Sunday 28 February 2021

Day : 28 - Book: 5. The Mastery Manual by Robin Sharma


       Everyone in this world has greatness within them. Each one of us is unique and special in our own ways. Each one of us is born to shine but the time we discover our special talents differs.  The book “The Mastery Manual” by Robin Sharma describes about the life of “Elite Performers”. He quotes,

“Each of us faces many of the same struggles.

Each of us wants to find greater meaning in our lives.

Each of us has dreams that we desire to fulfill.

Each of us has fears that limit us.

The world will be a lesser place if each of us do not raise our standards

And become the people we know in our hearts we are meant to become”.

      To be an elite performer we should stop blaming others for the things they do in their life. Everyone is different and so our lives. What seems to be right from our perspective may be wrong from other person’s point of view. On the other hand, what looks right for others might seem to be wrong from our perspective.

      We should focus on the worthy and we should not judge others. Robin Sharma quotes,

“True success comes from inner success.

Dedicate yourself to getting to know who you truly are.

Reconnect with you brilliance.

Walk towards your fears.

Evaluate the quality of your life and what you want it to stand for.

Reflect on the beliefs that are limiting you.

The best investment you will ever make is investing in your best self”.

 Finally, Bookish February comes to an end. Stay connected.



Saturday 27 February 2021

Day : 27 - Book: 5. The Mastery Manual by Robin Sharma


       Life will be rich, happy and worth living when we have great days which is filled with all good things. On the other hand, life will be dull, dragging and painful when we face bad experiences. But the ultimate truth is life remains the same all the time. Good days and bad days exist only in our mind. We are responsible for how we feel in life towards living it to the fullest.

       The book “The Mastery Manual” by Robin Sharma describes about a beautiful topic, “Life wisdom to enrich your path”. Here, Robin Sharma explains that it is unnecessary to judge our life based on the events which happened in our life. Robin Sharma quotes,

“We all travel different roads to our ultimate destinations.

For some of us, the path is rockier that others.

But no one reaches the end without some form of adversity.

The purpose of adversity is to improve us”.

       Happiness and pain is just the part of life. Pain is essential to cherish our happiness and happiness is essential to cherish life. At the end of our life what matters is all about “How wisely, richly we have lived our life by serving the world greatly”?

       Never hold on with any kind of negative things and emotions rather be a joyous soul and cherish life in every situation. Putting forth everything in words is easy but practicing them in life is hard but it is never impossible. Live your life to it’s fullest.

       To be continued. Stay connected.


Friday 26 February 2021

Day : 26 - Book: 5. The Mastery Manual by Robin Sharma


       When we grow up in life we often forget the love we received from the people around us during the early days in our life. We never look back and thank the people who were there for us and helped us to shape our life into a better one. Starting from our parents, siblings, teachers and the ones who were around us during the times we needed them. Be there for those people when you grow up in life.

       The book “The Mastery Manual” by Robin Sharma introduces us to a topic called, “The Power of Perspective”. Robin Sharma quotes the words of James Allen,

“There can be no progress, no achievement, without a certain degree of sacrifice

Our worldly success will be directly proportional to the degree that we overcome

Selfish, indulgent thoughts and fix our minds on the development of our plans and

The strengthening of our resolution and self-reliance”.

       In the modern world it is easy to stay busy but it is hard to take time out of our life to be there for the ones who loved us. Make an effort to be with the people around you, stay in touch with your friends, value the happiness you receive from your family. Life is all about doing little things with great joy which also makes people happy.

       Be thankful and grateful for everything which happened in your life. Robin Sharma quotes,

“As you take an inventory of your life, think about the books that have shaped your thinking

And the movies that have inspired you.

Think about the people that you have worked with that have made your life better

As well as the experiences that have defined you”.

        To be continued. Stay connected.




Thursday 25 February 2021

Day : 25 - Book: 5. The Mastery Manual by Robin Sharma


       People around us will believe the things we say when we say that for the first time, during the second time they will just listen, the third time they will pretend to lesson and the fourth time they will try to avoid us. All these are the indicators which prove that our words will never mean anything to anyone when they just remain as words rather when we put them into action people will look at us without our reminder. As an individual we should believe in ourselves and we should work towards making our words turn into action which will look remarkable.

       The book “The Mastery Manual” by Robin Sharma is the last book in the series of book reviews for the month of February. It introduces us to a interesting concept “A Devotion To Excellence”. Robin Sharma quotes the words of Martin Luther King Jr.

“Everyone has the power for greatness,

Not for fame but for greatness”.

