with the eyes of love and kindness. Never do anything to change your heart because it is beautiful in its own way.




Tuesday 12 January 2021

Refresh Your Life


     We human beings look back at our own journey and reminiscence about the happiest moments of our life. We love to relive those beautiful days which are deeply rooted inside our hearts. We remember so many moments like our best birthday gift, special appreciation from the person whom we love and respect, tears of happiness, the moments we felt so much loved. There will be so many moments like this which will be stored deep inside our hearts. To add beauty to this memories remember the happy times when you made the other person happy.

     Remember the good deeds you have done. It may be the act of being thankful to the person who did something good for you without any kind of expectation, the act forgiving the person who hurt you the most, the moment when you helped the person to overcome their pain. The qualities of being thankful, forgiving and helping are the basic ingredients which will make our life beautiful with so many happy memories.

     Life is meant for living so live your life without any sorts of regrets. Think back and find the moments which you regret and feel that you should have not done that in your life. If there is a chance in your hand to do something to rewrite that part of your story do that and add many more evergreen memories to your life.



Monday 11 January 2021

Teachings Of Life


     We human beings learn so many new things with each passing day in life. Sometimes, we willingly learn few things but at many times life teach us many good things. Those things which life teaches us are more valuable that the things we voluntarily learn. Life gives us chance to learn all the needed lessons and the person who understands the value of life learns so many good qualities.

     Few important things which life teaches us are – how to stay calm when we are working towards something which we like to achieve in life, how to convert our fear and pains into lessons, how to stay strong. These are the lessons which life alone can teach us yet they are so special. Life alone can make us realize our true self.

     Each day watch your life keenly and take something good out of it. Practice the lessons which you learn and always remember that everything in life happens for something good. Value your life, value the lessons you have learned and patiently wait for the forthcoming lessons.





Sunday 10 January 2021

The Connection Between The Art And The Divine


     There is an ultimate connection between the art and the divine. All the art forms in the world are produced out of some divine inspiration which lies within the artist. Music, painting, writing, drama and all other art form which moves the human emotions are the gifts of god to the human beings through their fellow humans. There will always be some element which will reside inside an art that will reflect the power of creator in it.

     Many of the artists in the world will have a strong belief in god and they will possess a deep spiritual connection. Here, art is something which connects god and human beings together. A musician might sing and compose tunes, the writer might write something very gripping, a painter may paint a beautiful piece of art. In, all the work of art there will definitely be something which will add beauty to that work. That thing of beauty which attracts us is beyond the control of the artist and here is where the master craftsman God does something which adds beauty to the work of art.

     The artists are the people who understand life better but there is a artist reside inside every human being. We love music because of that artistic touch we have within ourselves, we enjoy reading books because of our love towards art. If you are an artist stay happy because you are the choosen child of god to do things which both the creator the creation loves. If you are the lover of art then you definitely have a divine vibes within yourself which helps you to love and enjoy the art you love.


Saturday 9 January 2021

Learn To Lift Yourself


    When we fell down at any point in life we just look around and see whether there is someone to left us up. We never try to get up by using our own potential and strength. We always seek for some support and helping hand but it is not totally wrong rather it is human nature. To be happy and successful and life we should learn to left ourselves from the tough situations in our life. If someone comes and helps you then it is absolutely fine but don’t make that as a practice and look for someone all the time to lift you up because that is impossible. Everyone have their own duty and responsibility so it is hard for the people around us to look after us all the time.

     Practice and possess a strong mental strength. Never depend upon others all the time because that becomes a burden to the other person as well as to ourselves. The person who can able to self-lift themselves can live a better life and that will give them a ultimate belief in themselves. Be a person who can be your biggest strength and support irrespective of all the tough days you face in your life.

     Never lose yourself for anything rather stand up and be there for your ownself. Life becomes easier, happier and beautiful when you stay strong.  

Friday 8 January 2021

Anger - The Worst Enemy


     The qualities we possess get transformed into our character. Our character turns out to be our identity. So, to have a better identity we should have good character and that good character comes from the best qualities we possess in our life. It is important to develop good qualities in life to become a good human being. A person will always be a mixture of both good and some bad qualities. When we try to improve ourselves we should focus on our good qualities and make them even better. On the other had we should overcome all the bad qualities which restricts us from becoming the best version of ourselves.

     One of the major negative quality which slowly destroys all our good traits is our anger. Anger destroys the person who gets angry more than it hurts the individual who is in front of them. At some point in life our anger overlaps all our good and best qualities and it projects us as a very bad individual. So, whenever you get angry just think of the situation and the person who you are angry towards and analyse whether it is worthy to show our emotion. Don’t make a negative quality as your strongest emotion rather slowly get rid of it and become a better person.

     Never get angry for the silly reasons in life rather try and control your anger. Life becomes easy when you approach it with all happy and good qualities. Love your life and make it beautiful with all best qualities.

Thursday 7 January 2021



    Each and every human being on this earth will have so many positive qualities and few negative qualities. When we look at others we fail to notice their positive qualities and we focus on their negative qualities but when it comes to ourselves we think and believe that we have many good qualities compared to the people around us. With each passing year in our life we became more self-centric. We validate ourselves with the good qualities we have but we validate others with the negative qualities which they possess. Here, we became a human being with the worst trait of only finding fault with the others around us.