       Most of the people in the world settle for the mediocre things which they have and achieved in life but life is all about working towards excellence. We should consider our journey towards excellence as the most difficult path rather we should understand and believe that we are made for great things in the world. Robin Sharma quotes,

“One of the greatest acts of self-betrayal is denying who you are.

Greatness as a human being is your birthright.

Every person on the planet today is hardwired to live a life

that reflects a sense of fearlessness, passion, mastery and compassion.

When you deny this by accepting various forms of mediocrity in your life,

You dishonor your highest self and the person that you were designed to be”.

       Never give up on your dreams but work for them and work towards them. You will never know how near you are to reach your dreams in life. Be the best version of yourself.

       To be continued. Stay connected.




Wednesday 24 February 2021

Day : 24 - Book: 4. Who Will Cry When You Die? by Robin Sharma


       Human emotions are so powerful. They have the power to hurt and heal. Love, kindness and compassion are the positive emotions which are used to heal the wounds in human heart but on the other hand emotions such us anger and envy have the power to hurt us. Especially, human anger have the power to hurt the individual who gets angry than the person whom we are angry towards. Anger creates mental blocks.

       The book “Who Will Cry When You Die?” by Robin Sharma describes about a beautiful concept, “Keep Your Cool”.

       Robin Sharma quotes the words of Aristotle,

“Anyone can become angry – that’s easy.

But to be angry with the right person, to right degree, at the right time,

For right purpose, and in the right way – that is not easy”.

       As a human being we should learn to control our anger. Too much of anger will make our life into a miserable one. Try and avoid your anger for the simplest things in life. Anger is the emotion which will block the entry of all the positive emotions into our life. To be a good and positive person in life we should totally get rid of the quality of getting angry often in life.

       Robin Sharma quotes,

“The problem with losing your temper on a daily basis is that it becomes a habit.

And like most habits, a time arrives when it becomes second nature.

Keeping your cool in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish”.

       To be continued. Stay connected.


Tuesday 23 February 2021

Day : 23 - Book: 4. Who Will Cry When You Die? by Robin Sharma


       We human beings love to be loved but we never think of loving the people around us selflessly. Our criteria to love someone is to love and being loved. If the other person is not kind towards us our mind will start to find faults about that person. Here, love is all about being there for the people without expecting anything from them.

       The book “Who Will Cry When You Die?” by Robin Sharma describes about the beautiful concept “Create a Love Account”. Robin Sharma quotes the words of Mother Teresa,

“There are no great acts.

There are only small acts done with great love”.

       When we are compassionate, kind and loving towards others it will make us feel better about ourselves. It will give us a sense of satisfaction and happiness. When you are filled with love and kindness you life will always be good and positive in so many innumerable ways.

       Robin Sharma quotes the words of Emerson,

“Without the rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar”.

       To be continued. Stay connected.


Sunday 21 February 2021

Day : 22 - Book: 4. Who Will Cry When You Die? by Robin Sharma


       Everyone in this world will have their own favourites in everything they have and like to have in their life. The readers will have their personal favourite books which always remain close to their hearts. On the other hand, each one of us will like an particular author who will always be special to us. One among such writer who is loved by most of his readers in the world is “Robin Sharma”. A person who knows and likes self-help literature cannot skip his books because they have the power to transform our life.

       This week is going to be a treat for all self-help literature lovers with the reviews of two best books by Robin Sharma. The first book for this week is “Who Will Cry When You Die?” by Robin Sharma. This book is filled with the ways to enjoy the journey of life and creating the legacy which lasts for generations.

       One of the most important teachings from the books is “Practice tough love”. Here, the tough love is all about self-discipline. Robin Sharma quotes.

“Discipline allows you to do all those things you know in your heart you should do

But never feel like doing.

Without self-discipline, you will not set clear goals,

Manage your time effectively, treat people well.

Getting tough with yourself is actually a very loving gesture”.

       The qualities we practice, the values we follow and the way we treat the people around us is shaped by the self-discipline we practice in our life. When we groom ourselves to be more self-disciplined in everything we tend to do, it naturally adds more good and positive things into our life.

       Robin Sharma quotes the words of nineteenth-century English writer Thomas Henry Hexley,

“Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not”.

       To be continued. Stay connected.




Day : 21 - Book: 3. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom


       It is hard to lead our life on this earth without human ties because it is essential to connect ourselves with the people around us to understand more about life and the beauty of living it with ease. From whom we can learn all about life, to whom we can ask questions about anything and everything and who we can blindly trust in life? this are the questions which runs inside everyone mind.

       The book “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom conveys a great answer to many of our questions about life and living. It teaches us to trust the people whom we consider as our mentors. In, most people’s life there teachers will be their biggest mentors who have the power to change the way we look at our life.

       Mitch Albom asks his readers,

“Have you ever really had a teacher?

One who saw you as a raw but precious thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine?

If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers,

You will always find your way back.”

       Having a best teacher in our life is the precious gift you can ever have and if you are gifted with one such person in your life try and be in touch with them to add more value to your existence. The book “Tuesdays With Morrie” will teach you about the blessing of having a mentor in our life who can be our guiding light.

       To be continued. Stay connected.






Saturday 20 February 2021

Day : 20 - Book: 3. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom


       We human beings consider that success in life is measured by the money we have, the house we own, the car we drive and the classy things we use. On the other hand, the true happiness and ultimate form of success is all about having people in our life to love us unconditionally. We think that owing materialistic possessions make us rich but the true richness lies in the love we receive from the people around us.

       The book “Tuesdays With Morrie” by Mitch Albom describes about the importance of love. Morrie quotes,

“You can’t substitute material things for love or gentleness or for tenderness

Or the sense of comradeship.

Money is not the substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness.

Devote yourself to loving others,

Devote yourself to your community around you,

Devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning”.

       People are not really hungry for money rather they are hungry for love but they think that money will give them the things they love. At, the end the materialistic things just remain a material they cannot hug us when we feel high or even low in life. Earn for your living but never live your life just for earning because true happiness and success is all about earning people for life.

       To be continued. Stay connected.


Friday 19 February 2021

Day : 19 - Book: 3. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom


       Everyone of us love to grow in life mentally and spiritually but on the other hand we never love to grow physically which means the process of ageing and growing older in life. At, certain point in life we feel bad to tell our age to the people around us. We consider the process of growing older as a inferior quality. The reality of life is always different from all our illusions. Ageing is just a gift which many people in the world are not gifted with. So, be thankful for growing older and more matured or wise in life.

       The book “Tuesdays With Morrie” by Mitch Albom describes about the beauty of growing older in life. Morrie quotes,

“As you grow, you learn more.

If you stayed at twenty-two, you’d always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two,

Aging is not just decay, you know.

It is to understand that you live a better life”.

       People love to stay young by age but people never think of staying young at hearts. Everyone of us love to stay young and many people never love to even say that they want to grow old in life. Here, all this shows that most of the people in the world live a unfulfilled life and so they love to stay young to do more and correct the mistakes which they often repeat in life. If we live a meaningful life we never feel bad of growing older because a meaningful existence is all about living a happy life.

       Love the process of growing older. Do things which make you fall in love with your life. Think of all the positive things and cherish each moment by living in your present.

       To be continued. Stay connected.



Thursday 18 February 2021

Day : 18 - Book: 3. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom


       Human emotions are the most powerful tool which has the power to create as well as destroy an individual. Too much of anything is good for nothing and in the same way too much of emotion is harmful to life. We human beings should learn to show as well as control our emotions to lead a peaceful life with a peaceful mind and heart.

       The book “Tuesdays With Morrie” by Mitch Albom teaches about attachment and detachment of human emotions. It is essential to feel the emotions in life because at the same time we should practice detachment of being emotional. There is a difference between understanding the emotion and the state of being emotional in life.

       Morrie quotes,

“By throwing yourself into emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in,

You know what pain is, you know what love is, you know what grief is

And you can say, all right.

I have experienced that emotion.

I recognize that emotion.

Now, I need to detach from that emotion for a moment to make my life happy”.

       Feel the emotion fully without avoiding or neglecting them and finally detach yourself from the emotions which you have fully experienced. Understand emotions but never accept them because they will destroy all our positive energy. As, Buddhists say “Don’t cling to things, because everything is impermanent”.

       To be continued. Stay connected.

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Day : 17 - Book: 3. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom


       There are so many people in the world who will love us and there will also be numerous people whom we love and care for in our life but no one in this world can match the love of our family. We understand and learn the truest form of love from the members in our family. Family is all about love, care, dependence and ultimately a mutual bond which is made out of extreme love for each other.

       The book “Tuesdays With Morrie” by Mitch Albom describes about the Love of family which is considered to be supremely important to lead a happy life. Morrie quotes the lines of the great poet Auden, “Love each other or perish”. Family is not only about love but family is about letting know that there is someone ought there in our life who is keenly watching over us. A bunch of people who is being there for us during all the phases of our life just to care and love us to the fullest. The people who have the hearts to accept our failures, most importantly to hug us and can make us feel safe and protected.