     Never develop this kind of attitude and behavior because life will became miserable when we look at the negative side of the people around us. Rather, be a human being who can see the positive side of the people who are around us. Appreciate them for all the good qualities they have because a word of appreciation can make a person do more good to the people around them. Try to avoid focusing on the negative side of their character. If you cannot avoid that speak to that person politely and give a proper explanation to them which will help them to understand themselves better.

     Treat people the way you like be treated and never hurt them all the time rather try to understand things from the other person’s point of view.



Wednesday 6 January 2021



     Learning is a process. We human beings start to learn something new from the day we are born and that learning continues till the end of our life in this earth. We learn so many new things which help us to become better individuals. When we learn something new each day we understand that there is so much to learn in this world. All the people in the world does not know everything but at the same time everyone knows something which can help them to lead a better life.

     When we learn something new daily our old believes about few things will gets stronger, few of our opinions will get changed, few of our thoughts get clarity and we constantly understand things deeper. So, learn something new daily. It may be a quality, a data, philosophy and it may be anything which can make you a better person.

      Be a human being who does not afraid of facing any changes in life because change is evitable but make sure that you change for something good. Be a person who can accept the good things with open heart and a person who can boldly say no to all bad things. Learn and become a better person.  

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Family - Strength and Weakness


     Family is everyone’s biggest strength as well as the biggest weakness. Sometimes, it is impossible to live a happy life without our family but at the same time there will always be few bad days and bad times which are unavoidable. When we go through some bad days and when some clashes arises in our family we think of leaving away all the ties. We think that our family is our biggest weakness because our family asks us to follow few rules which are hard to practice.

     When we have a problem with a family member we think that they are bad without never even trying to look at a situation from their point of view. Family is all about forgiving the not so good incidents, forgetting the bad days, loving all the beautiful days and finally family is all about unity and love.

     Whenever you feel that your family is your biggest weakness in life think of all the beautiful, happy and good things which you have in your life through your family. Relationships are beautiful only when we nurture them will all good emotions like memories, kindness, love and happiness. Being controlled by the family may seem be difficult but it is one of the beautiful control which makes us feel safe and secure.


Monday 4 January 2021

Love The Older Ones In Your Family


     To love and being loved is one of the greatest feeling which we can make a human being extremely happy. We will love only few people in our life and they will always remain close to our hearts. It starts from our mother and ends with grandchildren. A person’s first love will always be their mother and it will remain special and evergreen due to the mutual bond we share. Next, a person many love so many people who are part of their life from their father, siblings, aunts, uncles, partner, children and finally it comes to an end with grandchildren.

     The bond between the grandparents and grandchildren will remain special all the time. Both grandparents and the grandchildren will be child at heart. When an person grow old in life we gain so much maturity and at certain point in life that maturity will get transformed into love.

      Respect and love your grandparents because they are older human with childlike innocence in heart. Love those grown up children like you love yourself and the way you deserve to be loved.

Sunday 3 January 2021

Beauty Of Life


     Human life can be differentiated into many phases. During each phase of our life we learn something new, we practice something which we already know and we became better in some way. When we move from our childhood days to our teenage years we understand that we are an individual being and we are responsible for the things we do in our life. When we move from the teenage years to our adulthood we understand that we are should take that responsibility and make ourselves a better person to face the world around us. We evolve, change, become responsible during each phase to make our life better.

     Each phase of our life makes us wise in so many ways. We became more kind and we understand all the human feelings and emotions. Life becomes meaningful, we transform in so many ways – from being selfish to selfless, bad to good, anger to love. We change ourselves for something good and worthy.

     At the end of all this life is a journey of self-realization. Each phase of our life teaches and makes us feel that we still have the opportunity to make ourselves better in all possible ways. So, at whatever phase of life you are try and learn the beautiful things which can make you realize your truest self which you have not yet discovered.


Saturday 2 January 2021



     New Year is the time for resolutions, starting something new, leaving something bad and trying to become the better version of ourselves. We take resolutions like reading certain number of books, reduce the usage of mobile phones, to eat healthy food and to stay fit. The list goes on and on with so many things to practice, few things to change and many things to learn. For this New year try and make a different resolution which can genuinely make you a better person which also gives you so many reasons to fall in love with yourself a bit more.

     There will be people around us whom we admire a lot. For example: we may admire the patience of our mother, the calmness of our father, ever smiling face of our neighbor and so many other qualities from so many other people around you. This year try and learn a quality which you admire the most from the closest person in your life. Practice that quality and give yourself a chance to make that quality as your own character.

     By doing this we will get immense amount of self-confidence, belief, happiness and self- love. Try to be calm, smile from your heart, never hurt people, love everyone around you and stay grounded. Life is beautiful when we became the simplest person with all positive human emotions and joy. Make this year a memorable year by practicing things which you truly love.

Friday 1 January 2021

Happy New Year 2021


     With each passing year in life we learn many things and life too teaches us so many things. Life is the process of learning and making ourselves into a better human. All this process of learning and understanding the things around us makes us realize “How beautiful human life is?” There are many happiest moments, learning moments, enjoying moments and loving moments in life. When we look back at the years we have come across we realize that life was always beautiful in so many innumerable ways. We may have not noticed that during that particular time or phase but when we look back everything will seem to be more beautiful.

     Make this year a happy year and be there for the people you love. Spread love, happiness and good vibes all throughout this year. Make this year memorable and do things which makes you happy. Never hurt people rather love each and everyone around you. Learn things which can make you a better human. Read lot of books, thank god for everything, stay grounded and most importantly love yourself as much as you love the people around you.



  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...