       Morrie quotes,

“People would come visit, friends, associates,

But it’s not the same as having someone who will not leave.

It’s not the same as having someone whom you know has an eye on you,

Is watching you the whole time”.

       Without the love of our family we are just the birds with broken wings. A person who does not have a family to love and care for him will know the importance of having a family in life. No fame and no money can match the love of our family because the human bonding we create have the power to make us feel extremely overwhelming.

       To be continued. Stay connected.


Tuesday 16 February 2021

Day : 16 - Book: 3. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom


       The quality of being there for others and lending them our helping hands during their toughest phase in life makes their life easier. Practice compassion and never underestimate the power of being compassionate towards the people you meet in life. Being compassionate towards all our fellow humans shows our love towards our own life and it portrays our character.

       The book “Tuesdays With Morrie” by Mitch Albom explains about compassion and believing in our own instincts. He quotes,

“Sometimes you cannot believe what you see,

You have to believe what you feel”.

       Through the teachings of Morrie to his former student Mitch we readers will know about the value of a teacher or a mentor who can helps us to lead our life in a better way. The feel of receiving wisdom and knowledge from the person whom we really admire in life makes our entire lifetime a meaningful and pleasant experience.

       Mitch quotes the words of Henry Adams,

“A teacher affects eternity,

He can never tell where his influence stops”.

       To be continued. Stay Connected.




Monday 15 February 2021

Day : 15 - Book: 3. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom


      Books are life-changing phenomenon which has to power to create wonders. Especially, the non-fictions teach more about life. It helps the humans to find out a true meaning to their existence.

      The book for this week is Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays With Morrie”. This book has the power to impress everyone who picks it for reading and only few books can do this kind of wonders to all its readers. I personally feel that everyone who loves books should read this book atleast once in their lifetime.

       One of my favourite quote from this books is,

“Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do,

Accept the past as past, without denying it or discarding it,

Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others,

Don’t assume that it’s late to get involved”.

       The book is about the teachings of Morrie about life to his former student Mitch Albom (Author of this book). Morrie feels that people in the world walk around with a meaningless life. The way to get meaning is to devote ourselves in loving others, devoting ourselves to the community around us and most importantly devoting ourselves in creating something which gives purpose and meaning to our existence.

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give our love,

And to let it come in,

Love is the only rational act”.

        To be continued. Stay connected.




Sunday 14 February 2021

Day : 14 - Book: 2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


       I always believe that “We human beings are the beings of love”. We love to love as well as to be loved. Love is the inseperable part of our existence. Love makes us realize our divine side of human existence. The love we show towards other reflects the god within us.

      The book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma teaches and preaches us many life changing qualities but this book truly shows “the authors love towards his fellow humans”. Robin Sharma has written this book to serve the humanity and to let us know about the key factors which helps us to create a better life.

       Robin Sharma quotes,

“I have learned it is that your life moves to a more magical dimension

When you start striving to make the world a better place.

Compassion and daily acts of kindness make life far richer”.

        Enrich and practice more good things which have the power to bring lots of positive energy into our life. Be a human being who is driven by all positive vibes in the word.

        Ending the review of this particular book by quoting my most favourite lines by Robin Sharma,

“Everyone on this planet is a wonder to the world.

Every one of us is a hero in some way or another.

Every one of us has the potential for extraordinary achievement, happiness and lasting fulfillment”

To be continued. Stay connected.






Saturday 13 February 2021

Day : 13 - Book: 2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


      We believe that “Fortune favors the brave” but on the other hand “Life always favors the prepared mind”. Self-mastery is one of the essential qualities which will help the human beings to left up themselves in life. The person who conquers his own fears conquers his life.

      The book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma describes about self-mastery which have the power to work miracles in our life. Robin Sharma quotes,

“The people who take time to strengthen themselves are the strongest ….

Only by improving one’s self we could find hope to improve the lot of others”.

       The qualities such us courage, boldness, daring to dream higher and the power to face our fears will definitely make an individual stronger and become more responsible & matured in life. Life is all about facing the hard days and tough times and making them work on our favor. He quotes,

“The degree of courage you live with determines the amount of fulfillment you receive.

It allows you to truly realize all the exquisite wonders in our life

Those who master themselves have an abundance of courage”.

       To be continued. Stay connected.

Friday 12 February 2021

Day : 12 - Book: 2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


       It is scientifically proven that we humans think about 60,000 thoughts on an average day. It is impossible to possess a mind which does not run over any thoughts but we can prioritize which is important and which is not essential. Think but think about the things which will be useful for your growth either personal or professional one.

       The book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma introduces us to the most common idea in a very different form. He quotes,

“By writing out your desires and goals on a piece of paper,

You send a red flag to your subconscious mind that these thoughts are more important

Your mind will start to seek out all opportunities to realize your destiny”.

       Think and write more about the things which can add value to your life. Our mind lacks the power to categorize which is important and which is not so important so it is our responsibility to train our mind towards the things which are essential for our happy living. Write down the thoughts which have the power to make you powerful and repeat those thoughts in your mind till it becomes a reality.

        Our dreams take shape only when we nurture them and to nurture them we should find out the ideas to work them up in life. Think about your dreams, plans, goals, purpose, family, relationships and most importantly think about yourself. Discover your truest self by writing down the things which makes you feel alive and happy.

       Robin Sharma quotes,

“Concentrate every ounce of your mental energy on self-discovery.

Learn what you excel at and what makes you happy…

We are shaped and fashioned by what we love”.

       To be continued. Stay Connected.




Thursday 11 February 2021

Day : 11 - Book: 2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


       Every human being will surely have a self-image about themselves and they will clearly depict our truest self. We all will have a self-image of our past, present and future. We all know that our past cannot be changed but we have the power to control our present and future self-image. So, make sure you think only positive things about yourself.

       The book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma explains about the thoughtful concept called “self-image”. He quotes,

“The mind works through pictures.

Pictures affect your self-image and your self-image affects the way you feel, act and achieve.”

       Our thoughts have the power to design our destiny. If there is a lack in our life it is because there is a lack in our thoughts about that particular thing. Our negative thoughts fill us with negative self-image which has the power to destroy all our positive beliefs towards life.

       Robin Sharma quotes,

“There is nothing noble about being superior to some other person.

True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.”

       Have a control over what you think because our thoughts reflect our life. To lead a happy and satisfied life we should think about the things which can really bring happiness into our lives.

       To be continued. Stay connected.





Wednesday 10 February 2021

Day : 10 - Book: 2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


       Each and every human being on this earth is gifted with a beautiful life but the part of making it meaningful is left to us. Life is a common phenomenon but making it meaningful purely depends upon each individual. To make our life meaningful we should do things which excite and inspire us and also fills us with true happiness.

       The book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma discusses about the beauty of life on this earth. The true beauty of life lies in finding out our ultimate purpose. We should know for what god has created us on this world. We have to work towards our ultimate purpose to make our life a fruitful and meaningful journey.

       Robin Sharma quotes,

“Once you find out what your life’s work is, your world will come alive.

You will wake up every morning with a limitless reservoir of energy and enthusiasm.

All our thoughts will be focused on your definite objective.

You won’t have time to waste time…

You will also have a deep sense of inner harmony and realize your mission”.

       A journey without knowing our destination does not possess any meaning so be clear about what you want in life. Your purpose may not excite or inspire others as the same way you feel towards them but that should not make you feel de-motivated. Everyone’s calling is different and so we are gifted with different life experiences. Our purpose or dream should make us feel alive.

       Robin Sharma beautifully explains,

Who rise with the sun all have one thing in common.

They have a purpose that fans the flames of their inner potential.

They are driven by their priorities…

Such people live in the moment …

These people are the most vibrant individuals you will ever have the good fortune to meet”.

       To be continued. Stay connected.





Tuesday 9 February 2021

Day : 9 - Book: 2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


       We think and believe that our life is filled with series of good as well as bad days. The reality of life is always different from all our negative thoughts. Here, life is all about learning, evolving and experiencing new things which may sometimes excite us and sometimes inspire us.

       The book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma reminds us about all the beautiful and positive qualities which resides within every human being. It makes us understand that our attitude towards the incidents which happens in our life makes us discover our truest self.

       Robin Sharma quotes,

“There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.

There is no such thing as a negative experience,

Only opportunities to grow, learn and advance along the road of self-mastery.

From struggle comes strength.

Even pain can be a wonderful teacher”.

       Whenever something happens in our life which has the possibility of bringing negative thoughts in our mind we should possess the capacity to choose positive energy. A person who focuses on the good side of life will always be filled with immense amount of positive energy which can help us to make ourselves into a better person.

       Further, Robin Sharma quotes,

“Awaken yourself to the power of your own mind to make things happen.

Once you do, the universe will conspire with you to work magic in your life”.

       Our success, achievement and even our dreams are the by-product of the thoughts which we think often in our mind. Observe your thoughts because they have the power to become the reality of your life.

       To be continued. Stay connected.  












  “Laziness is the mother of all evils.” —  Sophocles        Laziness is something that takes away all the beautiful time we have on this ...